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.That one cute little witch, with her big pale green eyes and upturned nose andtypically smiling face.She who helped me through this in the beginning.I see it in her smile, and the biscuits she stuffs into my pocket each weekend  So youdon t starve. Me and which army?I love them.God, I do.They re my family, but if I had to choose.Would they reallymake me choose? After tonight, after knowing what it is like to let him close, to have himsurrender, and to surrender myself.After seeing him smile and what it was like.Icouldn t.No way.He s my mate, a part of my soul I can t change it, any more than hecan.I want to go back to him, grab him and hold him and tell him all the things Icouldn t.How sorry I am.How much he means to me.What a smile from him does to my Kat Haeske Diamond Wmind.That I would follow wherever he goes.Because he s an idiot, because he almostgot himself killed saving me and never asked for anything in return.And sweet Mary, mother of baby Jesus, I m so scared of his answer.What if hedoesn t want me? What if he leaves one day and I m left behind, forever mourning what Ithought I had, unable to see past him ever again.I m such a goofball, but, spirits help me, he s the way I see the sun, I smell thewoods in the morning, and when I hear his heart beat, I always think it will break mine.The wolf is raging at the thought of losing him and I.fuck, I want to cry.Who would have thought this would be how it ends.Me happily mated to a vampire,and finding it completely right.And, yes, I m happy.Fucking screaming-it-out-to-world happy.Whatever comes, and whoever tries to get us apart.He s mi.*Wulf leaned down and, sneaking an arm around Kieran s naked waist, read thewords on the wrinkled paper, worn from being read a hundred times, over and over again,in the last few months.Inwardly he shook his head.This wolf and his diary.A warrior poet, and one whoworried way too much. Start a new one, Silverscream.This diary is closed.This chapter is closed.Kieran turned his head when Wulf s lingering kiss on the sensitive skin of his neckstopped him.The pen was pulled from his hands. Diaries are personal, Diamond.You know that, right?Wulf laughed silently, and scribbled a few quick words under the unfinishedsentence, covering the whole rest of the page. Yes.If I want to know, from now on, I lljust pick it from your mind.He grinned and pulled Kieran to his feet. Stop thinking and come to bed.The werewolf wasn t really resisting when his mate dragged him from his desk andthe room.His eyes were lingering on the unfinished page he left behind. Kat Haeske Diamond WThe ink was not dry yet and shimmered glossy black in light of the desk lamp.Crossing half a page.Diamond s words.Dominating everything Kieran had writtentonight.I love you. ABOUT KAT HAESKEKat was born some 30 years ago in the beautiful middle of Europe, under the rule ofwhat is now called a dictatorship.Even as a little girl she told stories to her guinea pigsand had avid conversations via letters written on leaves with Lady Fox and Lord Oak.Just about the same time, she read her first book at age 6 she started to learn Englishfrom her mother and head over heels fell in love with the language.Nowadays she lives in beautiful southern Germany with her partner of six years andtries to become a book trader, after her body put a halt to her living as an archeologist.When she´s not reading or writing, she´s giving the men of her dreams a face via 3DRenderingWebsite: www.cat-h.com ALSO AVAILABLE FROM LYRICAL PRESSUnholy Nightby Candice Gilmerhttp://lyricalpress.com/unholy_night.htmlCan love be found on the unholiest night of the year?There are some things Marissa Van Dyke won't do -- celebrate Halloween is oneof them.When she's guilted into attending a Halloween party, a flamboyant womandressed as a gypsy claims Marissa will be saved three times before she's finally free.Foolish Halloween games, according to Marissa.Her life is fine; not perfect, butgood enough, and nothing could save her anyway.All she wants is to leave the party until a man named Neil Drigan materializes ather side, making her forget everything but his hauntingly familiar green eyes.His animalmagnetism is a dangerous temptation on a night she's always reserved for mourning.Can there be salvation under his powerful presence -- even on such an unholynight? At the Dungeon Master s Handby Jennifer Colehttp://lyricalpress.com/at_the_dungeon_masters_hand.htmlFantasies begin at the threshold of Le Club d'EsclavageNatalie Buchanan has been working non-stop for six weeks.Determined to enjoya rare weekend off, she winds up at the mysterious Le Club d'Esclavage.Natalie had read about the bondage club, and although she'd been mildly curiousabout submissive pleasures, she never imagined she'd set foot inside.And now that shehas, the erotic atmosphere of domination and submission sends her scrambling for theexit.Before she can escape, she's approached by a leather-hooded, bare-chested manwho whispers a deep, sultry, "You are mine." Lyrical Press, Incorporatedhttp://www.lyricalpress.comDiscover more Lyrical Press titles at:www.OnceUponABookstore.com/ [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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