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.Whoever can bringhis opponent down first with his jaws around the back of his neck wins is proven to bethe better Alpha male.The loser must then give up his pursuit of the female.If you beatJocelyn s uncle, he can t keep her away from you.It s law. And if he thinks to break that law, Roxie chimed in,  I ll be there to set himstraight.Finn nodded.He knew he would defeat Jocelyn s uncle.He didn t have any choice. Chapter NineJocelyn sat up on the bed when the wall swung open.She d been lying on the bedwhile she stared at the ceiling.She had no idea what time it was.Hours had gone by, sheknew that much.Being so long separated from Finn had her tied up in knots.If she didn tget to be with him soon, she didn t know what she would do.This felt close to beingtortured.Her uncle stepped into the room and shook his head when he looked at her. Piningafter your mortal I see.Well get used to it, because after tonight you ll never see himagain. What do you mean? I challenged him to an Alpha fight tonight.He accepted.Now you will see what youtied yourself to.Get up.Jocelyn slipped her shoes back on and stood up.Her uncle grabbed her by the armand led her out of the basement to the garage.This time her cousin sat behind the steeringwheel of her uncle s car.Her uncle sat with Jocelyn in the backseat.As they drove toMuir Woods, Jocelyn sat in silence with her mind in turmoil.No way could Finn everdefeat her uncle.He might have had a chance if they were both mortal, but his not being awerewolf definitely gave her uncle a big advantage.She knew Alpha fights weren tsupposed to end with the death of the loser, but she couldn t shake the feeling her unclewould not only beat Finn, he would also take his life.As long as Finn remained alive,Jocelyn would do anything she could to be with him.Her uncle had to know that.When they arrived at the darkened woods, Jocelyn allowed her uncle and cousin tolead her to the clearing in Muir Woods where all werewolf challenges took place.As theystepped past the tree line, she hoped Finn would be smart enough to tell Billie, and thatshe and Royce would come with Finn.* * * *Finn sped down the highway as he followed Beowulf s car to Muir Woods.Billieand Royce sat in the back seat of his car.Both of them gave him tips on how best to fightin wolf form during the trip.The one thing they both stressed he had to let his wolf, thesavage part of his nature, have free rein.If he allowed himself to think like a human hewould lose.When the arrived at the Woods, Billie directed him to park his car in a lot that was adistance away from the main entrance.Beowulf and Roxie continued on without them.Finn turned off his car and turned to look at Billie. Now why did you want me to parkhere?Billie gave him a knowing smile. It s to give you and Jocelyn a bit of privacy afteryou get her back. Why would we need that?Billie rolled her eyes. Why the hell do you think? You ve been separated fromJocelyn too long.Your blood will be up, along with other parts of you, after the fight isover.You ll be feeling a bit desperate, if you catch my drift. Finn shook his head and looked over at Royce. Does she always have sex on thebrain?Royce chuckled. I m afraid so.Not that I m complaining.He held up his hand. I don t want to hear any more.Let s just go and meet up withBeowulf and Roxie.They got out of the car and all three of them went wolf.Finn ran beside Billie whileRoyce ran on her other side.The two black wolves and the golden brown wolf streakedalong the road until they reached the main parking lot where Beowulf and Roxie waited.They too went wolf as the others approached, adding another black male wolf and afemale whose golden brown fur was a shade lighter than the other brown wolf s fur.Thefive wolves plunged into the trees and made their way to the clearing.Finn burst into the clearing first.He stood just past the tree line and snarled atJocelyn s uncle and cousin who stood with Jocelyn between them.Grant stepped forwardwhen the other wolves arrived.His gaze swept the small group. Where is the mortal? If he isn t here he forfeits.Finn moved away from the others until he stood in front of Grant.He growled low inhis throat.Jocelyn s uncle gazed down at him and shook his head. Do you think I m afool? This male is a werewolf.He can t be Finn.Jocelyn tried to break free from her cousin as she called out to him. Finn? Is thatreally you?Grant s brows lowered. That is impossible.A mortal can t be turned into awerewolf.Finn took a step back then willed the change onto himself.Grant s face grewthunderous as he watched Finn shift. It is possible, Finn growled back. Now let s getthis over with.Both he and Grant shifted to wolf form as they launched themselves at each other.Their snarls and growls filled the clearing as they fought.Knowing what he would lose ifGrant defeated him, Finn let his wolf loose.He ignored the pain of the bites and scratchesGrant inflicted on him.But in the end, Finn turned out to be the stronger of the two.Hefought Grant down until he was able to take the back of Grant s neck in his powerfuljaws.Jocelyn s uncle lay still and whimpered in defeat.Finn released him and stalked over to Jocelyn s cousin who still held her.He curledhis upper lip back at Ben and snarled.Ben quickly let Jocelyn go.Finn shifted back tohuman form and gathered her up in his arms.Before he could kiss her, he heard amenacing snarl behind him.Finn spun around.He held Jocelyn close as he confronted heruncle who stood behind him.Grant shifted back to human form. This isn t over.I can t allow Jocelyn to go withyou. Finn won fair and square.Jocelyn is his. Roxie, in her half wolf/half human form,grabbed Grant by his shoulder and turned him to face her.She lifted him until his feet leftthe ground, then gave him a shake. Back off, she said in her raspy voice. We allwitnessed your defeat to Finn.Finn is the better Alpha.Accept your loss. She pulled himcloser until they were nose to nose. And it won t just be me you ll have to deal with ifyou try to interfere with Finn and Jocelyn s lives again [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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