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.Opinion and IdeasThe standing of the US in world opinion has declined as a result of the spread ofsovereignty, the end of the Cold War, the rise of opposition to liberal modernisation,and resistance to the Bush administration s GWOT.This is shown by the pollingcited in chapter eight and the orientation of state regimes.The Anglo-Sphere hasbeen the most pro-US of groupings, but even its governments and peoples havebeen cautious, like the Australian and New Zealand governments, not to contributetoo heavily.Canada has been unwilling to be involved in Iraq and Tony Blair ispaying the price for doing so.Other states have left the Anglo-Sphere entirely, andthe Commonwealth has no collective policy on the GWOT.The main great power rivals of the US  Russia, China and Iran  have usedits distractions in Iraq and Afghanistan to forge better positions and have takentheir peoples with them.The popular standing of the US in Western Europe is verylow, and the prestige it won in Eastern Europe by liberating those peoples from theSoviets, has been decidedly diminished.In the Islamic world reaction against the USGWOT has been severely hostile, to the point of threatening the survival of pro-USregimes in states as diverse as Pakistan, the Palestinian Authority, Afghanistan, andperhaps Saudi Arabia.Only Libya has moved decisively in the opposite direction.It cannot be said that the US position has improved in the Third World.AlthoughIndia shows some signs of congruence with US thinking and has recently opened itseconomy, in South America the trend is, if anything, in the opposite direction.The Cold War and the GWOTThe GWOT and the Cold war have similarities that deserve enumeration, particularlysince the latter was the last strategic conflict won by the US and its allies.The most obvious similarity is that the GWOT also pits the ideology of Americanliberalism against a Manichean ideology.American liberalism has its great strengthsas a thought system that recommends equality before the law, a representative systemMarch 2007, pp.3 4.The possibility of an imminent EU challenge to hegemonic America,according to Ash, seems slim indeed. 226 The American Challengeof government and a private economy that encourages initiative and innovation.It can provide benign government and a wealthy economy.But in the world ofrealist power politics, US liberalism also comes attached to the particularities ofthe American experience and culture, and is often used to justify or pursue USinterests that have little to do with liberalism  access to the Saudi oil fields beingone such prominent example.In the Cold War, among the population occupiedby communist states the message was, nonetheless, clear enough to produce rapidresults in the late 1980s.It was also sustained by the American people with veryfew defectors.In addition, the US was clearly the dominant single power during the Cold War.It is true that, as a result of the prolonged defeat in Vietnam, Henry Kissinger deviseda picture of a five pointed star in which the US was challenged by four other clustersof power: the Soviet Union, China, Japan and Europe.He argued that a declining UShad to accommodate to these challengers.But, in the event, the Reagan administrationrejected this strategy and in a demonstration of its belief in the US system, effectivelyconfronted all four rivals and opponents.The result was a resurgent US leading theworld into globalisation by the onset of the twenty first century.Moreover, it has been popular sport, particularly among the Left, to see thedebacle in Iraq as the Vietnam quagmire of this century: the US, attempting to imposea regime on a people, is resisted by a diverse coalition which attracts internationaland popular support, and leads to the defeat of the US and its withdrawal fromfurther imperial ambitions  at least for a while.The US is unable to win militarily,and its electorate will not sustain a long war against determined popular oppositionin the field.The target of these blandishments to oppose the US was, in the Soviet case,organised workers and the Left intelligentsia, and in both strata it had its successes.Itused financial assistance, political literature openly sold in book shops, newspapersand trips to successful Soviet societies, to sustain support.Islam operates in muchthe same way, using Saudi money, prayer rooms and literature, internet sites andtraining visits to Pakistan.It has a ready made target group in the Islamic Diaspora,and a few others, like the Australian David Hicks, that may be drawn into its web [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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