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.See also Meade, George;ride into Washington of, 104; riding North, thearound Union Army, 40 41; riding toWashington suburbs, 102 4; routes open Venable, Charles, 52, 111to, 95 97, 154 55, 176n5, 177n17; as Vicksburg ms, 6 7, 10scapegoat, 66 68; and sensitivity to criti- von Moltke, Helmuth, 120cism, 43; and skill moving through Uniontroops, 90 92; slow pace of, 108 10; suc- Ward, Bill, 74, 77, 89cesses of, 141 42; and victory at Fairfax Warren, G.K., 28, 83, 86Court House, 100 102.See also Confeder- Washington dc, 102 4ate Army Weigley, Russell, 159West Point, 34, 35Talcott, T.M.R., 65 West Point Atlas, 68Taylor, Walter, 52 Wheeler, Joseph, 37, 71Teague, Chuck, 127 28 Wittenberg, Eric, 136terrain: en route to Gettysburg, 80 82Thomas, Emory, 48, 108, 109, 114 York pa, 106, 110, 155Thomason, John, 66, 113, 141 42 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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