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.1 Space:9.1.1 distance from, to9.1.2 direction - prepositions across, along9.2 Time:9.2.1 telling the time quarter past/to9.2.2 divisions of time moment, minute9.2.3 sequence, simultaneousness first, at the same time9.2.4 frequency once/twice a.day/week, daily, weekly, rarely9.2.5 duration during the journey9.3 Number and quantity:9.3.1 all cardinal numbers9.3.2 all ordinal numbers9.3.3 portions half/two thirds9.3.4 minimal amounts at least 109.4 Quality:9.4.1size large/tall9.4.2 texture rough/smooth9.4.3 colour dull/bright9.4.4 material glass/silk9.5 Evaluation and opinion - a limited range of adjectives high/low quality, fine/nice/poor, success/failure,normal/strangeEFB Level 222 Examination Syllabus10 Linguistic competence (vocabulary)Candidates must be able to use vocabulary in the following areas:10.1 Personal identity and family (eg forename/family name, relationships, address, male/female)10.2 Character and disposition (eg pleasant/unpleasant, quiet/noisy, active/lazy)10.3 Physical characteristics (eg fair/dark haired, fat/thin/slim, pretty/plain)10.4 Socialising:10.4.1 greetings (eg How are you keeping? / How are you?)10.4.2 weather conditions (eg climate, sunny, thunderstorm, rainstorm, mild, shade)10.4.3 hobbies and interests (eg DIY, photography)10.4.4 entertainment (eg cable television, concerts, comedy)10.4.5 personal preferences (eg.is all right but.is better/more.)10.4.6 sporting activities (eg football, tennis)10.4.7 politics, current affairs (eg government, pollution, poverty, welfare, privatisation)10.5 Entertaining visitors:10.5.1 spare time, programme, leisure10.5.2 places of entertainment (eg theatre)10.5.3 arrangements (eg I ll book the tickets/seats for the concert)10.6 Company premises and personal accommodation:10.6.1 house, office (eg (un)furnished, to rent/for sale)10.6.2 furniture, furnishings (eg desk, chair, lighting, curtains)10.6.3 cost (eg £40 per square metre)10.6.4 amenities (eg fridge, toilet, rooms cleaned daily)10.6.5 region, locality (eg industrial, rural, urban)10.6.6 hotels (eg reservation, full/halfboard, reception)10.6.7 instructions/regulations (eg open the door, press the button)10.7 Travel:10.7.1 car, driver, taxi, coach10.7.2 railway station, reservation, ticket office10.7.3 plane, airport terminal, check-in, boarding pass10.7.4 passports, frontier, border, customers10.7.5 life jacket, safety belt10.8 Purchasing:10.8.1 sales, purchasing (eg place/cancel an order)10.8.2 spending (eg rates, discounts, credit cards)10.9 The workplace:10.9.1 occupation, profession (eg secretary, technician, tradesman)10.9.2 work relationships (eg employee/employer, assistant/teamleader)10.9.3 correspondence (eg correspond with, notepaper)10.9.4 routines (eg start/stop work, coffee breaks, salary/wages)10.9.5 prospects (eg promotion, training, learning about)11 Linguistic competence (functions)Candidates must be able to recognise and use expressions of:11.1 Wishes and hopes (eg I wish I could & /Don t you wish we could & ?)11.2 Preferences and opinions (eg I prefer & / As I see it I think we should & / Her view is.)11.3 Apology, gratitude, pleasure (eg We do apologise / Thank you so much & / It was kind of you to)11.4 Anticipation, surprise (eg We look forward to & / She finds it surprising that & )11.5 Regret, dissatisfaction, anger (eg & sorry that / & not what we had in mind / & not right)11.6 Agreement, disagreement (eg We (quite) agree that / Naturally, we believe./ That is not & )11.7 Correction of misunderstanding (eg Can you explain & , please? / What we meant was & )12 Listening competenceCandidates must be able to demonstrate their ability to:12.1 Understand the main points of clear standard speech regularly encountered in work and everydaylife, including short narratives, though will sometimes need to ask for repetition or clarification.12.2 Understand straightforward, factual information about common, everyday or job-related topics,identifying both general topic and specific detail, provided the speech is clearly articulated.12.3 Understand simple technical information, such as operating instructions, and can follow detailed directions.12.4 Follow in outline straightforward short talks on familiar topics.12.5 Follow a straightforward and clearly structured lecture or talk within his / her field.12.6 Understand the main points of radio news bulletins.12.7 Understand the information content of the majority of broadcast audio material on topics ofpersonal interest delivered in a relatively slow and clear standard speech.EFB Level 223 Contact DetailsFor more information aboutLCCI International Qualifications (LCCIIQ)go to:www.lcciiq.comor contactinfo@lcciiq.com© Education Development International plc 2009 Company Registration No: 3914767All rights reserved.This publication in its entirety is the copyright of Education Development International plc.Reproduction either in whole or in part is forbidden without written permission from Education Development International plc.International House, Siskin Parkway East, Middlemarch Business Park, Coventry, CV3 4PETelephone: +44 (0) 8707 202909 Facsimile: + 44 (0) 2476516505Email: customerservice@ediplc.comEFB Level 224 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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