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.So Conan replied with an easy mind and aclear voice."Your Majesty, I pray that I may be worthy of this honor.I know that I walk in the footsteps of abetter man.But I think I can give your enemies some sleepless nights and busy days, with the help ofsome other good men and women." He nodded at Decius and Raihna.This speech went over well, although Raihna had to stifle giggles when they were alone."Anyonewould think you had been raised at some court and were a royal page in your childhood," she said at last.Conan snorted like a mired ox."Say rather that I know what will help keep daggers out of myback.The fewer tongues that wag about my new rank, the fewer daggers behind me.We'll have all wecan handle with the ones in front!"It would not do to tell Raihna some of his other thoughts.Such a necklace told its own tale.Thehoard of the Border kings might not be altogether wine-flown babbling.Good service might bring moreof that hoard into the Cimmerian's hands.Nor might that be the only gold to be won in these mountains.Conan would not steal a rustyhorseshoe nail from Eloikas or anyone sworn to him, but Count Syzambry and his friends were anothermatter.Their coffers were fair game and might repay a visit, if the chance came.What might happen if the little count had all that the sorcerous allies' rumor gave him was anothermatter, of course.But Conan would think of that when he had to.Sorcerers appeared more often in talesthan in truth, and quick wits and a well-wielded sword lost little power even when a sorcerer did appear.Aybas did not bow before Princess Chienna.That was against the custom of the Star Brothers fortheir prisoners.In vain Aybas had railed at them, pointing out that the princess was more CountSyzambry's prisoner than theirs.Worse than in vain, Aybas realized.He had made the wizards yet more suspicious of him.Theywould be less charitable toward him now in other matters such as that of Wylla.If Aybas wanted the wench, he would have to hunt her down himself.The Star Brothers would nowmost likely send her straight to the beast and be done with her.If he offended them further, Aybas wouldbe lucky not to follow her!Meanwhile, Aybas's not bowing clearly offended the princess."I hear Aquilonia in your voice,Aybas," she said."I was taught that Aquilonia was a land of civilized manners.Before a princess, acommon man, or even a noble, showed more courtesy than seems to be in you."Drawn up to her full height, she was as tall as he and hardly less broad across the shoulders.Thatshe was fair to look at did not make Aybas less reluctant to step too close to her.Her ankles were stillhobbled, but he did not care to test the strength of those arms, for all that scant rations had thinned themand dirt caked their skin."Your Highness," Aybas said.The title at least had not been forbidden, or if it had been, then foronce he would say curse the Star Brothers! "I fear that those who rule here in the Vale of the Pougoirecognize no rank save their own.""Not even that of Count Syzambry?""Why do you name the count, Your Highness?""Because I am not such a fool as to think that you and the wizards contrived to bring me herewithout his help.You both serve him.The wizards because they think he will enrich the Pougoi, you&the gods only know your reasons."That was too close to the truth for Aybas to keep his countenance.The princess pressed heradvantage, "I think you can trust neither the Pougoi wizards nor the count to keep any promises theyhave made to you.My father and I, however, are more honorable.What ""Enough!" Aybas's hand came up as if it had a will of its own.Had the princess spoken anotherword, he might have actually struck her."There will be no punishment for this rebellion," Aybas said, praying that this was a promise hecould keep."But I will not come here alone again." That was a promise he would have to keep, or hewould be closer to the chains on the rock and the sucking mouths of the beast's tentacles than he caredto think about.The princess tossed her head like a fly-beset horse and looked meaningfully at the door.Aybas wasthrough it and bolting it behind in between two heartbeats.Outside, he found himself sweating, even in the chill of the mountain evening.At least he would haveproved his loyalty to any unseen eyes or ears.Beyond that, no good would come of making an enemy ofPrincess Chienna."But what other path is there for me, oh gods?"Neither the skies, the wind, nor the rocks beneath, answered Aybas's cry.Conan had hopes of taking the Second Company out into the field to put a final polish on its newskills.Decius had other plans."If Syzambry has half the men we think he does," the captain-general said, "we have no hopeagainst him in the open.The more we guard the palace, the less harm he can do.""The more we guard the palace, the more we leave the count a free hand everywhere else," Conanreplied."I'm a stranger here.I don't know how many friends Eloikas has outside the palace ""That's King Eloikas to you, Cimmerian," Decius snapped."And you say truly, you are a strangerhere.""A stranger who's seen his share of battles and intrigues," Conan reminded the older man."Such ashare that His Majesty made me captain over a company of his own Palace Guard [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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.So Conan replied with an easy mind and aclear voice."Your Majesty, I pray that I may be worthy of this honor.I know that I walk in the footsteps of abetter man.But I think I can give your enemies some sleepless nights and busy days, with the help ofsome other good men and women." He nodded at Decius and Raihna.This speech went over well, although Raihna had to stifle giggles when they were alone."Anyonewould think you had been raised at some court and were a royal page in your childhood," she said at last.Conan snorted like a mired ox."Say rather that I know what will help keep daggers out of myback.The fewer tongues that wag about my new rank, the fewer daggers behind me.We'll have all wecan handle with the ones in front!"It would not do to tell Raihna some of his other thoughts.Such a necklace told its own tale.Thehoard of the Border kings might not be altogether wine-flown babbling.Good service might bring moreof that hoard into the Cimmerian's hands.Nor might that be the only gold to be won in these mountains.Conan would not steal a rustyhorseshoe nail from Eloikas or anyone sworn to him, but Count Syzambry and his friends were anothermatter.Their coffers were fair game and might repay a visit, if the chance came.What might happen if the little count had all that the sorcerous allies' rumor gave him was anothermatter, of course.But Conan would think of that when he had to.Sorcerers appeared more often in talesthan in truth, and quick wits and a well-wielded sword lost little power even when a sorcerer did appear.Aybas did not bow before Princess Chienna.That was against the custom of the Star Brothers fortheir prisoners.In vain Aybas had railed at them, pointing out that the princess was more CountSyzambry's prisoner than theirs.Worse than in vain, Aybas realized.He had made the wizards yet more suspicious of him.Theywould be less charitable toward him now in other matters such as that of Wylla.If Aybas wanted the wench, he would have to hunt her down himself.The Star Brothers would nowmost likely send her straight to the beast and be done with her.If he offended them further, Aybas wouldbe lucky not to follow her!Meanwhile, Aybas's not bowing clearly offended the princess."I hear Aquilonia in your voice,Aybas," she said."I was taught that Aquilonia was a land of civilized manners.Before a princess, acommon man, or even a noble, showed more courtesy than seems to be in you."Drawn up to her full height, she was as tall as he and hardly less broad across the shoulders.Thatshe was fair to look at did not make Aybas less reluctant to step too close to her.Her ankles were stillhobbled, but he did not care to test the strength of those arms, for all that scant rations had thinned themand dirt caked their skin."Your Highness," Aybas said.The title at least had not been forbidden, or if it had been, then foronce he would say curse the Star Brothers! "I fear that those who rule here in the Vale of the Pougoirecognize no rank save their own.""Not even that of Count Syzambry?""Why do you name the count, Your Highness?""Because I am not such a fool as to think that you and the wizards contrived to bring me herewithout his help.You both serve him.The wizards because they think he will enrich the Pougoi, you&the gods only know your reasons."That was too close to the truth for Aybas to keep his countenance.The princess pressed heradvantage, "I think you can trust neither the Pougoi wizards nor the count to keep any promises theyhave made to you.My father and I, however, are more honorable.What ""Enough!" Aybas's hand came up as if it had a will of its own.Had the princess spoken anotherword, he might have actually struck her."There will be no punishment for this rebellion," Aybas said, praying that this was a promise hecould keep."But I will not come here alone again." That was a promise he would have to keep, or hewould be closer to the chains on the rock and the sucking mouths of the beast's tentacles than he caredto think about.The princess tossed her head like a fly-beset horse and looked meaningfully at the door.Aybas wasthrough it and bolting it behind in between two heartbeats.Outside, he found himself sweating, even in the chill of the mountain evening.At least he would haveproved his loyalty to any unseen eyes or ears.Beyond that, no good would come of making an enemy ofPrincess Chienna."But what other path is there for me, oh gods?"Neither the skies, the wind, nor the rocks beneath, answered Aybas's cry.Conan had hopes of taking the Second Company out into the field to put a final polish on its newskills.Decius had other plans."If Syzambry has half the men we think he does," the captain-general said, "we have no hopeagainst him in the open.The more we guard the palace, the less harm he can do.""The more we guard the palace, the more we leave the count a free hand everywhere else," Conanreplied."I'm a stranger here.I don't know how many friends Eloikas has outside the palace ""That's King Eloikas to you, Cimmerian," Decius snapped."And you say truly, you are a strangerhere.""A stranger who's seen his share of battles and intrigues," Conan reminded the older man."Such ashare that His Majesty made me captain over a company of his own Palace Guard [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]