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.Thus, on my arrival, they had just condemned place to take the air; but no sooner had I come into their maina medicine man to Ten Years of Imprisonment for  conscien- way, which they call broad (though it is narrow enough if onetious-advice-giving. compare it with the main street of any civilized town), and white,Other points were also most strange, even to me, an old ex- although it has hardly a white building in all its length, than Iplorer of many of the dark places of the earth.One essential was assailed by the fearsome beast which is justly the dread ofpoint of law is that a forbidden thing is no longer forbidden, if it the whole country, the terrible man-eating chicken.be called by another name.Thus, it is the custom of the country (The remainder of this account has been deleted by the Cen-to drink arrack from a calabash, coffee from a coco-nut; and it is sor.)   ABSINTHE LAST NIGHTBy JEANNE LA GOULUE By FAITH BALDWINWithin a dim and starlit room last night,Apollon, qui pleurait le tr�pas d Hyacinthe,Your heart to mine, astir like frightened wings,Ne voulait pas c�der la victoire � la mort.Your dear lips saying mad, enchanting things,Il fallait que son �me, adepte de l essor,I saw your strange eyes fill with faery light.Trouv�t pour la beaut� une alchimie plus sainte.And suddenly I slipped from out To-dayDonc, de sa main c�leste il �puise, il �reinteAnd we were in some green and moon-mad place,Les dons les plus subtils de la divine Flore.And as you smiled, and bent to kiss my face,Leurs corps bris�s soupirent une exhalaison d orI knew that, somehow, we had found the wayDont il nous recueillait la goutte de l Absinthe!Back to a Pagan passion and desire,Back to an Age of golden, free-limbed Youth,Aux cavernes blotties, aux palais p�tillants,All Song and Rapture and courageous Truth,Par un, par deux, buvez ce breuvage d aimant.The world at Springtide  and the night on fire.Car c est un sortil�ge, un propos de dictame;And we were bound no more by Time and Space,Ce vin d opal pale avortit la mis�re,No longer slaves of Subterfuge and Man,Ouvre de la beaut� l intime sanctuaireAnd you who held me in your arms were Pan, Ensorcelle mon ceur, extasie mon �me!And I a dryad crushed in your embrace!306 THE INTERNATIONAL 307GROANS FROM THE PADDED CELL(The Minority Report of the Editorial Rooms.)N the days of the military clan, men were more or less free count beyond the number five, owing to the limitations imposedIand equal.An ordeal was necessary for the attainment of man- upon him by nature in the matter of fingers.The same holdshood; a regular ceremony which was far from a joke.Only the true to a limited extent even with Caucasians.It is quite truestrong and clever could hope to attain the privileges of man- that occasionally nature, in her merry mood, produces a geniushood.There was no specialization of labor.A man had to be from very unlikely material.It may sometimes happen, for ex-able to hunt and fight; a woman to cook and to do the work of ample, that a stock which has never exhibited any intellectualagriculture.There was hardly room for anyone but what might distinction at all may get tangled up matrimonially with a luna-be called the normal human being.One particularly lazy fellow, tic, and by some lucky combination produce a genius.well skilled in flattery, might get a job as tribal bard; but other-wise he would have to work like the rest.As a man got old, UT we do not know enough about genius to take any prac-beyond the period when skill and experience failed to compen- Btical steps along these lines.We are bound to deal withsate for lack of strength, he might become an elder by virtue of averages; and there is nothing more certain than this, that ordi-his wisdom; and, of course, the best all-round man had a good nary talent, as opposed to genius, is to a very large extent inher-chance of becoming King.But there really was something like ited.The main objection to the hereditary principle is that fami-equality of opportunity [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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