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.3.Click once on the program you want to uninstall and then click Uninstall/Change or Change/Remove, depending on your operating system.The install wizard opens.4.In the installation wizard, select Remove and click Next.5.Click Uninstall.After you finish" When you finish uninstalling the Host Package, you might need to manually close the port usedfor OnCommand Host Service Management." You must disable all the ports opened by the installer for all profiles as appropriate for youroperating system.Related tasksInstalling the OnCommand Host Package in a Hyper-V environment on page 55Upgrading to the OnCommand Host Package in a Hyper-V environment on page 94Related referencesRequired ports for the Host Package on page 38105Troubleshooting OnCommand installation andsetupIf you encounter unexpected behavior during the installation or when using OnCommand, you canuse specific troubleshooting procedures to identify and resolve the cause of such issues.Address already in useDescription This message occurs when the Windows computer has run out of outbound ports.A Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection has closed, causing the socketpair associated with the connection to go into a TIME-WAIT state.This preventsother connections from using the TCP protocol, source Internet Protocol (IP)address, destination IP address, source port, and destination port for an unknownperiod of time.Corrective Reduce the length of the TCP TIME-WAIT delay.actionSee the Microsoft MSDN library for more information.There is a problem with this Windows Installer packageDescription This message occurs when you uninstall an application by using the Add orRemove Programs tool in Windows server.The Windows Installer servicemanages the installation and removal of programs.If there is a problem with theregistration of the Microsoft installation engine, you might not be able to removeprograms that you have installed by using the Windows installer.Corrective Unregister and reregister the Windows Installer service.See KB891985 on theaction Microsoft support site for more information.Cursor displays in multiple locations in the same dashboardpanelCause This problem occurs when you use the Firefox browser to open the OnCommandconsole.CorrectiveDisable a browser setting in Firefox, as follows:action1.Open the Firefox browser and click the Tools menu, then click Options.106 | OnCommand Installation and Setup Guide2.Click the Advanced tab.3.Clear the Always use the cursor keys to navigate within pages option.4.Restart the Firefox browser.Plug-in container for Firefox has stopped workingCause While installing DataFabric Manager server Express edition, the configurationwizard might crash.Corrective action Update the Adobe Flash Player plug-in.See the Mozilla Firefox Help for more information.Related informationFirefox HelpNo related objects are displayed for a virtual objectIssue No physical servers corresponding to a virtual object are displayed in the RelatedObjects list in the Server tab of the OnCommand console.Cause This problem occurs when you add or register a new host service but the mappingbetween the physical servers and virtual objects does not occur.Corrective1.Refresh the monitor by opening a console session and type the followingactioncommand:dfm host discover -m share2.To view the results, type the following command:dfm details3.Search for the shareTimestamp value to ensure that discovery for the storagesystem is complete.4.Click Rediscover in the Host Services tab of the OnCommand console torediscover the host service.5.Verify that the physical servers are displayed in the Related Objects list in theServer tab.Troubleshooting OnCommand installation and setup | 107Could not find any storage mapping for virtual objectDescription This message occurs in the following circumstances:" When you create a new dataset in the OnCommand console and add virtualobjects from the OnCommand Plug-in for VMware to the dataset" When you create a new dataset in the OnCommand console that contains adatastore or a virtual machine from an NFS-based qtreeCorrective1.Refresh the monitor by opening a console session and type the followingactioncommand:dfm host discover -m share2.To view the results, type the following command:dfm detailsIf you created a dataset from an NFS-based qtree, then you must set the exportpermission for the qtree in the storage system.3.Search for the shareTimestamp value to ensure that discovery for the storagesystem is complete.4.Click Rediscover in the Host Services tab of the OnCommand console torediscover the host service.5.Verify that the physical servers are displayed in the Related Objects list in theServer tab.Storage mapping fails for virtual machine and datastorecreated on VMFS datastore using FC LUNIssue Host service does not display any storage mapping in the OnCommand consolefor virtual machine and datastore created on VMFS datastore using FC LUN.Cause This problem occurs when you do not correctly unmap an FC LUN from the ESXhost and there are non-accessible LUNs in the datastore that you created, theSCSI target might not get updated in the vCenter Server inventory.Corrective Remove the non-accessible LUN and rescan the storage adapter.action108 | OnCommand Installation and Setup GuideOperation timed outDescription This message occurs when an ESX or vCenter Server is busy creating snapshotsor running local backups.In this instance, a copy operation for a restore mighttimeout from the vCenter server and the restore operation fails.Corrective You can retry the restore operation when the ESX or vCenter Server is not asaction busy or you can use a different ESX or vCenter Server that is also connected tothe same datastores [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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.3.Click once on the program you want to uninstall and then click Uninstall/Change or Change/Remove, depending on your operating system.The install wizard opens.4.In the installation wizard, select Remove and click Next.5.Click Uninstall.After you finish" When you finish uninstalling the Host Package, you might need to manually close the port usedfor OnCommand Host Service Management." You must disable all the ports opened by the installer for all profiles as appropriate for youroperating system.Related tasksInstalling the OnCommand Host Package in a Hyper-V environment on page 55Upgrading to the OnCommand Host Package in a Hyper-V environment on page 94Related referencesRequired ports for the Host Package on page 38105Troubleshooting OnCommand installation andsetupIf you encounter unexpected behavior during the installation or when using OnCommand, you canuse specific troubleshooting procedures to identify and resolve the cause of such issues.Address already in useDescription This message occurs when the Windows computer has run out of outbound ports.A Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection has closed, causing the socketpair associated with the connection to go into a TIME-WAIT state.This preventsother connections from using the TCP protocol, source Internet Protocol (IP)address, destination IP address, source port, and destination port for an unknownperiod of time.Corrective Reduce the length of the TCP TIME-WAIT delay.actionSee the Microsoft MSDN library for more information.There is a problem with this Windows Installer packageDescription This message occurs when you uninstall an application by using the Add orRemove Programs tool in Windows server.The Windows Installer servicemanages the installation and removal of programs.If there is a problem with theregistration of the Microsoft installation engine, you might not be able to removeprograms that you have installed by using the Windows installer.Corrective Unregister and reregister the Windows Installer service.See KB891985 on theaction Microsoft support site for more information.Cursor displays in multiple locations in the same dashboardpanelCause This problem occurs when you use the Firefox browser to open the OnCommandconsole.CorrectiveDisable a browser setting in Firefox, as follows:action1.Open the Firefox browser and click the Tools menu, then click Options.106 | OnCommand Installation and Setup Guide2.Click the Advanced tab.3.Clear the Always use the cursor keys to navigate within pages option.4.Restart the Firefox browser.Plug-in container for Firefox has stopped workingCause While installing DataFabric Manager server Express edition, the configurationwizard might crash.Corrective action Update the Adobe Flash Player plug-in.See the Mozilla Firefox Help for more information.Related informationFirefox HelpNo related objects are displayed for a virtual objectIssue No physical servers corresponding to a virtual object are displayed in the RelatedObjects list in the Server tab of the OnCommand console.Cause This problem occurs when you add or register a new host service but the mappingbetween the physical servers and virtual objects does not occur.Corrective1.Refresh the monitor by opening a console session and type the followingactioncommand:dfm host discover -m share2.To view the results, type the following command:dfm details3.Search for the shareTimestamp value to ensure that discovery for the storagesystem is complete.4.Click Rediscover in the Host Services tab of the OnCommand console torediscover the host service.5.Verify that the physical servers are displayed in the Related Objects list in theServer tab.Troubleshooting OnCommand installation and setup | 107Could not find any storage mapping for virtual objectDescription This message occurs in the following circumstances:" When you create a new dataset in the OnCommand console and add virtualobjects from the OnCommand Plug-in for VMware to the dataset" When you create a new dataset in the OnCommand console that contains adatastore or a virtual machine from an NFS-based qtreeCorrective1.Refresh the monitor by opening a console session and type the followingactioncommand:dfm host discover -m share2.To view the results, type the following command:dfm detailsIf you created a dataset from an NFS-based qtree, then you must set the exportpermission for the qtree in the storage system.3.Search for the shareTimestamp value to ensure that discovery for the storagesystem is complete.4.Click Rediscover in the Host Services tab of the OnCommand console torediscover the host service.5.Verify that the physical servers are displayed in the Related Objects list in theServer tab.Storage mapping fails for virtual machine and datastorecreated on VMFS datastore using FC LUNIssue Host service does not display any storage mapping in the OnCommand consolefor virtual machine and datastore created on VMFS datastore using FC LUN.Cause This problem occurs when you do not correctly unmap an FC LUN from the ESXhost and there are non-accessible LUNs in the datastore that you created, theSCSI target might not get updated in the vCenter Server inventory.Corrective Remove the non-accessible LUN and rescan the storage adapter.action108 | OnCommand Installation and Setup GuideOperation timed outDescription This message occurs when an ESX or vCenter Server is busy creating snapshotsor running local backups.In this instance, a copy operation for a restore mighttimeout from the vCenter server and the restore operation fails.Corrective You can retry the restore operation when the ESX or vCenter Server is not asaction busy or you can use a different ESX or vCenter Server that is also connected tothe same datastores [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]