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.Settling on a purple shirt, an orange one and a faded green one, he continued tolook around the store.His eyes fell on a display of socks and he picked out a couple ofmulti-colored plaid socks that would have looked ridiculous on anyone else."I wanna get some briefs but I'm real picky about my underwear," he said,looking at several packages."I hate white briefs.I only wear colored ones." He rifledthrough more packages of briefs.I would have been embarrassed to shop forunderwear, even in front of my boyfriend, but he acted like it was no big deal."Sweet.Purple, blue and yellow briefs.I've never seen yellow ones.And the purple ones will gowith my shirt.That's the nice thing about having parents who are lawyers.They giveme money whenever I ask," he chuckled before growing serious."I think that's why Igot into all the trouble I did back in Cali.I never had to work for anything.It wasalways handed to me.I used my looks and body to get by in life.I know I'm not thatsmart.Plus, my parents paid for everything.I did the drugs and sex because I wasbored.""I know how you feel," I said, squeezing his hand."I got a large inheritance aftermy Gran died.And my parents give me a ton of money, I think mostly to ease their guilt.It sounds crazy, but I hate it."After paying for his clothes, we went to the food court and bought some greasyburgers, gooey cheese fries, and some sodas.We continued to walk around thegargantuan mall until it closed.* * * * *"My office.Now." The principal screamed at us after seeing our lips locked in anembrace.We followed him into the office and sat down before his judgmental,disapproving eyes."What did I tell you two last night?""Why should I stop showing Mitch how much I love him? Huh?" Luka askeddefiantly."You don't love him.Teenagers can't be in love.You don't know what love is.You're too young.This is just a fad.Something you're doing because some movie actoror singer said it's cool to be gay.Well, let me tell you, son, it's not.""Who are you to say who can be in love and who can't? Who are you to saywhat's right or wrong? Or tell us how we feel? I love Mitch.I do.Give me one goodreason why I shouldn't express my love to him."Luka was brave.I could never talk to a person of power like that."You want a reason? Fine.I'll give you four.One.It's disgusting.Two.It'sunnatural.Three.It's a sin.And four.It makes the straight students uncomfortable.""You gotta be kiddin' me," Luka said, offended."Those are crap reasons that haveno basis.What if I said that I get uncomfortable watching the straight students pawingeach other? You gonna tell them to stop?""We're not talking about them.We're talking about you two.Given the reasonwhy you had to move here, Mr.Everest, I would think you would be more apt to keep alow profile and try to stay out of trouble." The principal glared warningly. "This is crap.If we were straight we wouldn't even be having this conversation."Luka stormed out of the office, slamming the door so hard the frame shook.Iwas sure the glass would break.I stood up to follow him but the principal's wordsgrounded me."Maybe I should call your parents.""No," I quickly pleaded."Please.Don't." I begged, close to getting on my handsand knees."Why shouldn't I? I think your parents would want to know what's going onwith their son.""Please," I repeated.Desperately I tried to think of something I could use tobarter with him."If you don't call Luka's or my parents, I will guarantee that myparents donate more money to the school."My parents were big financial supporters of the school.I suppose they thought itmade up for not spending any time with me.I just prayed I could appeal to theprincipal's greed."Well, if you can guarantee that&." I could see the dollar signs in his eyes."I promise.""Deal.But I still want you two to cool the gay stuff.Now get out of here."Embarrassed, ashamed, and defeated, I nodded my head, eyes staring a hole intothe floor and walked out of the office, looking for Luka.* * * * *Luka was pacing back and forth in the hall.His face was the color of hot coals.Every so often he would hit his fist against a locker, not caring if he injured himself."That dirty&." he was mumbling under his breath."Saying it's a sin.It'sdisgusting.Unnatural.Makes the other kids uncomfortable.Screw them.And screwhim.It's not wrong.We have nothing to be ashamed of.Probably going to call ourparents.Mine are going to kill me." "He's not going to call our parents.""How do you know?""I promised him my parents would donate a lot of money to the school if hedidn't call them.""Why would you make a deal with the Devil?""I had too.I'm not ready for my parents to find out about me.Not yet.Not likethis.""I guess you did what you had to do," Luka conceded, his boiling angersimmering."Are you mad at me?""Never [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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