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. Diabolical really, Ryan said, before steppingforward and casually dropping his arm over70Loving JordanJordan s shoulder, and pulling her into hisembrace. And is that your plan, Forseti? Funny you should mention that.I have aproposal, a strategy if you will, and it goessomething like this& 71Bonnie Rose LeighCHAPTER NINEeveral hours, and many arguments later, theS group had what they thought was a reasonableplan to force the hands of both goddesses, Hel andJord.Now, they had to determine if Bridget sabduction was related to this whole revengescenario, or was an entirely unrelated event.Andno one so far had been able to come up with a wayto find out.Ryan s eyes were getting droopy, his neck wasstiff, and his back ached.How long had they beenat it, anyway? Ryan took a quick peek at his watchand grimaced.Hell, no wonder.It s close to three inthe morning.Yes, Ryan.Why don t you try to convince mydaughter to go to bed? She won t do anyone any good ifshe s too exhausted to function.You re right.Besides, a few hours of uninterruptedsleep is just what I need.When there was no response from Odin, Ryanreached up and rubbed his neck.Glancing over72Loving Jordantoward Forseti, he wasn t surprised to find himstill wide-awake and bushy-tailed.As an incubus,Ryan imagined, he probably spent many a nightthat way.Did he even need sleep?Mary, who d eventually moved out of therocker and to the couch as far from her lover aspossible, of course now lay with her head restingon his shoulder.Sometime during the long hoursof plotting, they d gravitated toward each other. I think it s time we turned in, he said, turningtoward Jordan.He could have saved his breath.Sometime in the last few minutes, her long nightmust have caught up with her.Cuddled into thearm of the loveseat, Jordan slept, her headpillowed on her arms, her knees tucked up intoher chest.Her lips were parted, a slight smile tilting upthe corners.Her skin glowed a dusky pink.Hertousled black curls rested against her cheek, andher tiny fingers were pressed beneath her chin.She looked so peaceful, so beautiful lying there,he didn t have the heart to wake her.Ryan stoodslowly, as not to disturb her sleep. I m going totake her upstairs.I m sure you can find suitablesleeping arrangements for the two of you, hesaid, nodding toward Mary. Just stay out of theroom we found you in earlier.Until we knowwhere Bridget is and who has her, we can timplement your plan.73Bonnie Rose Leigh I understand, Ryan Connors.Now, take yourwoman to bed, while I see to mine.Ryan s cock twitched in response to Forseti sinnuendo.He d like nothing better than to makelove to Jordan, to slide his shaft into herwelcoming sheath, to feel her convulse around hislength, to hear her plead for release.But shewasn t ready, and until then, he d have to makedo with his own hand or cold showers.It wouldbe well worth the wait in the end.As carefully as he could, Ryan lifted Jordan intohis arms, cuddling her against his chest as hemade his way through the house and up the stairs.She nestled her face into the crook of his neck.Herwarm breath tickled his ear, sending more bloodto his already aching shaft.But she continued tosleep, blissfully unaware of the painful need she dcaused by simply being in his arms.He had to get her to her room and out of hissight before he woke her up and demanded sheease the fire raging through him.He was so hardright now; he could fuck her into tomorrow andstill keep going.At the top of the stairs, he adjusted her bonelessbody is his arms then headed toward herbedroom.Thank God.Another few seconds and she llbe safe behind closed doors and I can take a long, coldshower.Moments later, he reached her room, adjusted74Loving Jordanher in his arms so he could reach the doorknob,and turned it.Nothing happened.How odd.Whywould she lock her door?Rather than wake her to ask not that hethought anything could wake her at the momentRyan shrugged and headed for his own bedroom.Well, there s no hope for it.I ll just take her through myroom to the connecting bathroom and hope to get insidefrom that direction.And if that fails, I ll just put her inmy bed and sleep on the damn floor.Luck was not on his side.By the time he dwalked through his room, the bathroom, andreached her bedroom door he was in such agonyhe thought he d die, only to discover this door toowas locked.Beads of sweat clung to his forehead.His heart pounded an uneven rhythm.His thighstrembled, and his arms quivered.His dick pulsedwith the need to thrust between her legs.What the hell is wrong with me? I ve never felt suchan intense desire.It can t be natural.That s when it hit him.What the hell was themeddlesome God up to now? Only one way to findout ask him.Odin& you interfering old man, whatthe hell are you up to?Show some respect, boy.Ryan snorted.Maybe when you do.Now what doyou hope to get out of this?Just the best possible mate for my only daughter.Ryan didn t know whether to be infuriated orhonored.Either way, he couldn t, wouldn t allow75Bonnie Rose LeighOdin to control his cock [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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. Diabolical really, Ryan said, before steppingforward and casually dropping his arm over70Loving JordanJordan s shoulder, and pulling her into hisembrace. And is that your plan, Forseti? Funny you should mention that.I have aproposal, a strategy if you will, and it goessomething like this& 71Bonnie Rose LeighCHAPTER NINEeveral hours, and many arguments later, theS group had what they thought was a reasonableplan to force the hands of both goddesses, Hel andJord.Now, they had to determine if Bridget sabduction was related to this whole revengescenario, or was an entirely unrelated event.Andno one so far had been able to come up with a wayto find out.Ryan s eyes were getting droopy, his neck wasstiff, and his back ached.How long had they beenat it, anyway? Ryan took a quick peek at his watchand grimaced.Hell, no wonder.It s close to three inthe morning.Yes, Ryan.Why don t you try to convince mydaughter to go to bed? She won t do anyone any good ifshe s too exhausted to function.You re right.Besides, a few hours of uninterruptedsleep is just what I need.When there was no response from Odin, Ryanreached up and rubbed his neck.Glancing over72Loving Jordantoward Forseti, he wasn t surprised to find himstill wide-awake and bushy-tailed.As an incubus,Ryan imagined, he probably spent many a nightthat way.Did he even need sleep?Mary, who d eventually moved out of therocker and to the couch as far from her lover aspossible, of course now lay with her head restingon his shoulder.Sometime during the long hoursof plotting, they d gravitated toward each other. I think it s time we turned in, he said, turningtoward Jordan.He could have saved his breath.Sometime in the last few minutes, her long nightmust have caught up with her.Cuddled into thearm of the loveseat, Jordan slept, her headpillowed on her arms, her knees tucked up intoher chest.Her lips were parted, a slight smile tilting upthe corners.Her skin glowed a dusky pink.Hertousled black curls rested against her cheek, andher tiny fingers were pressed beneath her chin.She looked so peaceful, so beautiful lying there,he didn t have the heart to wake her.Ryan stoodslowly, as not to disturb her sleep. I m going totake her upstairs.I m sure you can find suitablesleeping arrangements for the two of you, hesaid, nodding toward Mary. Just stay out of theroom we found you in earlier.Until we knowwhere Bridget is and who has her, we can timplement your plan.73Bonnie Rose Leigh I understand, Ryan Connors.Now, take yourwoman to bed, while I see to mine.Ryan s cock twitched in response to Forseti sinnuendo.He d like nothing better than to makelove to Jordan, to slide his shaft into herwelcoming sheath, to feel her convulse around hislength, to hear her plead for release.But shewasn t ready, and until then, he d have to makedo with his own hand or cold showers.It wouldbe well worth the wait in the end.As carefully as he could, Ryan lifted Jordan intohis arms, cuddling her against his chest as hemade his way through the house and up the stairs.She nestled her face into the crook of his neck.Herwarm breath tickled his ear, sending more bloodto his already aching shaft.But she continued tosleep, blissfully unaware of the painful need she dcaused by simply being in his arms.He had to get her to her room and out of hissight before he woke her up and demanded sheease the fire raging through him.He was so hardright now; he could fuck her into tomorrow andstill keep going.At the top of the stairs, he adjusted her bonelessbody is his arms then headed toward herbedroom.Thank God.Another few seconds and she llbe safe behind closed doors and I can take a long, coldshower.Moments later, he reached her room, adjusted74Loving Jordanher in his arms so he could reach the doorknob,and turned it.Nothing happened.How odd.Whywould she lock her door?Rather than wake her to ask not that hethought anything could wake her at the momentRyan shrugged and headed for his own bedroom.Well, there s no hope for it.I ll just take her through myroom to the connecting bathroom and hope to get insidefrom that direction.And if that fails, I ll just put her inmy bed and sleep on the damn floor.Luck was not on his side.By the time he dwalked through his room, the bathroom, andreached her bedroom door he was in such agonyhe thought he d die, only to discover this door toowas locked.Beads of sweat clung to his forehead.His heart pounded an uneven rhythm.His thighstrembled, and his arms quivered.His dick pulsedwith the need to thrust between her legs.What the hell is wrong with me? I ve never felt suchan intense desire.It can t be natural.That s when it hit him.What the hell was themeddlesome God up to now? Only one way to findout ask him.Odin& you interfering old man, whatthe hell are you up to?Show some respect, boy.Ryan snorted.Maybe when you do.Now what doyou hope to get out of this?Just the best possible mate for my only daughter.Ryan didn t know whether to be infuriated orhonored.Either way, he couldn t, wouldn t allow75Bonnie Rose LeighOdin to control his cock [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]