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.There is also a murder.She said it was awful.She was speaking in arather anxious voice.She stopped, and said she felt frightened of getting excited.I summarized the interpretations for her and how this excitement was in my view anattempt to bypass the  awfulness she felt about what she does to me in her mind, as shedid to her parents when she was little.Proceeding now to elaborate theoretically what has been presented.I believe that byestablishing the division between the onlookers and The Mirror, there becomes possible adelimitation in the structure by which the most disturbing aspects become encapsulated,contained in a firmly delineated area, and only then can an attempt to deal with them takeplace.The main task seems to be an attempt to reconstruct her internal world as a way ofreconstructing her ego by bringing her parents together.The parents, or aspects of them,are represented by the participants in the scenes inside The Mirror.These unions, as illustrated by the aforementioned example, are attempted under thefollowing conditions.They are allowed to join under intense control and with no freedomwhatsoever, as all this is done through mechanisms which allow her either to be, or to bein, each of the participants in The Fantasy.Because of this she is identified with everyparticipant and takes part in each single action that takes place, avoiding thus ever beingexcluded and feeling left out or stimulated by the parents.The parents are controlled ortriumphed over by being made to do what she orders and in the way she decides, and alsothey are all the time humiliated and treated with the greatest contempt.They are robbedof any satisfaction or pleasure and only allowed to come together just enough to keep thesituation (herself, the baby in the example) going.It is of interest to note how in thedifferent variations of The Fantasy no one is ever allowed pleasure of any kind, and thedelaying, so much connected with prolonged masturbatory excitement, is used instead ofsatisfaction.The central factor prevailing in all this is the cruelty under which these activities in TheFantasy take place.The whole bringing together, though meant to provide for a conditionof survival of the patient s ego, which is a minimum requirement for love, is done undersuch conditions of cruelty, hatred, and humiliation that it appears that her love impulsesare suffused by her destructiveness, turning in this way into sadism, which then prevailsover all the activities.It is this sadism that never has to be properly modified by love; onthe contrary, as can be seen, it is constantly gratified so that a true integration or anapproach to integration never occurs.It seems to me that by this means the problem of having to deal with the diminutionand sublimation of sadistic impulses is bypassed and kept static, which in its turn makesfor the continued repetitiveness of the symptom because of the continually on-goingconflict.Nevertheless, The Fantasy, I think, contributes also a clear attempt to bring about acure of the psychotic process, which is achieved to a certain degree by bringing a haltor pause to the more fragmenting processes.I think that in this sense it could be compared with Freud s statements about therelation between delusions and more severe psychotic expressions, and the constructionswhich are built up in the course of an analysis, referred to by him in his papers onSchreber and Constructions (Freud 1911, 1937). The mirror 96It is by means of attempting some kind of integration, although in such a bizarre andconfined way, that she manages not to be  normal or  ordinary by any standard, butsomehow not to disintegrate and not to be overtly mad.It would seem that whenever herego collapses completely, the feeling of it is a total loss of coherence a falling topieces followed probably by a massive projection into her outside world, which willend in a paranoid state without the patient being capable of contact or of any kind ofperception of reality.Historically this was the main element of her first breakdown [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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