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. 1990 [1988], Language, Saussure and Wittgenstein.How to Play Games With Words, Routledge,London.Hartman, Geoffrey, 1980, Criticism in the Wilderness.The Study of Literature Today, Yale UniversityPress, New Haven, CT. 1985, Tea and Totality: The Demand of Theory on Critical Style , in Gregory S.Jayand David L.Miller (eds), After Strange Texts.The Role of Theory in the Study of Literature,University of Alabama Press, Alabama, AL. 1987 [1979], Preface , in Harold Bloom et al., Deconstruction and Criticism, Continuum,New York.Harvey, Irene R., 1986, Derrida and the Economy of Différance, Indiana University Press,Bloomington, IN.Hasan, Ruqaiya, 1987, Directions from Structuralism , in Nigel Fabb et al.(eds), The Linguisticsof Writing.Arguments between Language and Literature, Manchester U.P., Manchester.Hauser, Arnold, 1985 [1958], The Philosophy of Art History, Northwestern University Press,Evanston, IL.Hawkes, Terence, 1983 [1977], Structuralism and Semiotics, Methuen, London.Hegel, G.W.F., 1956 [1822 31], (Lectures on) The Philosophy of History, Dover, New York. 1969 [1812, 1831], Science of Logic (translation by A.V.Miller), 2nd edn, Allen & Unwin,London. 1971 [1807], The Phenomenology of Mind (translation by J.B.Baillie); 2nd revised andcorrected edn, Allen & Unwin, London.Heidegger, Martin, 1962 [1927, 1953], Being and Time, 7th edn, Harper Collins, San Francisco.Hesse, Mary, 1980, Revolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of Science, Harvester Press,Brighton.Hindess, Barry, 1977, Philosophy and Methodology in the Social Sciences, Harvester Press, Hassocks.188 The reading of theoretical textsHindess, Barry and Paul Q.Hirst, 1975, Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production, Routledge & KeganPaul, London. 1977, Mode of Production and Social Formation.An Auto-Critique of Pre-Capitalist Modesof Production, Macmillan, London.Hirsch Jr., E.D., 1967a, Validity in Interpretation, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT. 1967b [1960], Objective Interpretation , Validity in Interpretation, Yale University Press,New Haven, CT. 1976, The Aims of Interpretation, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 1985 [1983], Against Theory? , in W.J.T.Mitchell (ed.), Against Theory.Literary Studiesand the New Pragmatism, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.Hirst, Paul Q., 1975, Durkheim, Bernard and Epistemology, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London. 1979, On Law and Ideology, Macmillan, London.Hodge, Robert and Gunther Kress, 1988, Social Semiotics, Polity Press, Cambridge.Holdcroft, David, 1978, Words and Deeds.Problems in the Theory of Speech Acts, ClarendonPress, Oxford. 1991, Saussure.Sign, System, and Arbitrariness, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.Holland, Norman, 1981, Criticism as Transaction , in Paul Hernadi (ed.): What is Criticism?,Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN.Hollander, Samuel, 1979, The Economics of David Ricardo, Heinemann, London.Holquist, Michael, 1981, Introduction , in M.M.Bakhtin, The Dialogic Imagination.Four Essays(ed.M.Holquist), University of Texas Press, Austin, TX. 1986, Introduction , in M.M.Bakhtin, Speech Genres and Other Late Essays, Universityof Texas Press, Austin, TX. 1990a, Introduction: The Architectonics of Answerability , in M.M.Bakhtin, Art andAnswerability.Early Philosophical Essays, University of Texas Press, Austin, TX. 1990b, Dialogism.Bakhtin and his World, Routledge, London.Holub, Robert C., 1984, Reception Theory.A Critical Introduction, Methuen, London.Hopkins, Terence, 1971 [1957], Sociology and the Substantive View of the Economy , inPolanyi et al.(eds), Trade and Market in the Early Empires.Economies in History and Theory,Gateway Editions, Chicago.Hough, Graham, 1976, An Eight Type of Ambiguity , in David Newton-de Molina (ed.),On Literary Intention.Critical Essays, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.Howard, Dick, 1988, The Politics of Critique, Macmillan, London.Hunt, E.K.and J.G.Schwartz, 1972, Introduction , in E.K.Hunt and J.G.Schwartz (eds),A Critique of Economic Theory, Penguin, Harmondsworth.Ihde, Don, 1974, Editor s Introduction , in Paul Ricoeur, The Conflict of Interpretations.Essaysin Hermeneutics, Northwestern University Press, Evanston, IL.Ingarden, Roman, 1973a [1930, 1959, 1965], The Literary Work of Art.An Investigation onthe Borderlines of Ontology, Logic, and Theory of Literature, 3rd edn, Northwestern UniversityPress, Evanston, IL. 1973b [1937, 1968], The Cognition of the Literary Work of Art, 2nd edn, NorthwesternUniversity Press, Evanston, IL.Iser, Wolfgang, 1980 [1976], The Act of Reading.A Theory of Aesthetic Response, Johns HopkinsUniversity Press, Baltimore, MD.Jakobson, Roman, 1973 [1919, 1921], Modern Russian Poetry: Velimir Khlebnikov [Excerpts],in Edward J.Brown (ed.), Major Soviet Writers.Essays in Criticism, Oxford University Press,London. 1978 [1942 43, 1976], Six Lectures on Sound and Meaning, Harvester Press, Hassocks. 1981 Yuri Tynianov in Prague , in J.Tynjanov, The Problem of Verse Language, Ardis,Ann Arbor, MI.Bibliography 189 1985 [1959], Sign and System of Language.A Reassessment of Saussure s Doctrine ,Verbal Art, Verbal Sign, Verbal Time (eds Krystyna Pomorska and Stephen Rudy), Blackwell,Oxford. 1987a [1921], On Realism in Art , Language in Literature, The Belknap Press of HarvardU.P., Cambridge, MA. 1987b [1935], The Dominant , Language in Literature, The Belknap Press of HarvardU.P., Cambridge, MA. 1987c [1960], Linguistics and Poetics , Language in Literature, The Belknap Press ofHarvard U.P., Cambridge, MA. 1987d [1933], What is Poetry? , Language in Literature, The Belknap Press of HarvardU.P., Cambridge, MA. 1987e [1965], Quest for the Essence of Language , Language in Literature, The BelknapPress of Harvard U.P., Cambridge, MA. 1987f [1975], A Glance at the Development of Semiotics , Language in Literature,The Belknap Press of Harvard U.P., Cambridge, MA. 1987g [1956], Two Aspects of Language and Two Types of Aphasic Disturbances ,Language in Literature, The Belknap Press of Harvard U.P., Cambridge, MA. 1987h [1919], Futurism , Language in Literature, The Belknap Press of Harvard U.P.,Cambridge, MA. 1990 [1942], Langue and Parole: Code and Message , On Language (eds Linda R.Waughand Monique Monville-Burston), Harvard U.P., Cambridge, MA.Jakobson, Roman and Morris Halle, 1956, Fundamentals of Language, Mouton, S-Gravenhage.Jakobson, Roman and Claude Lévi-Strauss, 1987 (1961), Baudelaire s Les Chats , in R.Jakobson, Language in Literature, The Belknap Press of Harvard U.P., Cambridge, MA.Jakobson, Roman and Krystyna Pomorska, 1983 [1980], Dialogues, MIT Press, Cambridge,MA.Jakobson, Roman and Jurij Tynjanov, 1987 [1928], Problems in the Study of Languageand Literature , in Roman Jakobson, Language and Literature, The Belknap Press of HarvardU.P., Cambridge, MA [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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. 1990 [1988], Language, Saussure and Wittgenstein.How to Play Games With Words, Routledge,London.Hartman, Geoffrey, 1980, Criticism in the Wilderness.The Study of Literature Today, Yale UniversityPress, New Haven, CT. 1985, Tea and Totality: The Demand of Theory on Critical Style , in Gregory S.Jayand David L.Miller (eds), After Strange Texts.The Role of Theory in the Study of Literature,University of Alabama Press, Alabama, AL. 1987 [1979], Preface , in Harold Bloom et al., Deconstruction and Criticism, Continuum,New York.Harvey, Irene R., 1986, Derrida and the Economy of Différance, Indiana University Press,Bloomington, IN.Hasan, Ruqaiya, 1987, Directions from Structuralism , in Nigel Fabb et al.(eds), The Linguisticsof Writing.Arguments between Language and Literature, Manchester U.P., Manchester.Hauser, Arnold, 1985 [1958], The Philosophy of Art History, Northwestern University Press,Evanston, IL.Hawkes, Terence, 1983 [1977], Structuralism and Semiotics, Methuen, London.Hegel, G.W.F., 1956 [1822 31], (Lectures on) The Philosophy of History, Dover, New York. 1969 [1812, 1831], Science of Logic (translation by A.V.Miller), 2nd edn, Allen & Unwin,London. 1971 [1807], The Phenomenology of Mind (translation by J.B.Baillie); 2nd revised andcorrected edn, Allen & Unwin, London.Heidegger, Martin, 1962 [1927, 1953], Being and Time, 7th edn, Harper Collins, San Francisco.Hesse, Mary, 1980, Revolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of Science, Harvester Press,Brighton.Hindess, Barry, 1977, Philosophy and Methodology in the Social Sciences, Harvester Press, Hassocks.188 The reading of theoretical textsHindess, Barry and Paul Q.Hirst, 1975, Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production, Routledge & KeganPaul, London. 1977, Mode of Production and Social Formation.An Auto-Critique of Pre-Capitalist Modesof Production, Macmillan, London.Hirsch Jr., E.D., 1967a, Validity in Interpretation, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT. 1967b [1960], Objective Interpretation , Validity in Interpretation, Yale University Press,New Haven, CT. 1976, The Aims of Interpretation, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 1985 [1983], Against Theory? , in W.J.T.Mitchell (ed.), Against Theory.Literary Studiesand the New Pragmatism, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.Hirst, Paul Q., 1975, Durkheim, Bernard and Epistemology, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London. 1979, On Law and Ideology, Macmillan, London.Hodge, Robert and Gunther Kress, 1988, Social Semiotics, Polity Press, Cambridge.Holdcroft, David, 1978, Words and Deeds.Problems in the Theory of Speech Acts, ClarendonPress, Oxford. 1991, Saussure.Sign, System, and Arbitrariness, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.Holland, Norman, 1981, Criticism as Transaction , in Paul Hernadi (ed.): What is Criticism?,Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN.Hollander, Samuel, 1979, The Economics of David Ricardo, Heinemann, London.Holquist, Michael, 1981, Introduction , in M.M.Bakhtin, The Dialogic Imagination.Four Essays(ed.M.Holquist), University of Texas Press, Austin, TX. 1986, Introduction , in M.M.Bakhtin, Speech Genres and Other Late Essays, Universityof Texas Press, Austin, TX. 1990a, Introduction: The Architectonics of Answerability , in M.M.Bakhtin, Art andAnswerability.Early Philosophical Essays, University of Texas Press, Austin, TX. 1990b, Dialogism.Bakhtin and his World, Routledge, London.Holub, Robert C., 1984, Reception Theory.A Critical Introduction, Methuen, London.Hopkins, Terence, 1971 [1957], Sociology and the Substantive View of the Economy , inPolanyi et al.(eds), Trade and Market in the Early Empires.Economies in History and Theory,Gateway Editions, Chicago.Hough, Graham, 1976, An Eight Type of Ambiguity , in David Newton-de Molina (ed.),On Literary Intention.Critical Essays, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.Howard, Dick, 1988, The Politics of Critique, Macmillan, London.Hunt, E.K.and J.G.Schwartz, 1972, Introduction , in E.K.Hunt and J.G.Schwartz (eds),A Critique of Economic Theory, Penguin, Harmondsworth.Ihde, Don, 1974, Editor s Introduction , in Paul Ricoeur, The Conflict of Interpretations.Essaysin Hermeneutics, Northwestern University Press, Evanston, IL.Ingarden, Roman, 1973a [1930, 1959, 1965], The Literary Work of Art.An Investigation onthe Borderlines of Ontology, Logic, and Theory of Literature, 3rd edn, Northwestern UniversityPress, Evanston, IL. 1973b [1937, 1968], The Cognition of the Literary Work of Art, 2nd edn, NorthwesternUniversity Press, Evanston, IL.Iser, Wolfgang, 1980 [1976], The Act of Reading.A Theory of Aesthetic Response, Johns HopkinsUniversity Press, Baltimore, MD.Jakobson, Roman, 1973 [1919, 1921], Modern Russian Poetry: Velimir Khlebnikov [Excerpts],in Edward J.Brown (ed.), Major Soviet Writers.Essays in Criticism, Oxford University Press,London. 1978 [1942 43, 1976], Six Lectures on Sound and Meaning, Harvester Press, Hassocks. 1981 Yuri Tynianov in Prague , in J.Tynjanov, The Problem of Verse Language, Ardis,Ann Arbor, MI.Bibliography 189 1985 [1959], Sign and System of Language.A Reassessment of Saussure s Doctrine ,Verbal Art, Verbal Sign, Verbal Time (eds Krystyna Pomorska and Stephen Rudy), Blackwell,Oxford. 1987a [1921], On Realism in Art , Language in Literature, The Belknap Press of HarvardU.P., Cambridge, MA. 1987b [1935], The Dominant , Language in Literature, The Belknap Press of HarvardU.P., Cambridge, MA. 1987c [1960], Linguistics and Poetics , Language in Literature, The Belknap Press ofHarvard U.P., Cambridge, MA. 1987d [1933], What is Poetry? , Language in Literature, The Belknap Press of HarvardU.P., Cambridge, MA. 1987e [1965], Quest for the Essence of Language , Language in Literature, The BelknapPress of Harvard U.P., Cambridge, MA. 1987f [1975], A Glance at the Development of Semiotics , Language in Literature,The Belknap Press of Harvard U.P., Cambridge, MA. 1987g [1956], Two Aspects of Language and Two Types of Aphasic Disturbances ,Language in Literature, The Belknap Press of Harvard U.P., Cambridge, MA. 1987h [1919], Futurism , Language in Literature, The Belknap Press of Harvard U.P.,Cambridge, MA. 1990 [1942], Langue and Parole: Code and Message , On Language (eds Linda R.Waughand Monique Monville-Burston), Harvard U.P., Cambridge, MA.Jakobson, Roman and Morris Halle, 1956, Fundamentals of Language, Mouton, S-Gravenhage.Jakobson, Roman and Claude Lévi-Strauss, 1987 (1961), Baudelaire s Les Chats , in R.Jakobson, Language in Literature, The Belknap Press of Harvard U.P., Cambridge, MA.Jakobson, Roman and Krystyna Pomorska, 1983 [1980], Dialogues, MIT Press, Cambridge,MA.Jakobson, Roman and Jurij Tynjanov, 1987 [1928], Problems in the Study of Languageand Literature , in Roman Jakobson, Language and Literature, The Belknap Press of HarvardU.P., Cambridge, MA [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]