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.Make him tell youwhy he said what he did to you.Make him tell you, Thatcher." 186 " BLUEThatcher s tears washed down his face and he dropped hishead slowly.Adam pulled Thatcher close and gently snuggled hisface into Thatcher s hair.When Thatcher woke, he was alone.He sat in the gatheringdarkness of the room for a long time listening to the echo of Adam swords in his head.Through the window, he watched as the lightseeped from the sky.He kicked off the covers and eased out of thebed.He tried to stretch as he stood, but he had to reach out to steadyhimself against the wall as the ceiling began to spin.His kneesgave out and he sat down hard on the side of the bed.Slowly hissurroundings shifted back into view.He waited until he felt steadyagain and stood, more slowly this time, testing his strength.Hishead remained clear.He shuffled toward the bathroom.V' He works in a pharmacy that s sort of medical.Lots ofpeople named him as a close friend of the victim, so he definitelyknew Padilla.We ve been trying to get in touch but so far no luck.Turns out he s sort of disappeared since last Thursday.And heswims with the team, but according to the coach s records he wasn tin the water that night.And here s the main thing, Lieutenant, he sthe guy Bell says he saw sitting in the parking lot in his truck.Benson s bald head pivoted from Lieutenant Griggs to DorothyBowles. Two other team members mentioned they noticed him inthe lot too. So he was at the scene, Griggs said,  which makes me wonderwhat he was doing at practice if he wasn t going swimming. That s one of the things we need to ask him, but like I said, sofar we haven t been able to track him down.Griggs nodded, and Agent Bowles asked,  Is he left-handed? Don t know yet. What about a record? Has he been in trouble before? Clean as a whistle.Parking tickets, that s all I found." 187 " RUSS GREGORY Go talk to the guy, Benson.Track him down and bring him in forquestioning if you have to.I don t think we have enough for a warrant,so go easy.But ask him if he has a gun, see what he says.Let me knowif he s not being cooperative. Griggs nodded. If he says yes, I ll takethat to the judge and argue that he has something to hide.Griggs turned his back to the table and scribbled on thewhiteboard.The members of the Blue task force sat in high-backedleather chairs sprawled around one end of the conference room.Afew had pulled their chairs up to the table, taking notes.Others hadshoved their chairs back, but everyone was concentrating on Griggsat the head of the table.A quarter moon in the west was visiblethrough the window.Griggs sat down and flipped through the casebook. What didyou find out about this Keeney guy, Reed? Connors is on his way to talk to him.It took a while to getthe warrant, but we finally got it a few minutes ago.He s going inafter the gun.We got Bradley watching the place, but the guy hasn tmoved in a couple of days. You sure he s inside? Neighbor lady says it s his car in the garage, and we re seeinglights coming on in the back of the house.Someone s there. Good, what else you got? Finished the preliminary background checks on the rest of thelist.Three guys have a medical background and fit Bowles s profile.But one of them has an alibi.Turns out most of the swimmers metat a Jason s Deli after practice.This guy was with them, name sJohnny Billings.He s a physical therapist, spent some time in thesystem too. Reed shook his head. Times don t check out though.Griggs nodded. What about the other two?Reed ran his finger down the page of an open spiral notebook. Martin Hansen, a home-health-care nurse, worked in a hospital fora while.No adult record, had some trouble as a juvenile, and&  heflipped the notebook pages&  a Jim Avery doesn t swim.He s afriend of Padilla s, worked as an X-ray technician for a while justout of college.This guy was in the military, a member of the USArmy Marksmanship Unit, selected marksman of the year in  92." 188 " BLUEGriggs glanced at Bowles. Good.Follow up on them and letme know.Let s see, he looked up to the lunar calendar tacked tothe bulletin board,  we ve got twenty-two days until the next newmoon. Lieutenant. Bowles pushed back from the table and stood. If I can just& Griggs yielded the floor and Bowles said,  I just want to cautionthat this guy could be deconstructing.Blank stares around the table. What does that mean, Agent Bowles? Reed asked. It means the pattern has been broken.And this guy s becomingmore dangerous, less predictable.Griggs sighed.Connors spoke next, his voice sounded contemptuous. Thisguy s a cold-blooded killer.We ve chased him for years.We knowhe s dangerous.Griggs glared at Connors.What was his problem?Dorothy shook her head. That s not what I m saying.Thingshave changed, he may be coming& Every eye watched Dorothy as she searched for the right words. Look, when this type of compulsive killer changes his pattern itmeans something.Usually it signals a deconstruction.That meansthe inner system that he has built his murderous paradigm onthe story he s built around the murders it no longer applies.Hebecomes less stable and the patterns can shift.I m just cautioning.The rules of the game have changed.That s all, Sergeant.Reed asked,  What pattern, exactly? Are you talking about thevictim profile, the pacing of the attacks& the weapon? Exactly, Detective, the entire MO.He could search outdifferent targets, possibly use a different weapon, and we can tcount on the carefully timed attacks based on the phases of the moonanymore.He s already changed his MO by hunting in a rural areaand stalking a specific target.Just keep that in mind.Griggs stood. Okay, you ve got your assignments. He tossedhis notebook into his briefcase and clicked it shut [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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