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.The Latin scholar Shaw-Smith observes that the passage (with its repetition ofconfirmant) hints at a process of sexual healing or rejuvenation, though Swedenborg issarcastic about the results.Despite the wierdness of his description, Swedenborg revealedclearly his access to the arcana of Judaized Yoga or Tantric Kabbala.According toWolfson, the Zohar teaches that "He who knows and measures with measurements of themeasuring line.the length of the extension from the thighs to the feet" will envision themessianic moment when the Jews will be released from their state of entrapment in thefeet of the demonic power [132].These "measurements" or "calculations" involve thepsychosexual combination of Hebrew letters and numbers (gematria), whichSwedenborg scorns as "spurcis ratiociniis" or filthy calculations. As Swedenborg noted earlier, control of the semen is crucial to the erotic trance.According to Tantrists, ritualized touching of the area below the umbilicus awakens theserpent of wisdom (kundalini), which engenders a fiery sensation as it moves through thebody [133].Swedenborg similarly described the movement of respiration from theumbilicus to the abdomen, "pertaining to the region of the genital members and loins."[134] As arousal progresses, the Yogin changes the breath flow by massaging the greattoe, where a nerve terminates that regulates all cyclic changes and rhythms in the entirebody.At the moment of ejaculation, the adept applies pressure on the urethra in theperineal area, thus diverting the seminal secretion into the bladder.This diversion (themost important technique in"left-hand" Tantrism) is extremely difficult and requiresdisciplined "pumping and expulsion of liquids from the urethra" while the semen isarrested.Even among Tantric masters, success was rare [135].No wonder the neophyteMoravians ended up using their wives as "urinary vessels"! However, if successful, theserituals were said to produce rejuvenation and long life.When Swedenborg wrote this passage in October l748, he was torn between hisattraction to the Moravian and Jewish arcana of visionary sex and his guilt at its libertineramifications.According to Idel, some Sabbatians (including the more radical disciplesof Falk, Eibeschütz, and Frank) turned "orgiastic practices" into a "via mystica of thenew aeon." [136] In another passage, Swedenborg used similar but inverted imagery todescribe "the dregs of the people" who cannot achieve such mental and visonary feats: "Iperceived for some time a cold considerably severe from the sole of the foot upwardsthrough the foot itself to the knee, and even to the loins." [137] It is possible that thesedescriptions (and others since destroyed) were shown to Blake by the Swedes in London[138].In 1790 Nordenskjöld gave J.A.Tulk, Blake's friend and neighbor, 180 pages ofextracts from the unpublished spiritual diary.Their illuminist collaborator BenedictChastanier, who hoped to heal the breach between the Eastcheapers and Universalists,copied passages from the diary throughout 1790-91.While Blake vows to teach Milton the error of his puritanical misogyny, he knows thathe must first absorb Milton's error before he can regenerate it.Though Swedenborg usedtraditional Kabbalistic symbolism on the association of the feet with the natural man inthe natural world, he also argued that they can be reformed and regenerated through theprocesses of conjugial love [139].Blake seemed to include these "contrary" dynamics inhis description of the spirit of Milton entering Blake's foot:.So Milton's shadow fell Precipitant, loud thund'ring into the Sea of Time and Space.Then first I saw him in the Zenith as a falling starDescending perpendicular, swift as the swallow or swift:And on my left foot falling on the tarsus, enter'd there: "left-hand" Tantrism) is extremely difficult andrequires disciplined "pumping and expulsion ofliquids from the urethra" while the semen isarrested.Even among Tantric masters, successwas rare [135].No wonder the neophyteMoravians ended up using their wives as"urinary vessels"! However, if successful, theserituals were said to produce rejuvenation andlong life.An earlier version inwhich an erection can beseen slightly erased.When Swedenborg wrote this passage in Octoberl748, he was torn between his attraction to theMoravian and Jewish arcana of visionary sex and his guilt at its libertine ramifications.According to Idel, some Sabbatians (including the more radical disciples of Falk,Eibeschütz, and Frank) turned "orgiastic practices" into a "via mystica of the new aeon."[136] In another passage, Swedenborg used similar but inverted imagery to describe "thedregs of the people" who cannot achieve such mental and visonary feats:"I perceived for some time a cold considerably severe from the sole of the foot upwardsthrough the foot itself to the knee, and even to the loins." [137] It is possible that thesedescriptions (and others since destroyed) were shown to Blake by the Swedes in London[138].In 1790 Nordenskjöld gave J.A.Tulk, Blake's friend and neighbor, 180 pages ofextracts from the unpublished spiritual diary.Their illuminist collaborator BenedictChastanier, who hoped to heal the breach between the Eastcheapers and Universalists,copied passages from the diary throughout 1790-91.While Blake vows to teach Milton the error of his puritanical misogyny, he knows thathe must first absorb Milton's error before he can regenerate it.Though Swedenborg usedtraditional Kabbalistic symbolism on the association of the feet with the natural man inthe natural world, he also argued that they can be reformed and regenerated through theprocesses of conjugial love [139] [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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