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.A C K N O W L E D G M E N T SMajor props to the Chase Crew—John Beal, Joe Elston, KellyFaykus, and Jason Vickers—who keep me grounded and thirsty forlife, humor, and good times.And no matter if he is in L.A.or Lon-don, Thailand or Texas shooting a film or simply vibing with hiphop’s global grooves, Jerry Henry is never more than a phone call, email, or text message away.Long-time friends/brothers RandyBowman, John McCormick, Bernard Shaw, and James Wilson aregreatly appreciated.My family continues to keep me going.Sherry Watkins, JeffreyWatkins, Karen Munson, Larry Munson, Dodge, Myrtle Robinson,Dorothy Robertson, Carolyn Castaldi, Jeƒ Currin, Gloria Hall, RayNelson, Kenneth J.Hall and Kenneth R.Hall, and Bedester Peoples.The biggest thanks of all goes to the three closest people in my life, my beautiful wife, Angela Hall Watkins, our incredible daughter,Cameron Grace, and my mother, Jeweline Watkins.With any en-deavor that takes so much time, energy, and commitment you needmotivation and inspiration.Despite a career on the fast track and nu-merous commitments to several boards, my wife was my most re-liable pillar of support.Thank you for making this book happen.Cameron, thank you for the permanent smile in my heart.In justthree years you have shown me the true meaning of life and love.Finally, to my mom and to the memory of my father.I’m forever inyour debt.259 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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