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. I hear you.I ve assisted in court cases similar to that whereparents have been prosecuted for reckless endangerment. It makes me sad for that little girl to know it could ve beenavoided. You have such a soft heart.That s one of the things I lovemost about you.Cat snuggled into Billie s embrace. Hmmm& I m not theonly softie in this family.By the way, how was Seth tonight? Exhausted.I took them out for spaghetti after my aerobicsclass, and he fell asleep on the way home.He s not used to so muchactivity. You took them out for spaghetti? Man, they re going to hateto see me return to normal hours. They d hate it even more if they had to eat my cooking.Oh,and we brought some home for you.It s in the fridge.You can haveit for lunch tomorrow, or should I say today?Cat yawned. You re tired, poor baby.Sleep well, my love.I love you. Love you, too. 112Billie drifted back to sleep, and Cat lay in her arms feeling safeand warm but very much awake.She couldn t get the feeling ofbeing watched out of her mind.She lay awake all night, wonderingwhat, if anything, she should do.She feigned sleep when Billie roseat seven a.m.* * *Thank God for the weekend, Billie thought as she awoke.Catwas curled up beside her.She carefully climbed out of bed and usedthe adjoining bathroom.She d intended to rejoin Cat, but noisescoming from the kitchen gave her cause to investigate.Billie slippeda football jersey over her head then closed the bedroom door behindher on her way out.In the kitchen, she found the two kids sitting atthe table, enjoying a breakfast of cookies and potato chips.Billie learned against the doorframe and crossed her arms. Hi, Mom, the kids said together. Come have some breakfast with us, Seth added as he shovedseveral chips into his mouth.Billie sat down and grabbed a cookie.She shook it at them inmock sternness. You know, Mama will kill me for letting you guyseat this junk for breakfast. We won t tell her, Tara said. Won t tell me what? a voice asked from behind them. Busted, Billie said as the kids giggled.Billie looked guilty as Cat reached over her for the bag ofchips. We ll talk about this later, she whispered in Billie s ear.The kids moaned in unison. Aw, Mama.Cat frowned at them. I don t want to hear it.You re both oldenough to know better. Cat put the chips into the cupboard thenfaced the kids. How about some pancakes? With blueberries? Seth asked. Blueberries it is.Billie chuckled as she came up behind Cat at the counter andwrapped her arms around her. Now who s the softy? Don t you think for one moment that sweet-talking me isgoing to get you off the hook. Can t blame a girl for trying. Billie planted a kiss on Cat scheek and scooted away in time to avoid a wet dishcloth across theface. 113 Missed me! Billie set the coffeepot up while Cat preparedpancake batter. I thought you were sleeping when I got out of bed. I ve tossed and turned since I got into bed last night.MaybeI ll be able to nap after breakfast.Billie felt Cat s forehead. Are you all right?Cat nodded. Yeah.Apparently, last night s trauma with thatlittle girl keyed me up.I ll be fine after I get some sleep.* * *After breakfast, Cat reminded Billie that it was time for Seth stherapy session. Cat, you need to get some sleep.We can do his therapy laterin the day. No.The caffeine has kicked in, and I m wide-awake now, sowe might as well get it out of the way.And besides, it s Saturdayand I can sleep in tomorrow. You re the boss, Billie said. And don t you forget it.Seth, time for PT, she called into theliving room.Seth groaned. Do we have to?Billie felt sorry for him and took Cat aside. Maybe we can cuthim some slack and skip the therapy for today.Cat massaged her forehead with her hand. Billie, he hates histherapy, and I don t blame him, but if we don t do it, he won t getbetter.I m sorry if this sounds harsh, but if we give in to hispouting, it will only get worse. But it hurts him. Don t you think I know that? Cat replied in a loud voice.Cat saw the kids react to her harsh tone.She turned her back tothe living room and invited Billie to join her at the sink. Look, Cat said. I know it hurts him.Do you think I enjoydoing it? I ve spent a lot of time trying to harden my heart to hisprotests.I hate it.My heart breaks every time he cries.Billie sighed and closed her eyes. I m sorry.I didn t realizehow much it takes out of you.You re right, we can t give in. Billiekissed the top of her head. I want you to show me how to do thetherapy.There s no reason you have to do this on your own.It s badenough you have to deal with it all week.The least I can do is takeover for you on the weekends. Are you sure you want to do this? It isn t pleasant. I m sure. 114Seth s therapy was segmented so that the first hour focused onupper body exercises and the last hour on lower body.Near the endof the session while Billie massaged the kinks out of Seth s legs,Cat went to fill the whirlpool tub with warm water.She returnedcarrying Seth s and Tara s bathing suits.She dropped Seth s trunksonto his chest. Hey, big guy, how about a dip?Seth looked astonished and his eyes grew big and round. Dip?Where? he asked. You get that suit on, and let me worry about where. Sheturned to Tara. Hey, scamp, do you want to join your brother?As soon as the words left her mouth, Tara was naked. Tara O Grady.Do you have any modesty at all? Cat asked [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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