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.”“I'm sorry,” Joss said.This was really getting uncomfortable.“It's not working out.”“I'll raise your salary by fifty percent!”“No, thanks.” She had to get out of here.This was just too weird.“I've got to go, Mrs.Oliver—”“I don't know what to do with the boys! Wait!”There was no way she was waiting.She turned and hurried out of the house, with Deena's voice still echoing behind her.“No! Joss, don't go!” “I've got a date tonight,” Sandra said, taking one of Joss's suitcases out of the back of her car.“But I can cancel it if you want me to stay in with you.”“Oh, no, don't be silly!” Joss was so grateful to Sandra she had almost cried three times on the drive to Adams Morgan.“I'll be fine.I'm going to call the agency and see if they have anyone else they can send me to interview with.A lot of people want you to start right away, you know.”They hauled the bags up the steps of Sandra's building and a guy who was coming out the front door rushed over to Sandra and took the suitcase out of her hand.“Let me help you with that, Sandy.” He was nice-looking.Late twenties probably.A little short, brown hair parted conservatively on the side, and big blue eyes that kept his face from being ordinary.But he looked at Sandra as if she were a goddess.“Thanks, Carl, but I've got it.” She gestured at Joss.“By the way, Carl, this is my friend Joss.She's going to be staying with me for a while.”“Oh.Nice to meet you.” He put out a hand.It was warm and soft.“Carl Abramson.I live upstairs from Sandy.”“Very nice to meet you.” Joss looked to Sandra for some indication that she was interested in him, too, but she looked positively oblivious.“I hope to see you around.”He nodded.“You gals sure you don't need some help?”Sandra shook her head.“We've got it.But thanks anyway.”“Uh, listen.Sandy.” He moved closer to Sandra and spoke in a lower voice, looking so self-conscious, he was practically circling his toe on the ground in front of him.“I was wondering if you might be free to go to the movies some time this weekend.”She looked surprised.“Carl, that is so nice of you.And I'd love to”—he looked hopeful for a moment—“but my boyfriend might get jealous.I'm really sorry.”“Oh, that's okay.Can't blame a guy for trying.I should have known you had a boyfriend.”Sandra flushed as she smiled and said, “Thanks, Carl.”He gave her one last lingering look, then went on down the sidewalk.“Wow,” Joss whispered.“He's got it bad for you.”“You think?” Sandra looked after him.“It's funny, I had a crush on him when he first moved in a few months ago, but I was never brave enough to talk to him.Now that I'm not trying to work up the nerve, he's suddenly talking to me all the time.”“Poor guy.He looked brokenhearted.”Sandra snorted.“I doubt that.Come on.Let's get going.”When they got to the door to her apartment, Sandra turned to Joss and said, “You know, I've been thinking.Forgive me if I'm out of line, but maybe you don't want to be a full-time nanny anymore.”Joss laughed.“Well, I don't! Nothing out of line about that.But it's the only job I can think of that will give me room and board and a salary at the last minute like this.”Sandra frowned.“I've got an extra room, you know.If you want to apply for something else, you can stay here as long as you need to.”Joss was touched.“Gosh, I appreciate that, but I don't want to impose.”“Actually, I think I'd really like having you around.I've been alone in this cave for a long time.” Sandra laughed.“On top of that, I have a vested interest in keeping you around for the shoe business.We need you to be available.You're the only one who can do any sort of Web design.”Joss felt her face grow warm.“I would like to pursue that.It's the opportunity of a lifetime.”“Then it's settled.You're staying here.Maybe you'll get some part-time work doing Web design around town, but the rest of your time is ours.” She put out her hand.“Deal?”Joss had never felt so happy in her life.“Deal.” She shook Sandra's hand.“And with that,” Sandra said.“I have to go.I'm late.Wish me luck.I think tonight might be the night for Mike and me.”The night? Oh, no.“I really am in the way,” Joss said.“I could go out, maybe to Lorna's when she gets home from work—”Sandra put a hand up.“Don't worry about it.Mike's got a place.Just wish me luck.”Joss still worried that she was in Sandra's way, but she wasn't going to argue.“Good luck!” “Debbie's coming tonight,” Mike said, watching Sandra over drinks at the Zebra Room later that evening.He mentioned Debbie every single time they got together.Tonight he hadn't even waited three minutes.Was he trying to tell her something? She had to ask.The old Sandra would have been too timid, but the new Sandra was direct.To the point.Confident.Sort of.“Mike, I've been meaning to ask you about that.”“About Debbie?” He looked like he knew this was coming.Like he'd been waiting for it.“Yes.I can't help but notice that you keep mentioning Debbie in a really pointed way.Are you trying to tell me something?”His face fell into a puzzled expression.“I'm…not sure what you mean?”Confident.Bold.Straightforward.“Are you and Debbie involved?”“Are we—?” He looked like he'd just missed the bottom step [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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