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.""Maybe you should ask them when your mum isn't around.""Maybe, but I don't want to upset mum and I suspect she would be because she probably doesn't want them to know her choice of a husband wasn't much better than their choice."Lily didn't say anything, she just held him tighter.They remained like that for a few minutes than Severus said, "I suppose we should get to bed.I want to start on the wards again at first light."Lily nodded and got up to undress.She wondered if there was a bathroom close by and pulled open the first door she saw."Sev, come see this bathroom."Severus walked over and looked over Lily's head."This is almost as big as the Prefect's bathroom."Lily giggled and suggested, "Maybe we should take a relaxing bath before we go to bed.""Hmm …I am a bit sore from putting up those wards," Severus said smirking."A hot bath may just be the ticket."The next morning Severus awoke at first light.He had been jarred awake in the middle of the night when a memory had suddenly popped into his head.He recalled how Robert had told him even if he unable to see his attackers there might be others things he would eventually be able to recall such as something he might have heard or smelled.What he had remembered was one of his attacker's had smelled rank, as if either he were really excited by what he was doing or very scared.He knew that probably wouldn't help him in finding the ones responsible, but it meant that his memories of the incident were beginning to come back and something useful might eventually surface.Severus, Lily, and Eileen had breakfast in the conservatory then Severus went outside to finish the warding.Lily went to the library to browse to find something to read while Severus was occupied.As she walked in Tiberius opened his eyes."Good morning, my dear.""Good morning, Sir," She replied stopping in front of the fireplace."I've been wondering ever since Severus told me you were a Gryffindor; how did you meet? As I recall in my days at Hogwarts Gryffindors and Slytherins were quite competitive and never socialized with each other.""Unfortunately, it's still that way.Sev lives three blocks from me.We've known each other since we were nine.In fact he's the one who first told me I was a witch." She laughed softly."I got mad at him because I thought he was calling me a nasty name.I'm a Muggleborn, you see.He told me all about magic, Hogwarts and about the wizarding world." She paused then added, "I hope that doesn't matter to you and Mrs.Prince, Sir?"Tiberius sighed."No, it doesn't matter in the least, Lily.We've learned the hard way that blood status is unimportant compared to family.We made a bad mistake with Eileen and it cost us not only our only child, but our grandson as well.You are most welcome to our family, Lily.""Thank you.I'm glad that you feel that way, Sir.""I'm glad my grandson chose such a smart wife."Severus came in for lunch then went back to work, finishing finally when the light was beginning to fade.He said goodbye his grandparents and the elves, promising they'd be back at Easter.He waited outside the gate while him mum apparated with Lily to the Dragon's Tail then came back for him.They bade George farewell and flooed home.Severus was happy to be home.He was tired and looking forward to sleeping in his own bed.He helped his mum prepare a light dinner while Lily sent Morgana off with a note letting her parents know they were back.Severus glanced out the front window and saw Tobias' car wasn't there anymore, but he didn't know whether that meant he was gone or just that his car had been towed.Eileen fire-called Robert and invited him for supper."Do you remember, Robert, saying even though I was unable to see my attackers I might remember something else; something I heard or smelled?"Robert nodded."You've remembered something, Sev?"Severus nodded in return."I woke up suddenly last night remembering that one of them smelled rank; he had a wet, sweaty smell as if what he was doing either excited him or he was really scared." Severus shook his head."I don't think that's going to be any firm evidence against them though.""But it does mean you're memory starting to come back.""I wouldn't let anybody know that, Sev," Eileen cautioned worriedly.She shook her head."It might panic Potter into doing something worse.""Mum, I don't plan to let anybody know.Not even Professor Dumbledore.""It was probably Pettigrew you smelled.He has the worst hygiene!" Lily exclaimed, wrinkling her nose."I never could understand how Potter could taunt you about your non-existent hygiene problems and not notice how bad Pettigrew smelled.""Well, I guess it's okay to stink as long as you're a Marauder," Severus replied causticallyLily helped Eileen clean up after Robert had left.There was a tapping at the kitchen window and Eileen opened it so Morgana could fly in.She flew over to Lily with a note.Lily took the note from her and gave her a treat.She opened it."It's from mum and dad.They didn't see Tobias anytime in the last two days so they called and had his car towed so he wouldn't have an excuse to come back here.""That's good," Eileen breathed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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