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. Uh, yeah,you were something about finals? he guessed hopefully.Parker tilted his head back to look at him.Jake adjusted hisheadset with one hand and motioned for him to turn back around withthe other.Then he went back to smoothing his hands across Parker sback and shoulders, occasionally scritching his nails up the back ofParker s neck and into his thick hair, running them lightly across hisscalp.It wasn t like Jake had just discovered Parker was skin hungry.He d known that almost as long as he d known Parker.It was just thathe now had so many more appropriate ways to feed that hunger, andslowly, Parker was letting him.Of course he got caught up in it everynow and again.44 AndShit, Becca was still talking. Jake! Seriously, what is going onwith you? Sorry, he said sheepishly, trying to concentrate as Parker lolledhis head to the side in pleasure.God, that was so  I m a littledistracted. You think? He could almost see her raising her eyebrows indisbelief. Are you okay? Should I be worried? I m fine, he assured her, rubbing small circles around Parker stemples.Parker made a pleased little noise that would not have beenout of place in an adult movie. It s nothing bad, I promise.Jake could practically hear it when the other penny dropped forher. So it s something good, then?Shiiiiiit.Luckily, Parker was too blissed out from having his headrubbed to pay much attention. Can we leave it at that, please?A high-pitched squeal made Jake wince and wish he were holdinga phone he could put away from his ear instead of using a stupidBluetooth headset. Oh my God! Jake!44If by  now and again you meant  all the time. 186 Ashlyn Kane Don t! he interrupted her quickly. Don t say it, don t jump toconclusions, just don t.I m not allowed to talk about it, okay? I mkind of on probation.At that, Parker opened his eyes a little, pupils dilated so far theyobscured most of the vivid green.His mouth twitched into a smug halfsmile.Maybe he was getting something out of this conversation, afterall. Right.Of course.My lips are sealed. She paused. You redoing something naughty right now, aren t you? What!? Jake yelped. No! Not while I m on the phone But Becca was laughing. I ll leave you to it.Call me later?Shaking his head, Jake let it go. Yeah, I can do that. Good.And Jake? Hmm? Congratulations. And the line went dead.Jake pulled off the headset with a sigh. Good thing we re not on tour, Parker said, stretching languidly, because you really suck at this secret dating thing.Jake bent down and kissed him upside-down on the mouth. Sorry.Thanks for not being mad.Parker shrugged. It s only fair.My sister knows.Jake vaulted over the back of the couch onto the seat besideParker. Plus, it was totally your fault I got caught.Snorting, Parker rearranged himself so that his legs were drapedacross Jake s lap. How do you figure? You re very distracting.You make it impossible to pay attentionto anything else, with those noises you make  I do not make noises! Parker protested, flushing.Jake let his lips curl up in amusement and ran his nails up the legof Parker s jeans.Parker sighed contentedly and relaxed into somethingapproximating the shape of a pretzel. American Love Songs 187Then he abruptly opened his eyes, and the flush stained hischeeks a dark red. Oh.Sorry.Jake waved it off. I don t mind. Yeah, but it must sound kind of, uh&. Parker trailed off. Parker. Seriously, was he that dense?  Why do you think I likeit? For emphasis, Jake pushed down on Parker s legs a little, makinghis left calf brush against Jake s semi-hard dick through his jeans. Oh. Now he looked like he wanted to crawl between the couchcushions and die.Wondering if he d gone too far, Jake patted his knee in what hehoped was a reassuring way. It s not just I d do it just because youlike it.The sounds you make are just a bonus. I don t mean to tease, Parker whispered. I wouldn t care if you did, Jake told him honestly. I dprobably deserve it.And it d be fun.I told you, I m not goinganywhere.Parker nodded silently.Well, Jake thought, this was as good an opportunity for thatconversation as any.He took a deep breath. Listen, here s the thing.Parker looked uncomfortable.No big shock there; he d probablyfigured out Jake wanted to talk about sex. You ve been programmed to think about sex as, I don t know,something bad, something that will doom your immortal soul.Norelationship can stand up to that. It frustrated the hell out of Jake andmade him want to grab a blunt object and have a nice little meet-and-greet with Parker s family, but that wasn t really the point.He couldn timagine what it must have been like growing up in a house like that,forbidden from acting on a natural impulse because it would doom himforever, afraid to be himself.He suppressed a shudder.No, thanks.Atthe same time, he had to appreciate where Parker was coming from.Oh, hell, Jake was an idiot.He could have saved himself a lot ofmental anguish if he d just got a clue a little sooner. That s why youran away from me the first time, isn t it? 188 Ashlyn KaneParker s flush, and the way he refused to meet Jake s eyes, toldhim all he needed to know.Jake settled his hands on the small of Parker s back. The thingis, you re a smart guy, a compassionate guy.You probably don t thinkI m going to hell, and I ve been a badder boy than you ll ever be.The expression on Parker s face read somewhere betweenmortification and relief.Jake stopped again, making little circles withhis hands, and almost tore a muscle contorting himself to kiss histemple. Take some time to think about it, okay? Jake had a perfectlygood right hand to wear out in the meantime, and if he got bored hecould always try batting left. Go visit some alternative churches orsomething if you need to.Ask Jimmy about Buddhism.Come to mewhen you re ready.I ll wait.I don t want you to be worried about thestate of your soul when we re together.It should be about us.It was a good thing he was mostly done talking, because Parkerjust launched himself at Jake s mouth, taking him in a deep, thoroughkiss.The opportunity was too good to waste, and Jake snaked his handsup the back of Parker s sweater, caressing the smooth skin.Justbecause he wasn t getting laid didn t mean he couldn t cop a feel. You are really something else, Parker told him when they brokeapart. Something good? Jake teased.Parker rolled his eyes. Don t make me sing to you. But hekissed Jake again anyway.AS IF Jake could have been any closer to the top of the world, theGrammy nominees were announced the next day.It was more than a little nerve-wracking to be crowding into theauditorium at the Beverly Hills Hilton with artists whose music he dgrown up listening to, and the urge to reach over and grab Parker shand in the insanity was almost overpowering, but somehow hemanaged to keep it together [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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