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.Violators will be prosecuted to the highest extent of the law.This investigation begins concerning an incident which occurred on May 9, 2009, in which I discovered a motorist idling suspiciously near a recent crime scene.Said motorist was discovered to be in possession of an object of unknown origin.I engaged the motorist in conversation with the intent of discerning the nature of the object which he possessed.The motorist’s driver’s license identified him as James.James showed me the object and explained in detail the circumstances that had led him to the discovery of the object.After careful mental examination of the details of his account, plus the evidence inherit in the object itself, I decided to go undercover and help James discover the source of the messages that had led him to the object.Please refer at this time to my folder referencing William and Antoinella Simonelli and the things I discovered about the nefarious underhanded dealings purported by William Simonelli.I am stating here as FACT and TRUE that although James did kill William Simonelli–and I can’t emphasize this enough–it was an act of SELF-DEFENSE.And also, by James’ word, which I believe one hundred %, Antoinella Simonelli fell and basically died from the fall.Which James did not intend, but which was probably more William Simonelli’s fault anyway for being involved in criminal activities in the first place.FROM THE DESK OF SRGT.RIDDEL • POLICE MANI felt it necessary to go undercover in my investigation and to keep James’ involvement in the Simonellis deaths under wraps until such time as I can determine who is involved and who is not involved in the origins of the object.Here are my thoughts SO FAR as to what, exactly, the object is and/or where it came from:something from outer space re: ALIEN technologysomething secret from our governmentsomething secret from a FOREIGN powerthat it is a weapon!that it contains knowledge of an alien natureJames was alerted to the existence of the object through a series of encoded messages which began to appear at his work place and in the general public.Through this series of seemingly unrelated messages, James was able to discover (LED?? to discover?) that the object was being held by William Simonelli for purposes unknown.James was tasked with retrieving the object and did so by entering the garage of the Simonelli home.He tried to do this in as discreet a manner as possible, but was discovered in the course of his actions by William Simonelli.Simonelli did attack James without provocation upon finding him in the garage.It is James’ feeling that the attack occurred BECAUSE Simonelli knew that James was searching for the object with the intention of liberating it, and Simonelli was tasked with hiding (in a nefarious fashion) the object from whoever it is that tasked James with finding it.That is when the death of William and the unfortunate death of Antoinella occurred.Although, since she was married to him, she must have had SOME idea of his criminal activity (re: see my folder on the Simonellis.)FROM THE DESK OF SRGT.RIDDEL • POLICE MANIn the interest of discovering the NATURE of the object, I decided to research James himself (with his permission) to see if it was something in his past which marked him as the ideal candidate to be the finder and champion of the object.The following are the results of my investigation:Actual true name of subject is (as evidenced on a birth certificate):Baby Boy JamesBorn: June 6, 1978, Middletown, New Jersey, at Grace Mercy Presbyterian HospitalMother: Margaret JamesFather: n/aThe first four years of Baby Boy James’ life were unusual in that the baby’s mother (Margaret) seemed to feel the baby was suffering from something ongoing and of a chronic nature, either a disease or a failure of the baby’s immune system.These were (according to her, via various reports) the reasons the child was so often sick.IF Baby Boy James was NOT suffering from some long-term debilitating disease or ANY sort of genetic disorder, then it becomes oddly telling that the amount of dr.s visits and e.r.visits would not have been pieced together sooner by someone in authority, that Baby Boy would be allowed to suffer at the hands of his biological mother.It would seem that Baby Boy had been let down by a system that did not seem terribly interested in the suffering of one small baby.OR, it was preparatory TO and necessary FOR his education to become such as he is for the EXPRESS PURPOSE of being a clean conduit to find the object and take possession of it.And because it is evidenced that Baby Boy James did indeed grow to adulthood (relatively free from disease or illness otherwise) then I would have to conclude that he WAS failed, and in precisely such a manner, OR it was PREORDAINED.FROM THE DESK OF SRGT.RIDDEL • POLICE MANFollowing are the SUMMATIONS ONLY of the dr.s visits and e.r.visits perpetrated on Baby Boy James by Margaret.For the more detailed sheets, admittance forms, prescriptions written, after care details, etc., see folder re: Medical Breakdown Breakdown (the second ‘breakdown’ referring to the ‘breakdown’ of the system regarding the baby–haha).Btwn June 6, 1978, and August 8, 1982, there are a total of:9 (NINE) ambulance/911 calls involving subject related to: violent vomiting sometimes accompanied by blood, loss of consciousness, fevers of unknown origin, blood in the stool and/or urine16 (SIXTEEN) non-ambulance trips to various emergency rooms involving subject: violent vomiting, fever of unknown origin, rash, blood in the stool or urine, sores of unknown origin, possible allergic reactions27 (TWENTY SEVEN) doctor visits (various practitioners) relating to: unexplained rashes, stomach pains/vomiting, fainting or otherwise appearing to have ‘passed out’, unexplained bruising, weight loss/failure to gain weight, sores and/or fevers of unknown originOn August 8 of 1982, Baby Boy James was removed from his mother’s home and placed in the foster care system in New Jersey.Margaret James was charged with endangering the welfare of a child, intent to endanger a child, causing serious bodily harm to a child, and remanded to custody at Pine Hollows Psychiatric Hospital.(for more information, see my folder re: MARGARET JAMES)FROM THE DESK OF SRGT.RIDDEL • POLICE MANJames was then put into various foster care homes, none of which are particularly remarkable especially in light of the unimaginable cruelty of the first four years of James’ life.He was adopted in his sixth year by Ron and Belinda Smith who changed his name through official channels from Baby Boy James to James Smith [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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