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. What's.wrong with me, Abel? her chin trembled as his inability to tell her the truth was enoughto let her know it was bad.Real bad. Savannah. he sniffed and wiped his face. You.you have.HIV.She just stared at him, momentarily confused. Wh-what? She knew what it was.It just hadn'tsunk in yet.Taking her hand, he sat on the edge of the bed.His chin dropped to his chest and he pressed herhand to his lips. It's all my fault. he choked, fresh tears following the course of the previous ones. What.what are you saying, Abel? her voice hitched and thickened with tears. I.Ihave.AIDS? Panic tightened her words as her tears slipped over. I'm I'm going to.die?She broke and Abel grabbed her, hugging her fiercely. No. the word ground out tightly betweenclenched teeth. You're not gonna die.And you.you don't have AIDS.not yet.and if you gettreatment, they can stop it from turning into AIDS.You're gonna be okay, Savannah. he cried againsther hair, squeezing her in his arms. I promise.I'll get you the medication, the treatment, anything youneed to get better.Shudders rushed through her body as she hugged him back, crying against his shoulder. I don'twant to die, Abel. I told you. he choked. You're not.I'll take care of you.She pulled back a little, tears streaming. Why.why did you say it's your fault?Abel dropped his forehead to her shoulder and cried brokenly. I should've gotten you off thestreets.You shouldn't have had to& to dig through fucking garbage to eat. He choked on a sob andraised his head. That night.when you stabbed your hand on something in the garbage can.I I thinkit was a.dirty needle.The girl's chest hitched, her breath broken and tears filling and spilling over in a consistent flow. I've.I've had it all this time? she trembled. Is that why.I'm always sick?Abel nodded slowly as she swam before him.She broke down again and he pulled her back intohis arms, crying into her hair. I'm scared, Abel. she sobbed against his neck. Me too. he swallowed hard and held her tighter. But I'm gonna take care of this.I'm gonna takecare of you.You'll get better, you will. his body shook as a rush of sobs piled in his throat.You haveto.I can't lose you.* * * *After Dr.Jacobs came in and talked to Savannah about their options, and her and Abel meetingwith the referral doctor, she was finally exhausted enough to sleep.Abel was reluctant to leave her,but Jacobs said she needed her rest and it was best if he came back the next day.Devlin had faded away and was nowhere to be seen as Abel walked back outside with Cole andGabe. Do you want to go back to the apartment? Cole asked when they were in the car. Maxdoesn't expect you to work tonight, not after having to deal with this today. I wanna go to the club. Abel said. I need to talk to Max. he faltered, then added,  Let himknow what's going on with Savannah. It wasn't a lie, just not all of the truth.It was time to deal with Kaplan.Savannah needed to start treatment as soon as possible, and he didn't want anything delayingit.Cole didn't argue.Being alone at the apartment these days wasn't appealing to Abel, and bothCole and Gabe understood that.At the bar, Abel asked the whereabouts of Max from Carl. Back in his office, I think. Carl said.Abel nodded and headed that way as Cole and Gabe went back to the dressing rooms to get readyfor work.Pausing outside Max's door, Abel knocked. It's open. Max called from the other side. Max. Abel opened the door and stepped inside. I wanted- His words sliced off when henoticed Kaplan sitting on the leather sofa as Max lounged in the matching leather armchair, both witha glass of scotch in their hands. Abel. Max stood. Come in. Kaplan stood as well.Abel looked him over, having never seenhim up close.The man was handsome enough, mid-to-late thirties, clean shaven, short neat haircut.His suit looked expensive, and the gold watch on his wrist confirmed that the man spared no expensewhen it came to style.His words stuck in his throat.He had come here to tell Max to set up a meeting with Kaplan butthe man was already here.Yet now, Abel didn't feel prepared.The guy had caught him off guard. Abel. Max said, motioning towards the other man. This is Horatio Kaplan.The man stepped forward and held out his hand, a pleasant smile curving his lips. It's good tofinally meet you, Abel [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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