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.He wanted to cling to hisrecent memories of Angel, their love making, but he had no right to those memories.He had no rightto Angel at all. I m sorry, baby, he choked softly and covered his eyes with his hand, his body shaking withquiet sobs. I can t undo what I ve done. He rolled onto his side, his back to Max, and buried hisface in his pillow.On the bed next to him, Max shifted then rubbed his hand over Dane s waist and around to flattenagainst his stomach, his warm body pressing up against Dane s back.He kissed his shoulder. Whenever you re ready to talk about it, Max murmured softly, sleep thick in his voice. I m readyto listen.Anything you say to me stays between us.Dane covered his hand and intertwined their fingers, squeezing tightly.He didn t say anything butpushed his back snuggly against the man s chest and pulled Max s arm more securely around him.* * *  So how d our little boy toy do tonight? Wade smirked, elbows on the table as he leaned over,a tiny rolled paper tube stuffed in his nostril as he snorted a line of white powder.Angel stood frozenin the kitchen doorway, staring at him.Next to Wade, Byrd had his own  straw and used a flat razorblade to make another line, sniffed it up the mini paper pipe, then sat back, sniffed again and wipedhis nose with finger and thumb.Then he grinned at Angel. Wanna do a line? He held out the makeshift tube.Angel s heart pounded; they were doing real drugs now? Up to this point, Wade and Axel hadonly drunk booze and smoked pot.His eyes shifted to Axel who was rubbing his nose and lookedhigher than he ever had, eyes heavy, barely held open, but a grin on his face. Yeah, baby. Axel coughed then cleared his throat and wiped at his nose again.His nostrilswere a reddish hue with residue of the white powder clinging to the tiny hairs inside. Take a snort.Loosen up.Wade laughed and then chugged a beer and rubbed his nose once more. I know a better way to loosen him up, Byrd drawled and his glazed eyes crawled all overAngel s body like cockroaches.Axel snorted, a slur to his voice,  You re such a fag, man.Rather than slap him in the head as before, Byrd chuckled and shrugged. The boy s got a fineass, what can I say? His gaze settled heavily on Angel, his lips twitching.He smacked his thigh. Why don t you come on over and take a seat right here on Uncle Byrd s lap. Fuck, Axel snickered.Wade looked at Angel and straightened in his chair, clearing his throat. So? What do you got forme tonight?They were using the money to buy hard drugs? Angel strongly suspected it was Byrd who hadturned them onto this shit, once they had the money to pay for it.Neither of his stepbrothers opposedByrd s ideas. Licking his lips slowly, Angel walked over and dropped a thick wad of cash on the table; mostof what Lex had paid him. Fuck. Byrd grabbed the money and Angel didn t miss the slight annoyance that skittered acrossWade s face, but he said nothing as the man unfolded the money and flipped through the stack of bills.A low whistle pushed out.Wade went to snatch the cash from his hand and Byrd jerked it back. Give me my fucking money, Wade snapped and grabbed for it again.Byrd shoved him back in his chair. In a fuckin minute, I m still looking.The hard look in Wade s eyes warned he might make an issue of it.Normally he kowtowed toByrd the man could clearly kick his ass but tonight Wade was jacked up on whatever shit they dbeen snorting and may not be thinking clearly. I said give me my fucking money.Byrd looked at him dryly then threw the bills onto the table. Have a shit fit about it, why don tya? He grabbed his beer and chugged half the contents.Ignoring him, Wade picked up the money and slowly thumbed through it.He was already overhis annoyance now that the cash was in his hands, and smiled. Sweet. He cocked an eyebrow atAngel. You keep this up and we ll be best friends.Fuck you.Angel just looked at him dully.As soon as he d crawled out of the limo, the pain ofeverything had hit him again [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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