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.KYLE“What the fuck was that?” Derek was speaking to me but I couldn’t answer him.I couldn’t breathe.The sight of Lee huddled on the floor terrified of me.Her hand, I was the lowest of the low.There were no words to describe the kind of bastard I was.Derek pushed me down on the couch, and paced the room.“Dude what the hell just happened? What was that?” I looked at him blankly.I was hoping he could tell me.The door opened and Cam closed it quietly behind her.I stood as she strode towards me.She grabbed my shirt.“Listen to me dipshit, if you ever lay so much as a finger on that girl again, I will rip your fucking heart out.” I cringed.“Cam, I didn’t…” I didn’t know what to say.I had no excuses.“I didn’t realise I had her gripped that hard, I’ve been drinking.” Pitiful excuse but it was the truth.I honest to god hadn’t realised her wrist was in my hand.I’d been so caught up in what she was saying.Cam exhaled sharply, “She came here to get away from one abusive bastard, not to find another.”My heart stopped.“What the fuck are you talking about?” Who had Lee come here to get away from? Abusive bastard? “Cam, you better start talking,” I warned.“Don’t go there Carter.I keep enough of your secrets.This is not my story to tell,” she sighed, “Maybe you should have asked Lee why was here before you went and scared the life out of her.I mean are you that stupid Kyle.I told you she was fragile.I warned you to stay away from her.You better fucking pray that she doesn’t run again.Because if she goes back, she’s finished.Believe it or not Kyle, that girl has lived through more horror than you could dream up.What’s she had suffered would make you pray for death.I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s not here tomorrow, god knows I’d be gone if I were her.”Cam stormed out of the room.Derek, who had been standing quietly behind me, sighed.“Dude what the fuck was that?” I had no idea.But I was going to find out.LEECam lay on my bed facing me.I didn’t remember climbing the stairs or getting into bed.She looked sad.“I’m sorry,” I whispered.She sniffed, and wiped a tear from her eye.“I love you Lee.You know that don’t you?” I nodded.I knew Cam loved me.She was the only person in the world who did.“So I’m going to ask you some questions, and if you can’t say the answers out then just shake or nod your head okay?” I nodded smiling at the old game she was playing with me.This was how Cam had talked to me when I couldn’t talk.“Did it stop? After I left, did he stop?” I quivered, and shook my head.Tears well from both our eyes as Cam wrapped her fingers around mine.“Did it worse? More violent?” I nodded.Cam blanched as sucked in a deep breath.I did not attempt to lie.Cam knew well what my father was capable of.She had seen the bruises on my body for years.“Is that why you don’t like to wear revealing clothes? Are you scarred?” I nodded again.Tears were pouring from my eyes, but I couldn’t make a sound.I knew what her next quest would be.“Lee can I see?” I nodded and shifted onto my stomach.She pulled up my nightshirt and gasped.She started to cry and pulled me into a hug.“You’re not going back there.I don’t care what happens between you and Kyle.I’m gonna take of you.Promise me Lee.Promise me you’ll never go back there.” I nodded, as I leaned against her, “I promise.”I was still awake when Cam slipped out of my room an hour later.I expected her to leave.She had Derek, and needed to be with him, but when she came back into my room a few minutes later with some ice for my hand, I felt a silent tear fall from my eyes.LEEI woke with another pounding headache.This was becoming the norm, I thought drowsily, as sunlight beamed through my curtains.I stretched in bed flexing my arms out and yelped in surprise as a sharp pain shot up my wrist.I pulled my hand out from under the covers for closer inspection.I groaned as last night’s debacle flooded my mind.I thought maybe I had dreamt the whole thing up but no Kyle’s fingerprints were bruised into my skin, skin that was now purple and swollen.I tried to move it but a much sharper pain jolted through me so I stopped.Uh crap, how was I going to work with one hand, waitressing required the use of both hands.I moaned loudly and dragged my tired body up.I didn’t want to be in this room anymore, Rachel had tainted it with her poison.I went downstairs to the kitchen to use the phone.I didn’t have a cell phone and I needed to contact Linda and let her know I wouldn’t be in today.She answered on the first ring and had already heard about my injured hand; Mr Carter had signed me off work for the rest of the week.When I hung up and headed straight over to turn on the percolator.Coffee, I definitely needed to make some.I was surprised to see it was already ready for me.I was usually the first up in the morning.“Lee.” Cam’s voice sounded from behind me and I jumped with surprise.I hadn’t seen her there at all.“God you scared me Cam.” I walked over to the table and sat beside her.She pushed a cup toward me.“How are you feeling? You want to talk about things?” I could hear the sympathy rolling from the question and I was cringed.I neither needed nor wanted sympathy from anyone ever again.I left that behind me.“I’m fine Cam, last night just brought back some ugly memories for me.” I lifted my cup with my sore wrist and whimpered, quickly changing hands.“Hmm I figured that out Lee.But last night was about more than your father [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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