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. I ll always take care of you, Caleb, he said quietly, a sudden strain to his voice. No matter what.Caleb s brow pinched a little as Samuel s declaration seemed to come out of nowhere.The man spale green eyes churned with emotion. Okay, Caleb murmured, his frown deepening. I know youwill. Caleb sensed there was a deeper meaning to Samuel s words, but the effects of their intenseactivities had left him exhausted, his mind depleted of thought.Whatever was behind those wordswould have to wait until morning for greater in-depth scrutiny. Chapter 15 Things Of TomorrowSeth slid his fingers lovingly through Horatio s soft, dark hair.The man s sleeping form wasshadowed in the growing darkness of the bedroom.It wasn t all that late; night hadn t even set incompletely.But the stress and tension of the day had hit Horatio hard, as Seth suspected it had theothers as well.He d seen it Max s eyes, and in the overall demeanor of all those in the courtroomwho were there for Abel.But Horatio s and Max s stress stemmed from a much deeper issue.His head on his pillow, Seth continued to stroke his fingers in Horatio s hair as he watched himsleep.His strands remained damp from their passionate love making.It was an amazing experience tobe made love to by this man.But Seth understood that, in the height of passion, Horatio s mind wouldalways take him back to Max, and regardless of who was in his arms  his heart saw them as Max.Though this time, at that moment of release, Horatio had refrained from crying out Max s name Seth had still sensed it there, on the tip of his tongue.He had told Seth he didn t want him to be Max,but to just be Seth.And on the surface, Horatio meant it sincerely.But Seth had seen the look inHoratio s eyes when he d told him what Max had said.After all this time, Horatio still needed toknow that it had been a struggle for Max to leave him.Just from his one conversation with Max, Sethwas certain that Horatio couldn t possibly look the man in the eye and not know how hard it had beenfor him to walk away.But doubts and fears had a way of building up over a twenty year stretch.Horatio s heart remained tender, wounded.and he needed to  hear that he hadn t been so easilytossed aside.Warm tears slipped from Seth s eyes and seeped into the satin pillow. You could ve been  theone for me, Seth whispered, throat squeezing.He rubbed the back of his fingers down Horatio swarm cheek. My Prince Charming.My knight in shining armor. His vision blurred and he movedcloser, pressing his forehead gently against Horatio s brow. You could ve been my fairytale cometrue. He kissed Horatio s mouth softly, his chin trembling. But I never really had a chance with you,did I, baby? His combed his fingers through the short hairs at Horatio s temple. Your heart wastaken long ago.He kissed him again and Horatio shifted in his sleep. Max. he mumbled.Fresh tears formed and slid down Seth s cheeks. I m here, baby, he whispered brokenly andscooted closer as Horatio s arms went around him. You didn t leave me.Seth bit his lip and pressed his cheek to Horatio s face, crying softly.He could hear the teenageboy in Horatio s voice, that shimmer of childlike fear when one finds themselves lost. I didn t leaveyou, he trembled quietly,  I m right here.I ve always been right here. And Seth understood just thenthat it was true; Max had never really left Horatio behind.He clung to him as surely as Horatio clungto Max.A gentle sigh escaped Horatio and he pushed his face against Seth s throat as the tension in hisbody receded and he relaxed in Seth s arms. I knew you wouldn t leave me.you promised.Stroking his hair, Seth kissed his ear. I did, Max.A warm tear dripped onto Seth s neck and trickled slowly down his skin. I love you, Max.Biting his lip harder, Seth shoved his face into Horatio s hair, sobs shaking him. I love you, too, Horatio.Everything s going to be okay.I promise***Abel shuddered pleasantly beneath the weight and warmth of Devlin s body.He clung to Devlin,breath uneven as the man pushed inside him gently [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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