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.For a full minute Abanastar stood staring at the dark, shifting sky through the inscrutable Focusing Lens.When he lowered his head to look forward again, the undersides of the clouds, all moving and beautifully textured, were lit with lightning light which spread instantly like molten gold and then, just as quickly, winked out.A hole opened up in the heavens and a column of focused sunlight, two hundred meters in diameter, yellow-white and solid, struck the ground just before the rip in space.Even as far back as he was, Abanastar heard the screams unaided, but through his lenses, he watched bodies rising up, burning to ash as they climbed the super-heated air left in the wake of the spent sunbeam.He saw with some satisfaction that the rip began to close.Space began to reknit from both ends, closing, closing, racing towards a shrinking aperture at the center until that too was sealed.After another minute, a new arrangement of lenses—the previous ones destroyed by the intensity of their payload—was in place with a new target selected, this time a couple hundred meters from where the rip had been, to singe the rear of the enemy advance.The hole in the clouds flashed white, and molten gold returned to flow through the velvet ridges and under valleys of the cloud bottoms.This time, though, before the column of light could touch town, it struck something unseen high above ground, bending at a right angle and then scattering in a fan out over the sea.Abanstar started.He was wholly unprepared for anyone or anything co-opting his power.Once more he set about arranging the lenses, but was skeptical about how effective they might be from here on out, nor was his skepticism unwarranted.The sunbeam came with all its glorious light play among the clouds, but again, it bent ninety degrees, this time losing none of its focus, and lining straight for the Root Palace.The bar of light lanced the Palace, blackening its surface and igniting a great, though strangely transparent, blaze of red-orange.Thick oily smoke rose up from the fringes of the flames to join the lid that blotted out most of the sky.Despite what it looked like, Abanastar knew his power, knew that the Palace and its occupants were in no real danger.There would be injuries certainly, but no fatalities, and the fire would burn itself out or Palace personnel would extinguish it.He sighed, realizing that he could no longer rely on broad strokes, that he would have to bloody his knuckles.It wasn’t the first time.And as if to punctuate his resignation to the inevitable, Abanastar found himself beset by a flood of enemy soldiers.• • •Vays couldn’t stand to wait.After signaling his intentions to his fellows, he broke from the rear line, sprinting forward as he drew the Titan Saber from his helmet.The Saber flashed, cutting through the first three who crossed his path.He sank into the mire of gene soldiers and enemy troops, those with faces and those without, the latter with Haloes of light and dark surrounding their heads, Haloes that inspired a new species of dread in him.For the second time in his life, the first on the battlefield, he experienced panic, though it was mild and served to supplement his adrenaline.Through the chaos, Vays only knew that the armor provided by the Titan Star was proof against nearly all that was brought against him.He felt knocks and tugs, heat and cold, but nothing as yet had penetrated.The Saber was equally as effective offensively.The normal enemy troops he split in half, through torsos or down through crowns.The other ones, the ones with the Haloes, were more durable, required more effort in the way of both speed and strength.But these, too, he cleaved and killed, or at least he thought he did.He moved through the crowd, sometimes taking a gene soldier along with one of the enemy, and began to notice a pair of baleful eyes boring into him.Whichever direction he turned, from behind an opponent, from between two gene soldiers with their backs to him, that same pair of bloodshot eyes, nearly jutting from their sockets, stabbed him, pressed him, crushed him with accusation.It was uncanny how the owner of those eyes seemed to be everywhere at once.There was something different about him as well, some knowing quality, which was ultimately meaningless since the Viscain brought only death with them.But those eyes, clear and perfectly visible through a gap in shroud rags, were always in a position to meet him.Vays was weary.He’d worked so hard, killed so many already; his energy was draining away.Sleep might be the answer.The eyes with the pressure of their accusation seemed to squeeze the resolve from him.He was dully aware of a flash that lit his surroundings, that turned day back to day from the false, cloud-induced night, but it seemed separate, outside, and only an unnecessary distraction to his much needed rest.Though Vays felt himself move more and more slowly, he hadn’t actually moved at all for the last several minutes.He stood inert on the battlefield, his sword held loosely in his right hand, its tip digging slightly into the ground.Terrible acts of violence went on all around him.Sometimes he was the target of that violence, but the regular soldiers of this sixth planet could not breach the Titan Star’s defense.There was one among them Entitled by God who was having more luck, however [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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