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.In fact, unbeknown to Bekki he had asked Morris to do a few extra laps near her salon to make sure that she was safe.“The whole reason that John had gone to Larry's in the first place was to get his jacket cleaned,” Bekki pointed out calmly.“Now, when you and the other officers searched the cleaners, did you take that jacket into evidence?”“Of course we did,” Nick narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.“Why?“Well,” Bekki sighed as she got into the line that led up to the bakery's counter.Nick stayed right beside her.“I just wanted to check because Larry said…”“When did you speak to Larry?” Nick asked and the tone of his voice made Bekki realize she had made a mistake.“Uh,” Bekki was next in line luckily, and Angela spoke up before Bekki could explain.“Hi Bekki,” she said cheerfully.“How are you doing?”“I'm good,” Bekki replied, feeling Nick's eyes hovering sternly on her.“I was hoping that I could have a special dessert made.My mother is hosting Christmas brunch, and there's this dessert that my grandmother used to make.My mom lost the recipe for it, and I've never been great with baking.I was hoping that maybe you would know how to make it.”“Give me an idea of what it is and I'll see what I can do,” Angela said with a confident nod.“It was a three layer cake, with a really creamy frosting in the middle, and walnuts and pecans on top,” Bekki explained, trying not to drool as she did.“Yes, an Italian Cream Cake,” Angela announced as if it was obvious.“I guess that's it,” Bekki laughed and glanced over at Nick who still had one eyebrow raised.She couldn't help but think he looked handsome with that expression, even if it did mean he expected her to explain herself.“And do you have anything to cure sour face?” she asked in a playful tone.Angela looked up at Nick, who had already begun to smile at Bekki's words.“Chocolate chip cookie does it every time,” Angela said as she handed one over to Nick in a napkin.Nick looked as if he might protest, but in the end he took the cookie and grinned at Bekki and Angela.“I guess it works,” he added as he took a bite and laughed.Bekki paid for both the cookie and the order of the Italian Cream Cake, and then the two walked back out onto the main street.Nick offered her a bite of his cookie.Bekki leaned in to take a bite, but he pulled it back quickly before she could, drawing a groan of protest from her.“So, when did you talk to Larry?” he asked, with a frown.“Ugh,” Bekki sighed and shrugged a little.“Today.”“So you went to Larry's, and spoke to Larry, alone?” Nick asked and took a bite of his cookie.“Maybe,” Bekki replied hesitantly.“But, it was a spur of the moment thing.”Nick sighed and handed her the rest of his cookie.“Well, it's a good thing you got me this,” he said as she devoured the last of it.“Look Bekki, I know you can protect yourself, you've shown me that plenty of times.But, I hate to see you have to, and I don't like being worried about you all the time.”“So don't worry,” she smiled and kissed the curve of his lip where a small smudge of chocolate chip remained.“Then don't go talking to murderers,” he replied as he locked his arms around her waist and drew her body close to his.He deepened the light kiss she had begun, and she found herself melting right into his grasp.No matter what was happening in her life, Nick's warm arms around her, and his passionate kiss, were enough to make her forget everything.When he pulled away she looked up at him, her eyes glazed with passion.“No more talking to murderers,” she said in a whisper.“Should we call it a New Year's resolution?”“Aren't those famous for being broken?” he pointed out.Bekki could only smile in return.Nick shook his head and chuckled before kissing her again.Even as he was holding her, she was still thinking about the murder.If Larry was back at the cleaners then perhaps there was an opportunity for her to find some real evidence.Maybe he had discarded some things in the dumpster.Maybe he tossed out anything that he felt implicated him in the crime.“So you want to play hooky and spend the day with me?” Nick suggested with a glow in his eyes.“That sounds wonderful,” Bekki replied in a warm tone.“But, I've been leaning on Sammy an awful lot the past few days, and I have a few things I need to prepare at the salon for the holidays.I'm sorry, can we take a rain check?” she asked hopefully.Nick studied her intently as if he might suspect that she wasn't telling him the entire truth, but Bekki's sweet smile either disarmed him, or he had simply become used to it.Either way, he just nodded.“All right, but if you need any help with anything, give me a call.The case is a little dead right now while we wait for some evidence to be evaluated,” he said almost apologetically.“I will,” she promised and gave him one last parting kiss.When she got back to the salon she really did do some holiday preparations [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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