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.She ground some beans and got the coffee brewing.Three years ago to the day, Tom had gone out for orange juice and never returned.But surprisingly this morning her thoughts weren’t on Tom but Derek.When she’d been with Tom, everything had revolved around their home life together.They hadn’t socialized with friends or other couples because they hadn’t needed anyone else.They’d had each other.It had been enough.But as happy as she’d been, Rachel wasn’t sure that a relationship of that nature would suit her now.She liked spending time with friends.She liked doing “couples” activities.Rachel felt like a butterfly that had finally found its wings.The changes hadn’t happened overnight, but rather had been occurring gradually these past three years.But Derek, well, he’d shown her how to soar.“I love him,” Rachel said aloud, the realization welling up from deep inside, the words right and strong against her tongue.“I love Derek Rossi.”She felt a momentary stab of guilt as her gaze was drawn to her wedding picture.Rachel crossed the room and picked up the frame.She slowly ran a finger across his lips, outlining Tom’s smile.This man had been her friend.Her first lover.Her beloved husband.She hugged the photo against her.Was that understanding she’d seen in her husband’s eyes?“Being with Derek in no way diminishes what I felt for you,” she whispered.“You taught me how to love and how to accept love.Even when it looked like we might never have a baby, you were so sweet, insisting that I was all you needed to be happy.”Tears welled in Rachel’s eyes and spilled over.She let them fall, finding healing in them.“Since you died, I’ve been just going through the motions of living.” She sat the picture down and pulled the ring slowly from her finger.“I know that’s not what you want for me.You want me to be happy.Derek can make me happy.”But can I make him happy?Derek wanted children.Children she probably wouldn’t be able to give him.It had been a struggle to get pregnant when she was in her mid-twenties.What would it be like now? She was a nurse.She knew the odds.Practically impossible.Before there were any promises made, she would tell Derek about her infertility journey.She would hold nothing back.There would be no secrets between them.It would then be up to him.If he made the choice to walk away, she would try to understand.Regardless of what he decided, it was time she moved on with her life.She placed her diamond in front of the picture.This way it would be the first thing Derek saw when he walked into the room.Thinking back to those little boys and girls sitting on his knee, she found herself wishing she could whisper in his ear her one desire.All she wanted for Christmas, all she would ever want in the future, was him.Derek reached into his pocket making sure the tiny black velvet box was still there.Since he’d left Idaho Falls, he’d checked his pocket at least a half-dozen times.Despite what his past engagement history would suggest, Rachel wasn’t just another woman in a long line of women; she was The One.They shared the same values and enjoyed spending time together.Not just in bed, but out as well.As corny as it sounded, she was the half that made him feel whole.He couldn’t wait to make her his wife.Though the ring was burning a hole in his pocket, he told himself he wouldn’t propose until after Christmas.When he popped the question he wanted it personal and private and perfect.What if she says no?The question came out of the blue and Derek immediately dismissed it.He was confident Rachel loved him.Although he’d initially worried he’d be competing with a dead man the rest of his life, Rachel’s behavior said that wasn’t an issue.She’d pursued him.She’d made it clear she wanted him.And her love was the only thing he wanted….Not only for Christmas.But for eternity.The Christmas Eve worship service at Jackson Hole Community featured the children of the congregation.While Mickie did a great job in the chorus, Addie’s solo rendition of “What Child Is This” stole the show.With Rachel seated beside him, Derek couldn’t imagine being happier.While his feelings for her went far beyond the physical, he liked the way she looked tonight.The soft pink cashmere sweater with its bits of gold glimmer hugged her curves quite nicely.The matching skirt was long enough to be proper, but short enough to show off her gorgeous legs.And there was something about a woman in heels…He leaned close, brushing a strand of hair back from her face.“Have I told you how incredible you look tonight?”“Shh.” Rachel gestured with her head toward the minister.But the flush in her cheeks told him that his compliment had pleased her, and when he reached over and took her hand, she curled her fingers around his.After being ushered out to the large common area of the church, he and Rachel waited with Lexi and Nick for the children to be dismissed.The mood in the church was a festive one.“Do you think we’re supposed to go and get them?” Rachel asked Lexi when five minutes turned into ten.Nick glanced at his watch.“If we’re going to make the caroling, we need to leave pretty quick.”Every year, a local church invited citizens in the area to join them for caroling in the Jackson town square.With white lights on the arch made of antlers shining brightly and everyone holding candles, it was, according to Rachel, a not-to-be-missed experience.“We’ll go check.” Lexi took Rachel’s arm and the two women hurried off through the crowd.“Hurry back,” Derek said, watching until she disappeared from sight.“I recognize that look,” Nick said, an easy smile on his lips.“You’ve got it bad, my friend.”“I love Rachel,” Derek said, overcome with the sudden urge to say it out loud and make it seem real.Waiting to propose until after Christmas was turning out to be a real challenge.“I plan to ask her to marry me.”“I’m happy for you, man.” Nick slapped him on the back.“Mickie and Addie will be thrilled that all their efforts weren’t in vain.”Derek pulled his brows together.“What are you talking about?”“C’mon, you must have picked up on their matchmaking ploys.” Nick shook his head and chuckled.“Though I have to admit a couple were fairly clever.”This was the first Derek had heard of this effort [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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