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.“J-Jake.” Breathless, she whispered his name.Restless, she rode him until he thought he’d go blind.Just when he thought he couldn’t take anymore, she shuddered and cried out and, with a long, sighing breath, melted into a puddle against his chest.Gripping her hips in his hands, he went the same way she did, burying himself, riding with the contraction of her inner muscles, dying just a little from the sheer, pure pleasure.He’d made a bed of sorts for them out of the towels he’d stuffed in his saddlebags—just in case.Christine lay naked as the day she was born, curled into his side, feeling boneless and brazen and about as wonderful as she supposed a woman could possibly feel.Her head rested on Jake’s shoulder, and his hand slid in a slow, steady glide up and down the length of her back.It felt incredible to lie with him this way.Like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.The smooth musculature of his shoulder pillowing her head, his heart rate slow and steady beneath the palm of her hand.The night smelled of summer grass and a little of the leather saddlebags.And it smelled of him.Musky and clean and sexual.“You okay?” he murmured, sounding just as drowsy and satisfied as she felt.“More than okay.” And though she was still drifting on the currents of her orgasm—my goodness, she’d actually had an orgasm—she couldn’t wait to feel that amazing climb to the summit and the dizzying ride from the top all over again.“Thank you,” she whispered and, emboldened by the intimacy of their tangled limbs, pressed a kiss to his neck.“Oh, no,” he said, a smile in his voice.“Thank you.”She giggled.Giggled.Her.“You don’t understand,” she said, pushing herself up on an elbow and looking into his eyes.His beautiful, beautiful eyes.“That’s never happened to me before.”The lazy smile left his mouth.He stared at her.Long.Hard.“You were a virgin?” he asked, sounding so appalled that she laughed.“Relax.I wasn’t a virgin.I mean—” She hesitated, feeling self-conscious suddenly.“What?” he said, touching a hand to her hair.“You mean you never came before?”She nodded.Lifted a shoulder.“Pretty sad, huh?”“Man,” he said after a long moment, “those other guys must have been jerks.”“Guy,” she said, again feeling self-conscious and horribly pedestrian and inexperienced.“There was only one.And…well, he said I wasn’t very good at it.”“Major jerk,” he said, hugging her again.“More like he wasn’t any good at it, or I wouldn’t be your first time.”It was a nice thing to say.And she realized he was probably right.She felt overwhelmed with this wonderful new feeling of power.“Lots of firsts for me tonight,” she said, rising above him.Twisting at the hip, she reached for her jeans, dug around for another condom, then grabbed his hat from the tree branch and put it on her head.“Never rode a horse before, either,” she added and watched as his eyes went all stormy and dark when she placed a foot on either side of his hips and slowly sank to her knees.“Never rode a cowboy.”“Sweet thunder,” he whispered on a groaning sigh as she dressed him then sank on top of him.Okay, so he’d made a miscalculation, Jake thought the next morning as he drove to town.He’d thought Chrissie would run.He’d never dreamed… Well, he’d never dreamed they would do what they’d done.He was an ass.A weak-willed, ruled-by-his-dick opportunist.He ought to be drawn and quartered.So why was he grinning?Well, hell.What man who’d experienced some of the best sex of his life less than—he checked his watch and rolled his eyes—four hours ago wouldn’t be grinning?Damn, did that woman turn him on.Those freckles were going to be the death of him.She had them on her shoulders, too.And on the very tops of her pretty breasts.Still waters do, for a fact, run deep.Chrissie of the china-doll eyes and silky-smooth skin was a tiger disguised as a kitten.And soft.She’d felt so soft in his arms afterward, vulnerable and spent.His mind flashed on an image of her wearing nothing but his hat and a smile, moving above him, and he damn near drove off the side of the road.It was kind of a blur how they’d gotten back to the house.They’d ridden double on his mount.He did remember that—and all the friendly touching and kissing that had gone on between them, while Cletus had happily plodded behind them.He flipped his turn signal when he hit a main intersection in town, then stopped at a light two blocks down.Waiting for the light to change, he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and stared into space.She hadn’t clung when it was time to leave, he’d give her that.When they’d reached the house, she’d kissed him goodbye and with a coy smile said, “If you think I need any more lessons, just let me know.”He wiped a hand over his jaw, contemplating all kinds of lessons he’d like to give her.Problem was, he wasn’t sure who had been teaching whom last night.A car honked behind him and he realized his light had changed.Gunning it, he drove toward the office, damning his slow reaction.Running on one, maybe two, hours of sleep, he could hardly see straight, let alone think straight.He was mentally exhausted and clearly not in control of his faculties.It was more than enough excuse.When he finally reached his office, he shut his door behind him and reached for the phone.He got her answering machine.“Lesson number three.Tonight.Seven o’clock.My place.Wear the black dress.”She wore the dress.And the silver heels.And, as he was soon to find out, that was about it.“Hi,” she said when he met her at his front door.“Hi,” he said and that was the extent of the talking for the next hour or so.“I think you’re teaching me to be a nymphomaniac,” Christine said when she caught her breath.She lay on her tummy in the middle of Jake’s big bed, her dress in a tangled heap on the floor, her heels still on her feet.Beside her Jake lay on his side, his hand resting gently at the small of her back, his thumb stroking lazily along her spine.“And so far it’s going quite well,” he said.She smiled into the pillow, hugged it to her breasts and turned her head to look at him.He was smiling, too.“You’re amazing, Chrissie.”“Thanks.You’re pretty amazing yourself.A girl couldn’t ask for a better teacher.”His smile suddenly faded.He rolled to his back, crossed his hands beneath his head and stared at the ceiling.“Chrissie—”“No,” she said, interrupting him softly.She had a pretty good idea what was going on here.Mr.Independent was starting to worry that she was pinning more on their “lessons” than he wanted her to.“It’s okay,” she said and reminded herself that it really was.“You don’t have to worry.I’m not going to get the wrong idea about what’s happening between us.”He turned his head and looked at her.Beautiful, beautiful face, she thought.So rugged and male and still unconvinced she meant what she said.“Look.It’s all fun and games.I know that.And it’s fine.I don’t expect more from you.I don’t want more from you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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