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.”The climax that was developing inside me was deep and full and powerful—with an added component I just wasn’t used to—but just as my fingers on my clit were getting frantic, Josh pulled the vibrator out of my ass.“Sorry, baby,” he said in a strained voice.“But try not to come yet.” He readjusted himself behind me so his cock was in the appropriate position.He had the condom and the lube in his hand.“Are you comfortable enough?”I wasn’t sure I was really comfortable, but that was mostly because of what I knew was about to happen.And I wanted it.I did.“Yeah.I’m ready.”Josh squeezed out a substantial amount of lubricant on his hands, then rubbed it along my crease, my entrance, and—when I let his finger in—my back channel.Then he rolled on the condom and lubed up his cock, and I peered over my shoulder as he lined himself up at my bottom.I saw a glimpse of the expression in his eyes then, even in the dark, as he stared down at his cock, poised to enter me like this.And, despite his patience and gentleness, there was an almost primal flare of his nostrils.Josh wasn’t doing this just for me.He would enjoy it too.It made me want to squirm but relieved me at the same time.Noticing my observation, his eyes softened.“You need to talk to me, Leslie.Tell me if anything hurts.Tell me if I go too fast.”I nodded mutely.Then tensed up automatically as I felt the head of his erection pushing against me.“Baby,” Josh murmured, “just think about the vibrator.”This wasn’t the vibrator.It was his cock.And it was a lot bigger.And no one had ever penetrated me like this.Josh pulled back as I tensed up, released his cock, and rubbed my bottom in a strong massage.“You need to decide for yourself if you really want this,” he said at last, as if he’d once again read my mind.“It will be uncomfortable if you clench up like that.I’m not doing anything unless you let me in.”“Right.” I was blazing with embarrassment again.What the hell was wrong with me? “I’m ready.”“Next time, instead of trying to relax, when you feel me there, try to push out.”I gulped.“What?”Josh’s lips quirked, and he gave me a significant look.“You know what I mean.”I did know what he meant, and it made me flush even hotter.I had a brief moment of panic—a different kind of panic this time—but I decided I was as clean as I was likely to be down there.He’d been quite matter-of-fact about the possible messiness earlier.And the lights were off—which helped a little.While I’d been convincing myself that there was nothing to be shy about, Josh had lubed up his cock again.“Tell me when you’re ready.”Swallowing hard, I let out a deep breath and relaxed all my muscles.“I’m ready.”He aligned his erection behind me again and then I felt him nudging at my back entrance.“Why don’t you rub your clit?” he suggested.When I did as he said, he pressed forward a little more.“Push out now.”I did as he said automatically, bearing down instead of trying to force myself to relax.I felt the head of his cock entering.“Eh,” I whimpered, arching my neck at the unnatural feeling.“Good, baby,” Josh encouraged me, pushing in about an inch, then pulling back out.He silently squeezed out more lube, rubbed it on, and then pushed into me again, this time going a little deeper.I was starting to sweat, and my whole body felt like it was on fire.I rubbed my clit desperately and whined again—an instinctive sound I couldn’t control—as I felt more of his hard cock inside me.Then the pressure was suddenly relieved when he slid out.After lubing up yet again, he pushed into me a third time, going even deeper.He repeated the pattern three more times, adding more lube at every retreat and always halting when I began to whimper.I fell into a blurred daze as the cycle continued, losing track of specifics as I concentrated on opening myself up and not freaking out.Until, before I was really prepared, Josh was inside me all the way, buried in my very tight channel, filling my so intensely that my brain could barely process it.The only sound I could make was a choked sob.Josh was pressed up against my back, his legs fitting snugly against mine.He was big and hard and strong, and I could feel everything about him—his heat, his tense presence, his chest against my bare back, his thighs brushing against mine, his heavy breathing, and bristly jaw.And his cock.His cock all the way inside me.“Yes,” Josh hissed as he sank into me completely, his arms wrapping around me in a tight embrace.“Fuck, baby, yes.Sweet Jesus, you feel so good.So tight.”I’d never heard him sound like that before.I couldn’t think clearly enough to sort it out, however.I couldn’t do anything but feel.Everything.I felt like some kind of sweating, panting, primitive creature.Nothing at all like Leslie.I made another little sob in my throat—not of pain, distress, or fear but of utter, helpless feeling.Josh tensed at the sound.He pulled his shoulders and chest back slightly.Rasped, “Baby, you need to tell me if I’m hurting you.”“You’re not,” I choked, wriggling my hips and almost surprised that I could still move.“Doesn’t hurt.”It didn’t hurt.I could feel myself very tightly stretched, but it wasn’t even horribly uncomfortable.It was just so, so much.I wriggled some more and struggled to catch and slow my breathing.I was through the scariest part now—all I needed to do was see if I could enjoy it.Josh still wasn’t moving.Certainly wasn’t thrusting.But my wiggling must be getting to him because I heard him grunt and suck in an urgent breath.“Are you ready for me to start moving?” he asked, adjusting his body behind me again in order to get in a position with more leverage.“Yeah.” I was as ready as I’d ever be, and the pressure was strong and deep below my belly.I kept one hand on my swollen clit and clung desperately to the bedding with the other.Turning my head down, I made a few loud whimpers into the pillow as I felt Josh make his first, tight thrust.It still didn’t hurt.We’d used plenty of lubrication, and he was moving inside me pretty easily.But it felt like thousands of nerve endings were firing all at once, and the stretched, overly full sensation intensified.“All right?” He held himself still again, waiting for my response [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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