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.What a strange idea, what a fascinating example of magical thinking! It is thinking that seems to go against allreason and rationality.Now you might wonder whether this thing works.Rather than tell you that it does or doesn'twork, I would just say that if you find this interesting or of some possible use, try it yourself tomorrow morning.Sayto yourself: "I give myself permission to be powerful." Or tomorrow morning when you take your shower tie thosetwenty knots in a length of string and say, "Day by day, in every way, I am better and better." Yes, it is absolutelyindulging in magical thinking, but if Coue was right that our inner lives are already out of balance, and that this ismerely a technique by which we can perhaps begin to put these things back into perspective, then maybe it works.Ithink because something is called magical thinking we just assume, thereby, that it doesn't work.I said at the outset that I think the primary metaphor of magic is transformation.I think you could probably take anyeffect of magic and restate it as an instance of transformation; it is a primary symbol of magic.And of course, we allwant transformation, don't we? We grow up in a society where we are constantly being told indirectly that we arenot right, we are too fat, we don't have enough hair, we are too thin, and we grow up learning that we need to makechanges.I bet if we did an inventory of every student and every faculty member and we asked them, "Do you think you needsome changes in your life?" that everybody would say "yes." How could we not? We have been totally conditionedin this area.And here we come to what I think is the nub of the human problem: everybody wants change, butnobody wants to do anything differently.That is a tension with which all of us live.We want to quit smoking, wewant to lose weight, we want to do this and that, but we don't want to do anything differently.Or take it the otherway around: we all October, 2000 want to be different, but we don't want to change anything.So I think that is a partof the human problem.I don't think this is necessarily an innate problem.I think that we've been sold a bill of goods about our owninadequacies so that marketers can sell us products -- grim but true! So magic in our lives is about transformation.36 And in traditional, ritual, or ceremonial magic, one of the key techniques for this is visualization.It is aboutvisualizing something differently, visualizing it concretely, and Coue is, in a sense, playing the same game.The ideais that through directed, conscious choice, you can imagine and then actualize a better state and that's magicalthinking.If that's all true, then I think we can restate the game of performance magic this way: that the performance magicianis telling you that you are the magician in your own life.You are the agent of transformation, your owntransformation, and other peoples' transformation -- the people whom you come into contact with, the people youlove.You are the agent of transformation; you are the magician and that is a fabulous, liberating, and even a littlescary notion, because it puts all of the responsibility back on me.If I want my life to be different, I am the magicianand I must make this happen.If I want a relationship to be improved, I am the magician and it's up to me, I can't waitfor the other person.So it comes as a great gift, and it is also a kind of shocking challenge because I think many people don't want to bethe magician.They fight it.It's much easier to play the roll in life of the victim, "poor me." Magic says "no morepoor me." It says, "you are the magician, and what are you going to do to make your life more magical?"A couple of years ago I gave a talk in Aspen, Colorado for the president and five vice-presidents of the Williams-Sonoma Company.They were having a little paw-wow and I was the novelty speaker for their event.At one pointwe 'were discussing how to make the work place more magical.I said there are three magic words that really workand the first one is "recognition." Recognize people.Recognize people who are lower than you in the powerstructure.Say "hello" to them and not just pass them in the hallway.The second word was "appreciation." Overtlyappreciate what people are doing.That's pretty magical when you think about it.And finally "praise [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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