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.When we want to know the method of ending the self, the wayhow to bring it about, what is the process of the mind? Is there the`how', the way of doing, the method, the system? If we do followthe system, does it end the self? Or, does it give strength in anotherdirection? Most of us are anxious, particularly those who aresomewhat earnest and religiously inclined, desire to know or findout the method of ending, the way of becoming, the way ofachieving a result.If we look deeply into our hearts and mind, it isobvious that we would pursue the method of ending the self,should there be one.Now, why does the mind ask the way, the technique, themethod? Is not that an important question? What happens is this. You have a system, a method, the `how', the technique; and themind shapes after the technique, the pattern.Does that end the self?You may have a very rigorous and disciplining method, or amethod that will gradually ease you out of the conflict of self, amethod that will give you solace; but essentially, the desire for amethod only indicates really the strengthening of the self.Does itnot? Please follow this closely and you will see whether or not the`how' indicates a thought process, an imitative process, throughwhich the mind, the self, can gather strength and have greatercapacity and not end at all.Take the question of envy.Most of us are envious at differentlevels, which causes untold misery to others and to ourselves; youhave envy of the rich, envy of the learned, envy of the guru, envyof the man who achieves.Envy is the social motive, a drive in ourexistence.It is clothed sometimes in a religious form butessentially it is the same; it is the desire to be something,spiritually, economically.That is one of our major drives.Is there amethod, a means, by which you can get rid of it? Our instinctiveresponse, if we are at all thoughtful, is to find a way to make itcome to an end or to bring it to an end.What happens? Can envybe brought to an end by a method, by a technique? Envy impliesthe desire to be something here or hereafter.You have not tackledthe desire which makes you envious; but you have learned a way tocover up that desire by expressing it in another way; butessentially, it is still envy.So, if you can understand this process of how we want a methodto achieve a result, and if we also understand the mind thatcultivates the technique, we can then see that essentially it is the strengthening of thought.Thought is one of the major factors thatbring about deterioration, because thought is a process of memory,which is verbalization of memory and is a conditioning influence.The mind that is seeking a way out of this confusion is onlystrengthening that thought process.So, what is important is, not tofind a way or a method - because we have seen what theimplications in it are - , but to be aware of the whole process of themind.Thought can never be independent; there is no independentthinking, because all thought is a process of conformity to the past.There is no independence or freedom through thinking.How can amind which is essentially the result of the past, which isconditioned by various memories, climatically, socially andenvironmentally and so on, how can such a mind be independent?So, if you seek independence of thought, you are only perpetuatingthe self.What is the process of this independence? Most of us arelonely, and there is a constant craving for fulfilment.Being awareof this emptiness in ourselves, we seek various forms of escapesfrom it - religious, social; you know the whole business of escapes.As long as we do not solve that problem, the independence that weare seeking in thinking will only be the perpetuation of the self.For most of us, creation is non-existent; we do not know what itmeans to create [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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