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.Consequently, government should spend more money toimprove their public transportation, which will benefit their people a lot and benefit theminstantaneously.161 TWE Essays 162/292From what I have discussed above, everyone can see that there are more things a governmentshould do than buying computer, such as protecting the environment and improving the publicservice.Therefore, I think a successful government should spend more money on the basicdemands of their people instead of spending as much money as possible on developing or buyingcomputer technology.(Essay ID: 296 )Topic: 101Here's the problem.I'm sloppy.That's why I like to use machines to do my work rather than dothings by hand.Machines can be creative, precise, and efficient.Most people think that you can only be creative if you do things by hand.However, it takescreativity to set the machine up.Once it's set up, it can repeat the same task over and over andover perfectly.If you want to write ten letters, you can set up your word processor to do it, pressa button, and ten letters will be printed.It would take me forever by hand, and I would make a lotof mistakes.By hand, each letter would be different.By machine, each one is perfect.Machines are very precise.They don't get tired and cut the wrong way.They don't get distractedand drop some mustard on the paper.As I said, I'm sloppy, but I like neatness.That's why I preferto use machines.Machines are also more efficient.I'm too tired to pick up the phone and see who is calling me.Myanswering machine isn't tired.It's always on duty.It doesn't get tired, upset, or moody.I can depend on my machines, but I can't always depend on my hand to be creative, precise, orefficient.(Essay ID: 191 )Topic: 101In general, there are two ways of making products, one is by hand and the other is by machine.Itis undeniable that products can be manufactured easily and efficiently by machine due to simplyrepeated operations.But for me, I prefer hand-made items for their features of individualism,acceptability, and flexibility.First of all, hand-made products are more personal.Take birthday cards as example, instead samepictures on selling cards in the market, the well-chosen images on a self-made cards, such aspeople s own photos, surely distinguish the card from those selling ones.Owing to the uniqueness,the self-designed card will be of greater value for the person who receives it.What s more, things made by hand are fitter and more suitable.This can be seen from the story ofordering formal clothes, such as men s suit and lady s evening dress, the ready-made kinds ofwhich actually are easy to find in fashion shops.Needless to say how often famous figures, likePrincess Diana, visit worldwide known fashion designers.Nowadays more and more ordinarypeople go for tailor-made clothing rather than buy those machine-made clothes from marketsimply because tailors can make clothing precisely according to customer s measurement andtheir own styles.Obviously, fitness and suitability are what those people care about most.Finally, producing items by hand is more flexible.It releases people from being confined by some162 TWE Essays 163/292models that are necessary for machine-made manufacturing.For example, in hand-made potterymaking, people can work out their new design at any time.In machine-made manufacturing,however, models have to be developed in advance, and afterward all finished products based onone model have completely same looks.If a different look needed, people must devise anothermodel first.Moreover, there are still some things cannot be produced by machine because of nomatched models.(Essay ID: 190 )Topic: 102I agree that school should ask students evalute their teachers.There are three reasons:The first, the educatinon is a activity that communicate each other.The information that studentsevaluate is given to their teacher.The teacher can improve their education skill by thisinformation.If there are no evaluated information by student, the education activity becomeunilateral activity.The teacher spread their information to students, but the students' informationsreflects back to teacher are very few.The evaluation can help teacher improve the their skill fromtime to time.The second, the evaluation is favor to school management.The management of school evaluatethe education of teacher by sudents' evaluation.The managemet may prize the good teacher andcriticize the bad, and lay the dis disquligicational teacher.Finally, the evaluation is in favor to protect rights of students and parents.Students and parentsare consumers, they hope that their children will receive good education certainly,they shouldprotect their rights for themselves.When they find the educational skill of the teacher is bad, theymay have school changed the teacher immmedietly.In a word, I agree this point that students evaluate their teacher.(Essay ID: 492.This is a 5 point essay)Topic: 102I think it's a good idea for schools to ask students to evaluate their teachers.This informs teachersof how students react both to their teaching methods and to them as individuals.Teachers canweigh the criticisms and change what they think needs to be changed.Praise from students is alsovaluable.It can reinforce teachers' opinions about how they're teaching and give them confidence.It's also helpful for school administrators to hear what students think about their teachers.It keepsadministrators in touch with what's going on in the school.It also gives them some idea of whichteachers effectively reach the students.However, good administrators know that studentevaluations need to be reviewed with a keen eye for prejudice and adolescent attitudes.After all,an evaluation is a good way for students to get back at teachers who expect more of them thanthey want to give.Evaluating teachers is also a good exercise for the students.They have to organize their thoughtsabout what they think of their teachers.In that way, they pinpoint for themselves what theyexpect of those teachers.They begin to understand what they value in a teacher and what isphony or useless.Evaluating their teachers is also a way for students to think about how theywould evaluate themselves [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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