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.“The lesson of history is that nations remain intact while empires – multiethnic states held together by the ones on top – tend to shudder and eventually break apart.There was little holding them together apart from military force and when that force failed, so did the empires.”The President tapped the table impatiently, willing him to get to the point.“As a society, we have been developing.fault lines of our own,” White said, refusing to be hurried.“The BAM is geared around exploiting black resentment at how they are treated by society, either told to climb out of the ghetto or subjected to social programs that claim to help, but actually work to keep people down and trapped in a place they cannot escape.There is a common identity – black men and women – and Johnson is using that to form a nation, one based around a shared belief.“The same could be said for the Hispanics within the country.Many of them are illegal immigrants, or related to illegal immigrants.They see the government – particularly the local governments – as being against them and fear that Henderson’s Disease is just another attempt to get all of the immigrants to register.They don’t become Americans, not like my ancestors did when they got off the boat in Boston; they attempt to recreate Mexico and Mexican conditions within the south.This, in turn, provokes anger and resistance from the Anglo-Americans living within the area, who believe that the immigrants will eventually turn the American South into Little Mexico.They believe that the Federal Government, which has been seemingly unwilling to enforce immigration laws, is actually on the side of the enemy.“And then there are other smaller groups.Homosexuals, for example, think that the nation discriminates against them.The Gun Community believes that the federal government is trying to take away their weapons.There are hundreds of Christian groups that believe that the liberals are taking prayer out of the schools and seeking to destroy American society; there are liberal groups that fear that bible-bashers from Texas will eventually create a theocracy on American soil.In such a climate, conspiracy theories profligate rapidly and are believed.”He shook his head.“I could go on for hours,” he concluded, “but I’ll spare you that.The bottom line, Madam President, is that there are many groups within this country that do not see themselves as American, or believe that the country is turning against them.The Mayor of New York, whatever was going through his head, convinced them that they were right.I expect that the trouble we have seen so far is only the beginning.”The President frowned.“And what, exactly, do you suggest I should do?”White hesitated.“You cannot allow this problem to get out of hand,” he said, flatly.“I suggest making an example of Johnston and his men.”“That may not be easy,” Spencer said.“Morale within the armed forces is low.”He tapped the remote and a chart appeared above the table.“Outside the families that are deployed outside the country with army personnel, there are very few who have been vaccinated against smallpox,” he said.“That is worrying men and women who are on deployment, either in the States or outside the country.They are nervous about their families and want them protected against the disease.So far, thankfully, we haven’t had a general breakdown in discipline, but we have had a great deal of grumbling and some pilferage.A handful of vaccine cases have vanished and, I suspect, used to inoculate some military families.“This is actually worse in the case of the National Guard,” he continued, flatly.“The Guard is, by and large, currently being used to blockade their own cities.They’ve been coming under attack from random shooters within the city, but that isn't the real problem.The Guardsmen have families and they’re trapping those families within the cities.”White nodded.“The vaccination program was targeted on emergency service personnel and others first,” he added.“The public might have accepted that if it was all clearly honest and in their best interests.The Mayor of New York has convinced them that” – he affected a thicker accent – “filthy rich bastards have been using their money to get vaccinated, while the poor have been left to die of Henderson’s Disease.” He returned his voice to normal when the President glowered at him.“Public faith in the government has collapsed and, at the same time, the tools you need to use to restore order have been weakened.”“It didn't help when some idiot torched a storage warehouse in Detroit,” the Secretary of State added.“They burned ten thousand doses of vaccine in the fire, despite heroic efforts by the fire department.”“It is going to get worse,” White said, ignoring the interruption.“The economy works the way it does because the system – our system – works smoothly.Or perhaps I should say it did work smoothly.The disease is keeping people out of work, so businesses are grinding to a halt, which means that people are getting laid off, which in turn means that they won’t be able to afford to pay for food, which means that they’re going to become very hungry.”“And it’s affecting our supplies from overseas,” the Secretary of the Treasury said.“The entire global trading system has collapsed.We’re just not getting very much from Japan or China – hell, China may well be infected with Henderson’s Disease.The oil tankers from the Middle East are being diverted everywhere by their owners.”The President held up a hand.“Enough,” she said, flatly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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