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.So why does she flee?Fear rules her life.That is why she flees.Fear keeps her safe from herenemies - though there are no predators on the island to trouble her, exceptman.Perhaps I should be careful not to cause her to lose her fear of humanscompletely, even if I could do such a thing.Perhaps she is better off runningscared of her own shadow. To be rich, if that is still your desire, you must somehow learn to harnessfear to your own advantage.Is that what I have done in my own life? Was allthat rage and fierceness and drive and stamina rooted in my own fear? HaveI used fear as a fuel in the getting of money?Perhaps I have, although I never thought of it that way before.In any case,I'm not certain I want to know, I have never trusted armchair psychiatry.But I do know that you must make an accommodation with your fears ifyou are to succeed.At least, I know that to be true in my own case.As tohowsuch a trick is to be accomplished, I cannot help you.We each, in turn, mustface down our secret demons, if we can, whether we wish to be rich or not.To succeed in the game of piling up material wealth, it becomes a necessity.In the words of the wisest of men, William Shakespeare: 'Present fears areless than horrible imaginings.'Aye, that they are, William, that they are.'Horrible imaginings' will ruleall our lives if we are fools enough to let them.GO! GO! GO!He either fears his fate too much,Or his deserts are small,That puts it not unto the touchTo win or lose it all.JAMES GRAHAM, MARQUESS or MONTROSE, 'MY DEAR AND ONLY LOVE'You have little time to waste, gentle reader.Even as you read these words, aclock is ticking and time is streaming by, governed by the speed of light,racing towards a point where you will have no more need of clocks, or light,or money,So many hundreds of millions of dollars to make - so little time! Whatare you waiting for?We used to have an expression in the England of my youth: 'On yerbike!1" And that's what you must be about shortly.On your bicycle andpedalling for all you are worth against your only true enemy.Time.In fourof the most memorable lines in English poetry, Andrew Marvell, attemptingto persuade a young lass to come to his bed, put it thus:Had we but world enough and time,This coyness, lady, were no crime. The grave's a fine and private place,But none, I think, do there embrace.There's the nub of it.You have less time than you think.We all do.Whythen are you waiting to fulfil your perfectly legitimate, if foolish, desire? Ifyou do not start today, then when will you start? Tomorrow? Next year?The year after?You will never start unless you start NOW!That's right.Right now.Even as your eyes scan this page, your brainshould be plotting and planning ideas and possibilities, weaving a web toensnare what you could achieve, if only you will cease this endless prevarica-tion and commit yourself.Commit yourself heart and soul, mind.Heart and soul.No half measuresor lukewarm approach is likely to succeed in what William Butler Yeats called'this pragmatical, preposterous pig of a world'.Your quest is mad.What useto muddy the waters with logic and statistics - bugaboos that will only serveto discourage you from taking the plunge?There is a place for impetuosity and leaps of faith.A place for belief.Thatplace is here.And the time is now.You must take your first steps on the long,lonely road to wealth by beginning now, or you must hurl this book into thefire, or out the window, for all the good it will do you.When opportunities come you must pounce.Whether you are just start-ing out or have been at it for a long while.If an opportunity should arrivejust as you are taking your family on vacation, for example, do not weaken.Let the family go on without you or cancel the trip altogether.I can tell youa true story of a man who lost millions and millions of pounds that were hisfor the taking because he went on vacation.The magazine that generated my first huge pile twenty-five years ago fellto me when the managing director of a large rival suspended negotiationswith the founder of the magazine while he went abroad.He probably figuredthe deal was nearly done and the seller could cool his heels for a week or two [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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