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.GRAMMARGRAMMAR1 Choose the correct answer.1 Pizza was first made in Naples / We had already made the pizza is an example of the past simple passive.2 The past simple passive shows that who did the action / the action is the important information.3 We make the past simple passive with was/ were + past participle / had + past participle.4 In The radio was perhaps invented by Marconi, the agent is the radio / Marconi.5 In a passive sentence we can / can't leave out the agent.____ / 5 pointsVOCABULARY2 Match the inventions with the definitions.1 It stops us falling hard on the ground.2 It can do many things for us.3 Thieves don't usually like these.4 It gives you air underwater.5 You can use it to talk, and you can sometimes take pictures with one.6 You need two strong legs to make this move.7 We usually write it: www8 When it crashes, it can cause serious problems.9 This has saved millions of lives.10 This helps us to see at night.____ / 10 pointsFUNCTION3 Read the text.Complete 1-10 with A, B or C.1 A was built B was designed C were invented2 A was built B were built C built3 A invented B was invented C discovered4 A made B make C making5 A were B has C was6 A powered B was powered C was powerful7 A invented B designed C discovered8 A has discovered B is discovered C was discovered9 A was designed B designed C was designing10 A was created B was not created C were created____ / 10 pointsTotal : _____ / 25 pointsLesson test Inspiration 3 unit 6, lesson 3This page has been created for Inspiration 3 Tests.It is photocopiable.Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2007.1B parachuteA light bulbC penicillinD computerF mobile phoneE alarmG aqualungH bicycleI world wide webJ robotYour top ten inventionsLightbulbs 1 ___ by Thomas Edison in 1879.The first computer game console 2 ___ in 1976.When the radio 3 ___ in the 1890s, everyone was amazed at it.In 1875, the first telephone was 4 ___ by Alexander Graham Bell.In 1769, the very first self-propelled road vehicle 5 ___ invented by the French mechanic, Nicolas Joseph Cugnot, but it was steam-powered.In 1885, Karl Benz designed and built the world's first practical automobile.This 6 ___ by an internal-combustion engine.Penicillin was 7 ___ by Alexander Fleming in 1928.The cooking power of the microwave 8 ___ by accident by Dr Percy Spencer in 1946.It melted a chocolate bar in his pocket.The first I-pod 9 ___ in 2001.First it played songs, then showed photos, then gave podcasts.Now it plays video too.Like many inventions, the Internet 10 ___ by just one person but by several people over a number of years [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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