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.The stories first ap- been brutally shot to death by the vicious humanspeared in the magazines and journals Open City, who are wary of Carol.Shortly thereafter, Carol sNola Express, Knight, Adam, Adam Reader, Pix, The child is born: an amalgamation of the animals andBerkeley Barb, and Evergreen Review.Bukowski s Gordon.The story ends with a hydrogen bombstaccato prose and maverick grammar take us being dropped on the city, San Francisco.Carolthrough the underbelly of city life that is full of was too late.Yet, we can appreciate this story as anhorror and humor.Though most of the stories are experimental attempt on Bukowski s part to write aclassic examples of Bukowski s stark realism, some politically pertinent piece of pornography.of them are highly imaginative and surreal.One of the more interesting aspects of these Animal Crackers in My Soup is one of theshort stories is the commentary Bukowski and hisgreat works that is uncharacteristic of Bukowski scharacters make on writers.The Beat writers andhard-boiled and hung-over style.The story is abouttheir associates come up several times, and it wasa man named Gordon who is down and out.Heobvious that the Beats were on Bukowski s mindencounters Crazy Carol, who has a house full ofwhile he wrote these stories.ROBERT CREELEY, whozoo animals that she takes care of.Gordon becomeswas also published alongside Bukowski by Blackone of the creatures that she nurses back to health.Sparrow Press, receives the brunt of Bukowski s ire.He learns that Carol has sexual relations with all I do suppose, writes Bukowski in  Eyes Like theof her animals.Bukowski describes very graphicSky,  that the biggest snob outfit ever inventedsex scenes between Carol and a snake, Carol andwas the old Black Mountain group.and Creeley isa tiger, and Carol and Gordon.The short story isstill feared in and out of the universities fearedpartially pornographic and reads like something atand revered more than any other poet.then we84 Evening Sun Turned Crimson, The 85have the academics, who like Creeley, write very OF EVERYTHING, is constructed from a series of in-carefully.in essence, the generally accepted poetry terviews rather than from his notebooks.The Eve-today has a kind of glass outside to it, slick and ning Sun Turned Crimson, then, is the most realizedsliding, and sunned down inside there is a join- of his works.The book was published by Cherrying of word to word in a rather metallic inhuman Valley Books.Huncke had been a friend with thesummation or  semi-secret angle.this is poetry for publishers, Pam and Charles Plymell, since the latemillionaires and fat men of leisure so it does get 1960s.The first edition of 1,000 (in paperback)backing and it does survive because the secret is featured cover art of a junkie jabbing a needlein that those who belong really belong and to hell in his arm as he sat atop a New York skyscraper.with the rest.but the poetry is dull, very dull, so Huncke hated the cover and asked for a new edi-dull that the dullness is taken for hidden meaning.tion, and for obvious reasons the original needle-. In  My Stay in the Poet s Cottage, Bukowski and-skyline edition is now very collectible.Thewrites that Creeley is one of the poets who puts second edition uses a photo of Huncke taken byhim to sleep. Bukowski is jealous of [ALLEN] GINS- longtime companion Louis Cartwright.BERG, he confesses in  I Shot a Man in Reno. In The book covers Huncke s life up to the mid- Eyes Like the Sky, he writes,  Ginsberg, mean- 1960s.Two long autobiographical sections detailwhile turns gigantic extrovert handsprings across his early life and travels in the 1930s as a youngour sight, realizing the gap and trying to fill it.at man.As in Huncke s Journal, many of the chaptersleast, he knows what is wrong he simply lacks the are sketches of the fascinating characters whomartistry to fulfill it. Ferlinghetti, Jack Hirschman, Huncke knew and with whom he associated inDenise Levertov, Robert Duncan, CHARLES OLSON, New York from the 1940s through the 1960s, asNEAL CASSADY, JACK KEROUAC, PHILIP LAMANTIA, well as characters whom he met in prison and inTIMOTHY LEARY, BOB DYLAN, GREGORY CORSO, mental hospitals.The Beats are also a central partWILLIAM S.BURROUGHS, and HAROLD NORSE of the book.Huncke discusses his relationship with(whom Bukowski praises) are all mentioned in this WILLIAM S.BURROUGHS in two long sections, andcollection.he gives an account of the incident that led to hisThe success of the book occasioned a flight to and ALLEN GINSBERG s arrest in 1949.However, asSan Francisco in September 1972 that started with is true of Huncke s Journal, this book is valuable forthe audience throwing bottles at the hostile Bu- many reasons other than the fact that Huncke waskowski during his reading and ended with a drunk a friend of the Beats.Huncke, like Neal Cassady,Bukowski destroying Ferlinghetti s apartment.made an art of his life.Norse told Ferlinghetti after,  Didn t I warn you? The title story introduces one of the book smain themes: loneliness.T.S.Eliot called Huck-Bibliography leberry Finn s the loneliest voice in American lit-Sounes, Howard.Charles Bukowski: Locked in the Arms erature.Huncke s voice is just as lonely.He is inof a Crazy Life.Edinburgh, Scotland: Rebel, Inc., many respects Huck Finn a picaresque hero with1998.a conscience and an acute sense of loneliness [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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