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."The marriage was annulled," Otho told her.She accepted that withoutcuriosity, regret, or relief.Marie spent much time with Gilles, having taken an interest in her father andhis boat.At her insistence he, with the aid of strong-backed fishermen,Page 246 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlraised it on blocks for the first proper recaulking it had received in years."When it's repainted sky blue, with a red stern and gunwales, we'll sail intoMassalia in style," Marie announced with girlish eagerness.Pierrette had not considered how they would get home or indeed if she wouldreturn to Citharista at all.But such a trip sounded wonderful with her sisterrestored, her father strong and unafraid, in a shiny blue-and-scarlet craftthat cut through the water with the grace of a porpoise.She would accompanythem as far as Massalia and then, who knew?Jerome Reikhard, as Pierrette learned to address him planned to stop at everytown along the Romanviae , to confer with castellans, magistrates, and fellowknights about policing them, making them safe for traders and pilgrims.Hetook his responsibilities more seriously than before, not from fear of hisdistant Frankish lord, but as a part of his newfound manhood.That did not mean he was without fear.He had fought his demon, had won askirmish and a head now steeping in cedar oil to preserve it, but would heever truly believe the demon was gone, and relax from his self-imposed penanceof good works? Pierrette did not think so."I may find some villager's lovely daughter along the way," he told Pierretteshortly before he departed, "a girl who would not object to my donning thegod's antlers on our wedding night."Pierrette did not think he would have much trouble finding a wife.His keepmight be more pleasant with a woman in it.Still, she did not think she wouldbe among Reikhard's visitors, despite his changed nature the sight of himraised terrible memories.She doubted that even the longest lifetime wouldenure her to him.* * *At last, all was ready."Have no fear," Gilles told Marie as they clambered into his freshlyoutfitted boat."We were five before, when this craft was low in the water andsoggy with rotted planks.See how high it rides, even with six aboard?"Gilles had learned that the open sea was not the worst he had to fear.He hadpartaken of the demon's substance, diminishing it, but could he truly believeit had been vanquished?Anselm, Sister Agathe, and Muhammad ibn Saul made up the rest of the company."I'll be along in good time," P'er Otho said."There are things I have yet toconvey to the fathers and brothers but when that is finished, I plan to spendmore time in your library, Magister Anselm." He said "magister," meaning"teacher." Having the same root as "magus," perhaps it reflected ChristianOtho's compromise between his growing affection for the old man and his uneasyfeeling about the arts Anselm practiced."My discussions with Bishop Alfredus have revealed vast imperfections in myunderstanding.You have the works of Augustine, and the writings of Irenaeus,bishop of Lugdunum.I must study those, and more, before I'll be able to arguewhat I have learned, perhaps even in Rome."Pierrette thought Otho's ambition, far from being as simple as her ownpiecemeal dismemberment of one demon, was akin to marching straight to Hell toconfront its master in person.Of course Rome was not Hell, but she thoughtOtho mad to consider flaunting his heresy so.She shrugged; it was no morePage 247 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlfoolish than what any of them had done, confronting their worst fears head on.She would not try to dissuade him.* * *The voyage was swift and smooth, though not uneventful.The wind mostlyparalleled the coast, and the lateen sail performed well on running or broadlyreaching courses.When the wind died, Anselm tested his hypothesis that magicsof the sea were little changed by scholars' piddlings upon the land.Twodolphins and several large seals came when he called to the sea godPoisedonos; the dolphins pressed alongside and the seals grasped the thrownpainter in their teeth, and pulled the craft eastward for most of the night.When the wind freshened toward morning, the creatures swam off, not waitingto hear the humans' shouts of appreciation [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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