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.It refers to.test reliabilityQuestion number: 517Cloze test is an indirect integrative test in writing.T or F?TrueQuestion number: 518Transformation is an indirect integrative test in writing.T or F?FalseQuestion number: 519MLT is an indirect integrative test in writing.T or F?FalseQuestion number: 520Which tests ask Ss to perform the communicative skill which is being tested e.g write a letter or answer the phone?direct testsQuestion number: 521Which type of class organisation takes the most time for T to prepare?Students' individual workSs' individual workQuestion number: 522Intelligence is a principle of pair or group organisation in the lesson.T or F?FalseQuestion number: 523Chance is a principle of pair or group organisation in the lesson.T or F?TrueQuestion number: 524Streaming is a principle of pair or group organisation in the lesson.T or F?TrueQuestion number: 525Visual and auditory Ss should be put into seprate groups.T or F?FalseQuestion number: 526Weaker and stronger Ss should be put in one group.T or F?TrueQuestion number: 527More or less active Ss should be put into same group.T or F?TrueQuestion number: 528According to Komorowska a dialogue in pairs in front of the whole class is called.open pair-workQuestion number: 529T-directed communication involves.excessive teacher-taking timeQuestion number: 530Errors resulting from mutual influence of target lg structure are called.intralingual interface errorsQuestion number: 531"local" and "global" errors account for the criterion of error types based on.systematicityQuestion number: 532Exterlingual and interlingual interference errors account for the criterion of error types based on the.source of errorsQuestion number: 533The view of FLA as represented a model by chomsky is following.>lad>G.what is missing?primary linguistic dataQuestion number: 534Interference is thought to be the result of.proactive inhibitionQuestion number: 535According to Capability Continuum Model of SLA (Tarone) we can predict that the use of the -s will be most frequent in the context.simple and carefulQuestion number: 536Chunks of lg that are stored as complete or partially analysed units are called.formulasQuestion number: 537Which personality feature is part of the Affective Filter Hypothesis?anxietyQuestion number: 538A model of lg that views L2 acquisition as involving a complex network of interconnections between units rather than rules is reffered to as.paraller distributed processingQuestion number: 539The process by which learners utilise discourse to help them construct structures which remain outside learner's competence is described as.inferencingQuestion number: 540Which theory of lg acquisition accepts the notion of poverty of the stimulus?mentalistQuestion number: 541The use of "writed" in place of "wrote" is an example of.overgeneralisationQuestion number: 542What style is that minimum attention is given to monitoring speech?vernacularQuestion number: 543speech patterns of New Yorkers were examined by Labov.Which model dod he use?heterogenousQuestion number: 544Indicate the one individual learner factor which can be modified?motivationQuestion number: 545Rate and success of SLA seem to be strongly influenced by the age of l.What age group were dutch learners who learnt most rapidly?12-15Question number: 546A field-dependent person can be characterised as.holisticQuestion number: 547A sort of defensiveness associated with increased self-consciousness which discource risk-taking necessary for obtaining input is reffered to as.inhibitionQuestion number: 548The way mothers talk to children influences how correctly they use the lg.T or F?FalseQuestion number: 549In the process of inferencing a new rule is induced from the.inputQuestion number: 550When the l has a problem locating the item but decides to perserve waiting usuing semnatic field or other lg, he uses.retrieval strategiesQuestion number: 551Slow and Young are marked [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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