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. You held Marion hostage, threatened to hang her. Not us.The Sheriff. You were always one to cast the blame for your mistakes on others.FitzWalter may be right&   FitzWalter betrayed us.He surrendered our castle prematurely, without permission.He had the supplies, weapons, and men to hold out another week until we couldrelieve the siege.Why should we ransom a traitor from our enemies?  Tis hisown fault if his ransom beggared him for a time. I trust Queen Isabelle, young Henry, and Richard are safe? Robin replied. Aye.They thrive, no thanks to you.They are hidden and heavily guarded lestyou and Fitz Walter and the others try again to murder.  I will notcountenance murder! Robin nearly shouted. Your wife and sons live because Imanaged to delay Fitz Walter and de Vesci until Ana had a chance to warn youand take defensiveGenerated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlaction. For that I thank you. John s eyes softened a tiny bit.He replied as ahusband and father, not as an affronted king.I jumped into the argument before they could find more to disagree upon. Arewe agreed, that if I can produce a copy of Henry I s Coronation Charter, you,King John, and you, Robin Locksley, will seek compromises based upon thoseancient rights and responsibilities of barons?The two opponents glared at each a moment then replied almost in unison, Aye. We shape our future for the better, I assured them. I fear, Lady Ana, thatsome men will never seek the future when past glories, that exist only intheir own minds, seem more attractive. Robin bowed his head sadly. Some menwill never compromise. You must make them see wisdom in compromise, Robin. I touched his arm ingenuine affection.If Ihad never met Hugh, never let my heart weave a pattern of love and life withhim, I could have been happy with this man.He placed his hand over mine andsqueezed it.Page 227 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlI clasped John s fingers with my free hand.For the moment I bound the tworivals together in common purpose.How long would it last?  Trust each other!I ordered them as if I could erase a lifetime of distrust between these twomen and centuries of distrust between the barons and their kings. Trust yourselves, I implored them, as well as myself.Chapter 53Sunday, the ninth day of July, the Year of Our Lord 1213, fourteenth year ofthe reign of King JohnPlantagenet.On the road to Winchester.THE clash of my sword against theblade of my enemy sent shock waves up my arms to my shoulders.The ring ofmetal hacking at metal drowned out the hum ofExcalibur meeting its destined challenge.A peculiar brightness tinged the edges of my vision.Radburn Blakely sblue/black aura reached out to drown my own life energy.Sweat poured from mybrow despite the coolness of the demon cave.Fatigue weakened my knees.Itried to disengage my blade from his.He laughed and tangled my dying weapontighter.He drew me closer, closer.His foul breath, tainted by demons andcarrion filled me with nausea.Ihad to break free.He laughed again.Every fiber of my being froze.Tryblith, the demon of chaos, gibbered into my ear.My thoughts spun.My bodyquaked.My soul withered.I woke with a scream choked off by my sudden awareness of other women in mypavilion.The sparse light of glowing embers in the brazier gave me a point offocus.My shoulders ached as if I had truly engaged Blakely in mortal combat.My dream had not yet come to pass.I still had a chance to remove Radburn Blakely s influence from King John scouncil by political means and compromise.How long before the dream came topass? How long before I was forced to choose between killing another humanbeing or being killed by him?Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlI wrapped my arms about myself and clenched my teeth.I had never been able tochange the essence of a dream of portent before.I rose from my pallet anddrifted silently to the ewer and basin.The cold water on my face banished thelast tendrils of the dream fabric and replaced them with cold logic.Blakely s fetid breath still permeated my senses.He slept in another tentclose by.He whispered intoJohn s ear through his dreams.Each morning during this last year John awokedetermined to contradict every compromise he had reached the previous day withPapal Legate Pandulf and ArchbishopLangdon.Every morning I forced myself to touch John with my bare hand.He gazed intomy eyes, and I watched the cloud of anxiety and betrayal fade.His warm gazewould engage mine.I risked falling in love with him again when he did that.But I could notforgive him for what he did to me.I did not trust him with my life or that of my daughter.But these were emotions I kept hidden behind a smiling face and politicalexpediency.John had made progress toward reconciliation with the church this past year.We had made progress toward ending the rebellion led by Robert Fitz Walter andEustace de Vesci.Earl Robin had backed away from the other leaders.Isuspected he still supported them with men and arms and money while remainingquietly away from them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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