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.How quicklymodes and manners establish themselves, she thought, and made a mental note tomention that to Seldon -- one more item for his psychohistory.) Oh yes,  she said. Dr.Seldon is from Helicon.Mistress Tisalver registered polite ignorance. And where might that be?Dors said,  Why, it s-- She turned to Seldon. Where is it, Hari?Seldon looked abashed. To tell you the truth, I don t think I could locate itvery easily on aGalactic model without looking up the coordinates.All I can say is that it son the other side of the central black hole from Trantor and getting there byhypership is rather a chore.Mistress Tisalver said,  I don t think Jirad and I will ever be on ahypership. Someday, Casilia,  said Tisalver cheerfully,  maybe we will.But tell usabout Helicon, MasterSeldon.Seldon shook his head. To me that would be dull.Its just a world, like anyother.Only Trantor is different from all the rest.There are no heatsinks onHelicon--or probably anywhere else exceptTrantor.Tell me about them.( Only Trantor is different from all the rest. The sentence repeated itselfin Seldon s mind and for a moment he grasped at it, and for some reason Dor shand-on-thigh story suddenly recurred to him, but Tisalver was speaking and itpassed out of Seldon s mind as quickly as it had entered.)Tisalver said,  If you really want to know about heatsinks, I can show you.He turned to his wife. Casilia, would you mind if tomorrow evening I takeMaster Seldon to the heatsinks. And me,  said Dors quickly. And Mistress Venabili?Mistress Tisalver frowned and said sharply,  I don t think it would be a goodidea.Our visitors would find it dull. I don t think so, Mistress Tisalver,  said Seldon ingratiatingly. We wouldvery much like to see the heatsinks.We would be delighted if you would joinus too.and your little daughter-if she wants to come. To the heatsinks? said Mistress Tisalver, stiffening. It s no place at allfor a decent woman.Seldon felt embarrassed at his gaffe. I meant no harm, Mistress Tisalver. No offense,  said Tisalver. Casilia thinks it s beneath us and so it is,but as long as I don t work there, it s no distress merely to visit and showit to guests.But it is uncomfortable and I would never get Casilia to dressproperly.They got up from their crouching positions.Dahlite  chairs were merelymolded plastic seats on small wheels and they cramped Seldon s knees terriblyand seemed to wiggle at his least body movement.The Tisalvers, however, hadmastered the art of sitting firmly and rose without trouble and withoutneeding to use their arms for help as Seldon had to.Dors also got up withouttrouble and Seldon once again marveled at her natural grace.Before they parted to their separate rooms for the night, Seldon said to Dors, Are you sure you know nothing about heatsinks? Mistress Tisalver makes themPage 144 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlseem unpleasant. They can t be that unpleasant or Tisalver wouldn t suggest taking us on tour.Lets be content to be surprised.63.Tisalver said,  You ll need proper clothing. Mistress Tisalver sniffedmarkedly in the background.Cautiously, Seldon, thinking of kirtles with vague distress, said,  What doyou mean by proper clothing? Something light, such as I wear.A T-shirt, very short sleeves, loose slacks,loose underpants, foot socks, open sandals.I have it all for you. Good.IL doesn t sound bad. As for Mistress Venabili, I have the same.I hope it fits.The clothes Tisalver supplied each of them (which were his own) fit fine-if abit snugly.When they were ready, they bade Mistress Tisalver good-bye andshe, with a resigned if still disapproving air, watched them from the doorwayas they set off.It was early evening and there was an attractive twilight glow above.It wasclear that Dahl s lights would soon be winking on.The temperature was mildand there were virtually no vehicles to be seen; everyone was walking.In thedistance was the everpresent hum of an Expressway and the occasional glitterof its lights could be easily seen.The Dahlites, Seldon noted, did not seem to be walking toward any particulardestination.Rather, there seemed to be a promenade going on, a walking for pleasure.Perhaps, if Dahl was an impoverished sector, as Tisalver had implied,inexpensive entertainment was at a premium and what was as pleasant--and asinexpensive--as an evening stroll?Seldon felt himself easing automatically into the gait of an aimless strollhimself and felt the warmth of friendliness a0 around him.People greeted eachother as they passed and exchanged a few words.Black mustaches of different shape and thickness flashed everywhere and seemeda requisite for theDahlite male, as ubiquitous as the bald heads of the Mycogenian Brothers.It was an evening rite, a way of making sure that another day had passedsafely and that one s friends were still well and happy.And, it soon becameapparent, Dors caught every eye [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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