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.Pulling it out, his fingers deftly opened the envelopeand reached in to caress the human spun gold contained therein.A littlebright spark of pure hatred burst into flame in the boy's heart.".fire ahead of that mob.Use your coaxial Mausers.Let them know thatthey have run as far as they are going to.Draw a line in the earth,"finished Brasche."And if they won't stop, Herr Oberst? If they cross that line?""Then the rot cannot be allowed to spread.You will kill them."Flame, a smaller flame than the Tiger's usual cataclysmic belch, began to leapout.About two and a half kilometers ahead, just in front of the first of therouting grenadiers, a line of small, dark, angry clouds erupted at groundlevel.* * *To the fleeing sea of wit-robbed men of the 33Page 90 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlrdKorps the advent of the highly visible Tigers seemed like the opening ofHeaven's gates.Instinctively they turned towards the wide-spaced line of the remnants of the501 , each as if he were a boy fleeing a bully and racing to hide st behindhis mother's skirts.Each man of the mob for that is what they were now thought only safety, safetyat the sight of the immovable mass of the Tigers.Each man was shocked quitespeechless when that fortress-gate-of-security, mama's proffered milkladen breast, began to pour fire into those foremost in flight.Some of the fugitives assumed, indeed had to assume, such was the innocence oftheir childhood upbringing, such had been the kidskin gloves approach to theirmilitary training, that the Mauser light cannon fire devastating the knots ofthose closest to the Tigers could only be afile:///K|/eMule/Incoming/John%20Ringo%20-%20Aldenata%2007%20-%20Watch%20On%20The%20Rhine.html (145 of 353)23-12-2006 20:00:35file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/John%20Ringo%20-%20Aldenata%2007%20-%20Watch%20On%20The%20Rhine.html mistake.That was their mistake.and the last many ofthem ever made.Others, no less spoiled by mama's teat and weakened military training, wentinto momentary shock, freezing in place.Then they heard the voice, Brasche's voice.* * *"Anna, give me external speakers," ordered Brasche of the tank's integral voicerecognition speakers."Yes, Herr Oberst," the tank's AI responded."Order the other tanks to broadcast me as well." Immediately, small hatches ineach of Brasche's five Tigers opened to permit the erection of threesubstantial loudspeakers each.Across a span of a dozen kilometers or more,Hans' voice rang out clearly."Halt, you cowardly fucking bastards, or we'll cut you down where you stand."Hans repeated that message twice more, then elaborated."We are the47thPanzer Korps.That's right you shits, the SS.Believe.believe in your hearts.Wewill kill you with no more thought than we'd give to shooting a dog.Your onlychance to live is to fight with whatever you have in your hands to hold theenemy.The enemy you can still hurt.and we will help you in it.Us? You cannot scratch us and we will butcher youif you try.or if you run."* * *Among the fugitive mass, some took the hint, reshouldered arms and began tofight back.Others, perhaps half or a bit more, just froze in panic.A few,however, judging that five widely spaced Tigers could not hope to cover everylittle bit of dead space, elected to try to exfiltrate through the low ground,or at least to seek a patch of cover which, whilefile:///K|/eMule/Incoming/John%20Ringo%20-%20Aldenata%2007%20-%20Watch%20On%20The%20Rhine.html (146 of 353)23-12-2006 20:00:35file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/John%20Ringo%20-%20Aldenata%2007%20-%20Watch%20On%20The%20Rhine.html safe from the Posleen because of the Tigers' fire, was alsosafe from thePage 91 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlTigers and the obvious madmen they contained.The largest number of thefugitives who so chose were those who had thrown away their weapons and couldnot see any point anymore in fighting, given they had nothing left to fightwith.Several thousand of these were successful in their quest.for a time.* * *"Gunner, eleven o'clock, canister, time fuse, Posleen mass!" orderedBrasche.Dutifully the loader had a round of canister loaded.Some would have preferred flechettes for the Tiger's main gun antipersonnelround.It was indeed a very close call.What had decided the issue was, inessence, Teutonic thoroughness.Both were quite capable of killing Posleen.Packed in a twelve-inch shell both munitions could inundate a bit over a gridsquare, one square kilometer, with deadly hail.Canister had won over flechettes because a 1.5-inch iron ball traveling atmoderate speed would kill the Posleen quicker than even several hits by thelighter, faster, narrower flechettes [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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