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.As they approachedthe villa s heavy front door it swung back and Raf found himself staring atthe girl he should have married.Flashguns firestormed. Excellency. Zara stepped back to let him pass through into the hall. Zara. Yes, Your Excellency? She stood ramrod straight, chin up.Only the rawnessthat rimmed her grey eyes spoke of privately spilt tears.And one look intotheir cold depths was enough to tell him that the tears had been dried byhatred. Feeding them was a good idea.Page 118 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlShe said nothing in reply.Just waited, unmoving, for Raf to announce why hewas there.Except that they both knew he was there because she d said shewanted to talk to him and now it seemed she didn t. I ll go, said Raf and turned for the door, Hakim and Ahmed falling intoposition behind him.It was strange how quickly one could become used tohaving a shadow. Do you really intend to.? Intend to what? Raf asked, one hand on the door handle.He knew exactly whatZara was asking but he made her ask it all the same. Execute him.Not if I can help it, but somehow that didn t seem the appropriate thing tosay. If they extradite him, said Raf,  you ll never get your father back.Youknow that, don t you? At least they won t kill him. No, Raf said,  they ll just lock him up until he dies.Surround him withguards twenty-four/seven.Dismantle Hamzah Enterprises and break up the MidasRefinery to pay for court costs and reparations.You think that s what hewants? Your father knew this was coming. I d worked that out, said Zara, tears starting up in her eyes. That s whyhe wanted you to marry me.Raf nodded. The Khedive, her voice was a whisper,  that meal. He was trying to protect you in the only way he knew how, said Raf, hissmile rueful. He even tried sending you back to America, he told me yourefused.Her shoulders beneath his fingers were bony and she wore a scent he didn trecognize and undoubtedly wouldn t have been able to afford, had he wanted tobuy her some more.And up close, with her arms tight round his neck and herface buried wetly in his shoulder, Raf could tell that Zara wasn t wearing abra.It was a shit time to notice something like that, but where Zara wasconcerned he always seemed to notice things like that at the wrong time.Likeright then was a really lousy time to realize that he loved her.Raf pushed Zara away, very slowly, until they stood a handbreadth apart,facing each other, their eyes locked.There was something she wanted to say. Anything you want, said Zara. I ll give you anything you want, if you cansave him.CHAPTER 38___________Sudan Safety off, said the gun.Lying beside Lieutenant Ka, the ghost of Bec s little sister said nothing.She d taken to appearing at odd moments when Sarah wasn t around, but nowSarah was gone and so Bec s sister was smiling but silent.In fact, the wholeworld was silent except for a couple of green parakeets that squawked from atelegraph wire overhead, pretty much right above where he d set up thethermoflage netting.Of course, Ka knew what Bec s sister wanted to say.What she d been sayingevery night in his dreams, before she did what she once did, stood up from along-dead fire and shuffled out beyond the big camp s pickets to find athornbush.Only it wasn t her bowels she needed to empty but her head, whichshe did by sucking on a revolver.They weren t going to reach the source of the river.Nobody was going to turnoff the Nile.The war and the river would keep flowing: the river wherevergeography took it, the war wherever it wanted to go. Distance? Five klicks and closing.Status and range.That was about all the H&K/cw could ever manage.And KaPage 119 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlreally didn t know why the manufacturer had bothered.Ka had a feeling hemight have got cross about that before.He was finding it increasingly hard toremember.The Nile was out of sight, across rock and thorn.Last time he d seen it, theriver had still been grand even though Ka was now south of Omdurman City,where theBahr el-Abiad and Bahr el-Azrak joined to become the life-giver everybodyknew.Somewhere still further south, the river split again but either Ka hadn treached that point or he was past it.The Colonel could have told him, only Ka wouldn t ask.The last time he dwanted an answer was half an hour before, when something dark had moved in thetall rushes of the riverbank.A simple question had elicited a long lecture onthe habitat of the marabou stork.Elaborate canals had once fed the area s rich cotton fields but the narrowcanals were mostly cracked open or filled with dirt, their bottoms broken anddry.Ahead of him, when he d first arrived, had been mud-brick ruins and beyondthose foothills, backdropped by faded and cloud-covered mountains.Now thefoothills were at his back and the enemy ahead [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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