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.Plehka's won, but barely.ANidhogg and shoal finished it off next round, but Alli lost theshoal and the Nidhogg had an arm ripped right off.It wouldbleed to death by the end of the next round.Plehka tookadvantage of his sudden piece superiority and sent almosteverything he had against the other Dahhak.After a few more rounds of Alli and Plehka breaking theirpieces against each other, a bold plan took form.For the firsttime, she allowed a small ray of hope to flicker.In all of thescenarios she had practiced with Ravi, they had alwaysassumed her two opponents would work together to eliminateher.In fact, it was the opposite, and she now had theopportunity to use this to her advantage.Alli and Ungeo both now had five pieces left, Plehka six,but two of them were grievously injured.But according toRavi, Plehka's strength was in his own fighting skills.TheDahhak was more muscular than most the others, and theboy said he trained incessantly in the art of swordplay,something Ungeo was pitifully inferior in.She much preferredusing her own talons, but those were useless for ground313 The Shivered Skyby Matt Dinnimancombat.Plehka was said to have once dispatched a pair ofarmed Asag without obtaining a single injury.She swung all her pieces over and started moving herselfforward, hoping her opponents were too preoccupied witheach other to notice.Plehka had five of his pieces in Alli'striangle, and he was making a move to capture the startingspot, thus replenishing his own set and ridding the board ofan opponent.That left himself and an injured human the onlyones in his triangle.If he was surprised that Ungeo was suddenly in histerritory, facing his injured human, he didn't show it.He wasonly seven or eight rounds away from capturing Alli'striangle despite being slightly outnumbered.Alli had allowedanger to control his moves, and it was going to be hisundoing.He was already making a desperate retreat to guardhis starting spot.It had been a long time since Ungeo had participated inactual hand-to-hand combat.But it was just a stupid human.It had a wound to its chest; and it was still weak.The fight was short.A stinging slash of her sword, and itfell, almost cleaved in half.The urge was irresistible, and shelicked the blade.She could taste the odd blandness of adenuded slave on the blood, but it was still delicious.Thethrong roared.Plehka ignored her.He allowed her to approach, seeminglyconfident that he'd easily win a hand-to-hand battle with her.Meanwhile, she also moved her Sedim into the triangle.Plehka was extremely close to capturing Alli's remainingpieces, which were down to three bloodied humans and Alli314 The Shivered Skyby Matt Dinnimanhimself.She moved a step back and sent the Sedim forward afew rounds in a row, coming to different edges of the triangle.The Dahhak finally realized the danger.Imbecile, shethought with no little amusement.He seemed to think abouthis moves for a long moment, and in the end decided to stepforward, one step toward Ungeo.Almost.She prayed he didn't count the triangles, see thejaws of the trap about to spring.His next round, his surviving pieces descended upon Alli.The cornered Dahhak cried for Moloch, begging for mercyloudly and several times.In the end, the deity didn't hear hiscries.The audience was whipped into a frenzy.They sensedendgame.With the two surviving pieces of Alli, Plehka now had sixplus himself.Drunk with victory, he made another steptoward Ungeo on his next turn.That was how Plehka, winner of seventy-six Dances ofLibation, one of the greatest dancers in all of the writtenhistory of Molochism finally lost.He had become trapped.As he went after Ungeo, he hadtaken too many steps away from his spot.The whole time,Ungeo had been turning the Sedim up and center.It gave theimpression that it was a leap toward Ungeo's rescue, but shehad really been maneuvering the piece to a densely packedsection of the board.The Sedim was one step ahead ofPlehka, and even if he turned back to pursue the demon, shewould reach the starting spot before he could challenge her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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