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. For starters, I think that I ll fuck that traitorous little mouth of yours.How about that, little one? Hestepped toward me again, the scrape of his boots giving him away, allowing me to brace myself.Iheard the rasp of a zipper being released and a small whimper escaped through my lips. Now, I gottatell you, sweetheart, you try anything funny and you ll regret it.I ve got a knife with your name on itright here, and while I d hate to mark up that gorgeous face of yours, I won t hesitate to do it.Bringyour hand up here and hold my dick, bitch. He laughed as he reached for my arm, jerking it up untilmy fingers brushed hot, turgid skin.Fighting against the nausea, I allowed him to wrap my fingers around that insignificant part of him,holding my fingers tightly in his grasp as he thrust himself against my hand.He finally dropped hishand after a minute, his hips moving in a stuttering see-saw motion.As soon as he dropped his hand, Iclosed my fingers around him in a punishing grip, digging my nails into his most tender flesh andbringing my other hand up to grab, twist, and yank down violently on his balls. I heard an inhuman scream and my ears rang as his hands flailed wildly, landing a solid hit against theside of my head, thankfully on the opposite side from where he d hit me earlier.I jumped to my feet,shoving against him with all my might and trying to do as much damage as possible before he fellbackwards, and I let go, turning to run as I ripped the blindfold off.He d dropped the flashlight when he d caught me and I d ended up kicking it when I jumped up, sonow it was spinning wildly on the floor and I tried desperately to catch a glimpse of the stairs in therotating flashes of light.Knowing I had only seconds, I took off across the room, hoping that I couldfind the stairs and make it up them before he got up again.By some miracle I found them and pounded up them at breakneck speed, throwing myself through thedoor at the top.I lost my balance and fell, scrambling to my feet as I heard him bellow down below,his heavy footsteps sounding like thunderclaps as he hit the bottom of the stairs.Whirling, I took offagain and found myself in a kitchen, but I couldn t see a way out.My heart was pounding and I wasgasping for air, but I tamped down the panic threatening to overtake me and reached for the butcherblock of knives sitting in plain view on the counter.As soon as the blade I chose cleared the wooden block it was sitting in, I heard him step into theroom.He stopped in the doorway, his face a mask of fury.He d neglected to shove himself back intohis pants& either that or he was in too much pain to do it& and I could see with sickening clarity thedamage I d wrought.It hung there, already bruising, a bloody and limp mess.I raised the knife, holding it tightly in my hand. You.Little.Bitch, he growled at me. You will payfor that.And oh, oopsie! You ve seen my face now, so do you think you re getting away from menow? Uh-uh& I don t think so, sweetheart.Drop the knife and get over here.I stayed where I was, the knife wavering slightly in my trembling hand.I forced myself to study hisface, memorizing every inch of it, forcing myself to think& where had I seen him before?I straightened a bit as it hit me, my hand steadying as I still held the knife up. John Frank. Oh, ho ho! Look who finally figured it out! What do we have for her, Johnny? John yelled. Why, John? You were a client of Floyd s, he helped you out! I helped you! My voice rose withevery word and I fought to calm myself, not wanting to set him off.Out of the corner of my eye I saw acell phone lying on the microwave stand not five feet from me.God, if only I could get to it& You were so nice to me, Emma.You know, I d just lost my mom and my brother to that fucking caraccident.I didn t know what to do.I called every attorney in the book almost, trying to find someonewho would give me the time of day to help me out.Everyone& all them bitches& just pushed me tothe side, take a message, take a message, blah blah blah& but you were nice.You explained things tome.I nodded, saying,  Well, that s what I m there for, John.You came in and we started the process,didn t we? Getting everything probated and working on the personal injury side of things from theaccident? You remember, right? I tried to keep my voice steady and my breath caught as he closedhis eyes for a second.I took that time to silently step to the side, closer to the microwave stand where the cell phone was.Istopped again as his eyes opened.  You did.You helped me, you made me feel special. His eyes flashed and his face hardened again. But I was just another fucking job to you.I asked you out after everything and you laughed at me.LAUGHED!I winced and tried to calm him down again. No, John, I didn t laugh at you.I smiled at you.Smiled& remember?He shook his head but I could see that he was confused. No, you laughed.You told me that youwouldn t go out with me and I wanted you.No, I fuckin needed you! I didn t have anyone else andonce you were done and everything was settled, you chalked me up and moved on to the next.We hadsomething special, you dirty, fucking bitch! He was screaming now, bouncing on the balls of his feet,and I could read the intent in his eyes just as he lunged toward me.I moved quickly, jumping to the side and swiping the cell phone from the stand with one hand as Iblindly struck out with the knife in the other.I screamed as my arm was caught in a vice grip, fingersdigging painfully into the pressure points in my wrist until my fingers went lax, releasing the knife toclatter to the floor.I don t know how but I managed to hold on to the phone and keep it tucked out ofview as he backhanded me across the face again.I felt my skin split on my cheekbone, and then mymouth filled with blood as he hit me again, my teeth tearing into the tender inside of my cheek andlips.The second blow spun me around and knocked me down to the floor.I saw him bend down to grab meagain and kicked out with my foot, grinning maniacally as my heel connected with his nose, a spray ofhot blood splattering my face.While he was dazed, I shoved my hand under the microwave stand withthe cell phone in it, thanking God that it was an old flip phone with actual buttons to push.I startedyelling, trying to cover up any sounds the phone might make while I blindly felt for the correct buttonsto push, praying that my fingers found 911.I felt John s hand slam down on my thigh, tightening as he tried to pull me to him as he knelt on thefloor where he d dropped.I rolled, scrambling for purchase on the tile floor and finding none, but Imanaged to get my face close enough to see under the stand where the phone screen was lit up with911.I hit send and let the phone go, leaving it hidden beneath.I felt strangely disconnected from myself during the rest of the ordeal [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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