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.This artefact is in realitya Lih-Shyee holding the copra of a mutant called Lenkha, who had managed to rallythe mutants in 683 PC.Lenkha was supposedly a multi-limbed mutant of tremendouspower.At this time his isho mastery was mostly unknown among humans.Evidently21 he must have roused the interest of the shanta to have his naull captured.Either thisor, he taught himself how to use the ancient shantic artefacts.Legends among the KanLenkha mention mighty shantic priests in Mash-ala that trained Lenkha himself andsent him out to save his people.The Lih-Shyee now holds his memories and hisfollowers can tap into his well of knowledge and in a way converse with him duringsacred communions.The towns of the Kan Lenkhas attracted more unwanted humans and soon grew intocities.Because of their fear of persecutions the Kan Lenkhas fortified their cities andalways tried to remain neutral traders between the Dow, the yorkni and the sholians.Their control over the great Western Road, its protection and taxation placed moremoney in their coffers.The Yorkni Culture of south-easternHeridoth started out as villages of simplefishermen along Heridoth s easterncoast.The population probably explodedas refugees from the Mash-ala Culturesought refuge there.The Yorkni weresimple folk that did not organisethemselves under chieftains untilEssajean ships started raiding their coastbetween 1350 to 1450 PC.The yorknitowns of York, Simbi, Meard, Kymayand Vambrey were fortified and theyorkni held out against the Essajeans.In1674 PC a sage was appointed to rule theyorkni.The old town of York, with itsdistinct skyrealm hovering over it,became the seat of power.In 2000 PC,the Yorkni Culture started spreading far inland.The Yorknian expansion westwardand south-westward soon created a conflict with the powerful Sholian Kingdom andlater the Sholian Sagedom.Except for a few small skirmishes a truce and an alliancekept the yorknin out of Sholian interests.Trade started between the Sychillians,Sholians and the woffen mariners of Anasan.The yorkni pantheon of gods resembledthose of the Sholians, and soon priests of the various deities had spread among both ofthese cultures with only minor religious problems.After the Sychillians lost their hold on the Dow, the yorknin tried to take the southernparts of Dow territory for themselves.The time known as the Blood Years (2240-2350 PC) turned sholians, Dow and Yorknin against each other in a series of cruelwars.The sholians came out victorious while the Dow managed to keep theirterritories.The Sholian Sagedom had conquered the Sommint and Elcrellia valleyalong with the city of York and its coastline between the Ellcor and Yucid mountainsin 2348 PC.The Yorkni Sage was beheaded but a new line of sages appeared amongthe Yorkni.They ruled from Meard until York was liberated in 2798 PC.In 2500 PC, ramian started to raid Heridoth s east coast from their new colonies inSillipus and their holdings in eastern Anansan.The yorknin were again forced todefend their coastal cities fiercely.The final resolution to the problem came with theorganised military power of combined Sholian, Dow and Yorkni trading fleet thathelped the Anasani to liberate their eastern coast.22 After the fall of the Sholian dynasty of sages in 3017, the Yorknin Culture has onceagain expanded to its old boundaries.Today, Yorkni, along with the Dow, wrestlewith the remains of Sholia for control over Heridoth.After the Energy Weapons warbattles between these fractions take place yearly in war-torn Heridoth.Humans in DobreThe Nuris Culture, or as they are morecommonly known, the fishermen of Dobre,was one of the only two pockets of humansthat survived the shantic assaults in Dobre andLundere.Not many humans had been allowedto settle on the continent, as it harboured manyof the shantas most important cities.Forcenturies humans have known that death lurksin the inland of this mighty continent.TheNuris people were descendants from the NewMadrid colony and maintained their mixture ofLatin languages as they fled out into thewilderness.After decades of flight theymanaged to stay away from the shanticwarriors along what was to become Dobreswest coast.They refer to themselves as Nuris Children after their Goddess of life and werecreated out of the waters of the birthing ocean beyond the horizon.They were simplefishermen with a strong religious belief in ocean deities that had to be pleased in orderto survive.No written documents exist within the culture, but bronth historiansbelieve that the Nuris have been a stable but small culture for over two millenia.When the bronth started arriving the Nuris were slowly pushed southward.No realhostility really took place, but the bronth of Crendor firmly relocated the Nuris fromthe secret lands of Crendor.The bronth however protect the Nuris from the frequentramian attacks and see them as part of their realm, sometimes referring to them as the Hosts [of the bronth in Dobre].Today the fishermen of Dobre continue theiruncomplicated and unchanged lifestyle just south of Crendor.Their beautifullypainted boats, depicting various sea-deities, are well-known to sailors.Sometimesthey will venture across to the island of Reet or even to Burdoth to trade, if the bronthof Teputa do not have what they want.History just seems to pass these peaceful butresourceful humans by, without affecting them much.The Hobeh Culture reached ormaintained a high level of sophisticationand kept thorough records of theirorigins long after their technology failed.Survivors from Neuwald, MillicomNorth and the Scarapta Research Stationbanded together and tried to preserve theknowledge of the old world through aSajantist caste.This knowledge was laterfalter at the end of 700 PC as the peoplehad no use of their sacred knowledge.23 Great stone temples and at least two larger cities were constructed close to old colonyblast sites, before the culture suddenly met its doom in 802 PC [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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