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.One of the goblin prisoners is dead.""Explain, soldier," Jhoqo said."Sir, our people thought it was trying to escape.We think the formians were involved," Taennen said."That is unfortunate, but that does not explain why our duties are being performed by Durpari," Jhoqo said."Were my earlier misgivings about sharing information and responsibilities with the Durpari unclear, Durir?""No, sir.Maquar still guard the prisoners, sir," Taennen said."I did not ask if they did.I can see they still do." "Yes, sir."Jhoqo clapped him on the shoulder and said, "Son, we need to stay in control of this situation.Now our control is.less than total.""I am sorry, sir," Taennen said.His decision had been a rash one, like that which had cost the lives of his men.At this rate, he'd be demoted back to anhal by the time they reached Neversfall."Son, you know that sometimes you have to trust what I say even if you don't see the reason for it, don't you?""Sir, of course, sir.""Taennen, do you trust me on this?"Taennen looked the man in the eyes."Yes.You know I do.""Good.Thank you for that.""I'll rescind the order, sir," Taennen said."No, no.That will put the orir on edge.I would rather have the Durpari settled, not wary," Jhoqo said."I simply don't understand why you are second-guessing my commands.Have I done something to diminish your faith in me?"Taennen felt as though he had been hit in the gut with a club and said, "No, sir! Not at all, sir!"Jhoqo's face hardened again as he said, "Then in the future, Durir, you will respect my wishes and not give orders which countermand mine, understood?"Taennen snapped to attention and said, "Yes, sir!"Taennen followed his commander and fell into step next to Adeenya.The woman gave a friendly nod, which Taennen returned.Had her doubt of him forced his hand? Had he given in to her only to prove her wrong, or did he believe it fair that her soldiers join in on guarding the prisoners? Taennen wasn't sure and decided it didn't matter since the time for doubt was past.He settled his mind into the march, an unconscious rhythm beating out in his mind as his feet made contact with the ground over and over.Jhoqo's wisdom and helpful nature made the constant marching easier.Taennen listened as Jhoqo pointed to the trees looming in the distance at the edge of the Aerilpar.They were marching parallel to the woods, perhaps a dozen long bowshots from the treeline.Jhoqo spoke to all nearby, but seemed to focus his attention on Adeenya."Do you see that darker patch of trees there to the left? The ones near the slight mound?" Jhoqo asked.Adeenya's eyes followed the Maquar's hand and she nodded."Do you know why they are like that?" Jhoqo asked.Adeenya shook her head.She did not seem to think about it for even a moment.Taennen saw the annoyance on Jhoqo's face, but the man said nothing ill of her lack of an attempt.Taennen stepped forward and said, "Is it because of heavy passage in that spot, sir?"Jhoqo smiled and nodded."That's it exactly, son.Well done," he said.Taennen returned the smile and fell back into his spot in the pacing order.He glanced at Adeenya, who had turned her eyes back to the horizon ahead, away from the treeline."You see, the trees have been somewhat damaged by the constant passing of the foul beasts of the forest that they spend their resources repairing themselves rather than growing stronger, bigger and brighter," Jhoqo said.Taennen had assumed as much but it was good to hear his commander affirm his conclusions."Fascinating, sir."Jhoqo pointed to a crumbling hump of dirt near the passage."Ah, further evidence of the beasts—that mound there.That's probably their attempt at burying a kill or their own feces.Maybe others use it and it grows all the time, covering their filth," Jhoqo said.Taennen's nose wrinkled, but he nodded.That made sense.Taennen glanced toward Adeenya again.She had moved several paces ahead, probably out of earshot.Her loss, he thought.The mage Khatib stepped up next to Jhoqo, his hands cradling a parchment."Sir, I do not wish to interrupt, but I have checked the maps.We should reach the citadel inside of two bells," he said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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