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.You have cost me two of my best men, Lieutenant.“A thrill of satisfaction ran through him at the news and the current of annoyance as the man delivered them.Liam bared his teeth at him.“I’m sure they knew the risks.” Those men were trained and knew what they were going up against.They were no run-of-the-mill mercenaries.He was sure he’d gotten at least one of them.“So you plan to exchange me for it?”“Yes.”“Not the best plan you could make,” Liam informed him.“I admit it was somewhat hastily concocted.I didn’t expect anyone to find where we are.How did you find out, by the way?”Liam barked a laugh.“You can’t honestly think I’ll tell you.”“It doesn’t matter really, though I could always ask when they come to get you.”His heart dropped.100Sunny Day“They will never risk it, giving you the green silver back.It’s too dangerous.Do you know what kind of damage that stuff can do?”Lio knew, and he ignored flurry of feelings that accompanied memory of his lover.If Lio knew, Hunter would know.The two of them would stop this.They had to.Liam didn’t want to die, but he couldn’t allow green silver to fall back into this man’s hands.“I do, Lieutenant.That’s why I want it.” The man’s eyes glittered in darkness.“You are going to kill humans.Is that really what you want?” His voice was hoarse with horror.It wasn’t only shifters that would suffer for this.“Sacrifices must be made,” the man said negligently.“But not you,” Liam said through clenched teeth.He gave the man a pointed look.With the bulb directly overhead of him, he was sure the man must be seeing him clearly.“You will be at a safe distance.”“Of course.” The man sounded amused.“There is no point orchestrating the battle when I won’t be around to see the end.It will be tragic, and enough to get rid of that stupid law.”It would.The consequences of just one green silver attack, not to mention series of them, were going to be horrific.“You’re a coward.”The man made a threatening step forward.“Careful, Lieutenant.I promised you would be alive, but not in what state.”“Who did you promise?”“Like I said, I want to exchange you for my property,” the man said smoothly.“I told you I’m not worth that much.” Liam snorted.“The worth is relative, Lieutenant, as you may already know.For instance, you would consider your partner worth much, wouldn’t you?”As the implications sank in, Liam’s head snapped up.Dropping the shirt, he gripped the bars tightly in a powerless display of rage, uncaring of the pain burrowing in his skin.Hunter’s Lover101The distant sound of a car motor reached them.They both craned their necks to look, forgetting each other for a while.“Ah,” the man said, “looks like my guest is here.”Footsteps sounded in the darkness, becoming louder.Liam strained his eyes to see.A silhouette grew in a familiar outline.He didn’t need the scent to recognize the newcomer.His heart lurched.He knew who it was.Damn it, Lio.Why couldn’t you stay away?Lio stopped between him and his captor.He gave Liam a measuring look, obviously checking him for wounds.Liam wanted to shout at him to get out of here.He didn’t.They were both screwed.“You are here,” the man said approvingly.“I wondered.I didn’t put much credence into the story you were sleeping with him, but I guess I should have.”How did he know this? Were they watching him? He almost laughed at himself.Of course they have.Lio shrugged.“Do you have what I asked you for?”“You know I couldn’t have got you all of it,” Lio countered.“I don’t need all of it,” the man scoffed.“Do you have it or not?”His voice was edged with impatience and sick lust.Lio nodded again, knelt, and pulled something out of his jacket.“I didn’t think you were going to do it.Give it over.”Lio continued staring at him, his eyes hooded.He didn’t move.He had a bulging envelope in one hand.Liam didn’t need to guess what it was inside.The man was right.He didn’t need everything they got.This was enough.“Lio, don’t—” he started, but the man cursed, raising his arm.Liam caught glint of a gun.Lio tensed then said, “Catch!” before throwing the envelope at the man.It landed six feet away from him.The man moved threateningly.102Sunny Day“That was not smart, Lieutenant.”“Perhaps not,” Lio agreed, a faint smile on his lips.Glaring at Lio, the man went to retrieve it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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