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.Syren didn tknow all the facts, but he knew Donovan worked his ass off to bring the Nietos down.And he knew the ex-agent had a personal agenda.He d recently found someone he dloved, someone he thought had died and Syren was about to reunite them.At least put them in the same vicinity.He reached down below the bench and picked up the folder he handed over toDonovan.They both ignored the man s trembling fingers when he snatched the file andopened it. Christ! Donovan sniffed.204A Sinner Born Are you sure you want to do this? he asked. It s been years.He might not be aswelcoming as you hope. Too fucking bad, Donovan ground out. He s still my husband. He got to hisfeet and gave Syren a nod. I ll keep in touch. Do that. Syren watched the man walk away and he really hoped Donovan gotwhat he wanted.He gathered his and Càtia s things and called her out of the water. Time to go.She pouted but didn t argue and after waving goodbye to her school friend and hermother, they walked the short distance home.He spotted the figure seating on the front steps and slowed up, pulling Càtiabehind him. What s wrong, Papa?What was with kids and their sixth sense? Nothing s wrong, baby. He held out ahand and she took it, wide eyes so trusting when she glanced up at him.Syren gave hera smile. See? Nothing s wrong.She smiled back, the dimples in her cheeks flashing. Okay. She nodded at himand they walked on.He d dropped his phone on his bed while getting dressed earlier and forgot aboutit.He kept no weapons, not around his daughter so right now, they were vulnerable.Only if he allowed them to be.He quickened his steps only to stop short a couple feet away.Kane was on hisdoorstep.Panic wasn t the word for the racing of his heart.His throat went dry and hislimbs refused to move.Kane stood and turned to face him.Syren remained rooted tothe spot. Papa? Papa, can I go inside? I m cold. Càtia moved forward and Kane s gazedropped to her. Papa? She squinted up at Syren. Shh.Hush, baby. Syren took her hand again. Come on. He closed theremaining space between him and Kane, keeping his gaze on his face.Kane looked lost,as if he suddenly didn t know where he was or why. Kane.His ex-lover stared at him, lips parted then glanced down at Càtia.Càtia jerked on Syren s hand, excitedly jumping up and down. Papa, it s him.It shim. She pointed at Kane. It s the man from the picture.The other half of your heart.Well crap.Shouldn t have shown her the picture of Kane on his phone.Syrenlooked down at his daughter. Càtia, please introduce yourself to our visitor.Her bright eyes dulled and she tugged on her bottom lip with her teeth. Yes,Papa. She stepped out from beside Syren and held out a hand. Hi.I m Càtia MariaRua.She got it just right and in English too.Syren couldn t be prouder.Càtia brushed her bangs from her eyes then asked Kane, What s your name?205Avril AshtonKane dropped to one knee and took her hand. I m Kane Ashby. He kissed herfingers. It s my pleasure to meet you.She nodded at him, speculation in her eyes. Will you leave enough room for me inPapa s heart? Turning to Syren she said, I don t think he can fit, Papa, he s too big. I can fit, Kane spoke up. We both can fit.She squealed and clapped her hands. Can we, Papa? Can we?Jesus.Syren really wanted to cry. Nina! He called for Càtia s aunt and when sheappeared he asked, Nina, can you get Càtia out of the wet clothes and give her somecookies and milk? She s been asking for that. No problem. Nina nodded at his request, but kept her gaze on Kane. Come on,querida. Can I wear the dress Aunty Isa bought for me, Papa? The red one with thebutterflies on it?Syren sighed. Nina will dress you, baby.She decides what you wear, not you.Understand? Yes, Papa. She pouted all the way into the house. You have a daughter. Kane spoke into the silence.Syren nodded. Yes. How old is she? Seven in a couple months. Syren turned away with his arms folded. Why areyou here? Why didn t you tell me about her? Kane fired back.They fell into a tense quiet where the only sounds were the ones that drifted up tothem from the people on the beach below.Kane deserved an answer so Syren provided one. I didn t know if you were thekid type.I wanted to make sure we d built something permanent before I introducedyou two. You re a selfish son of a bitch, you now that?Syren jerked his gaze to Kane s, but the other man stared off into the distance, hisface hard and blank. I know that. I sent you a text about a week ago and I ve been waiting for your response.Syren could ask what text, but he knew the one. What should my response be,Kane? We broke up! Kane swung to face him, anguish in his eyes. Don t you care? Should I? That has nothing to do with me. He turned and Kane grabbed hisshoulder.206A Sinner Born It has everything to do with you. He pressed Syren into the side of the house. Why did you let me think you cheated on me when Thiago raped you? Pain filled hiseyes as he rasped, Why didn t you tell me? Why didn t I A dry chuckle rose in Syren s throat. I tried to tell you, only youwere too busy believing every bad thing about me.I tried for weeks to get you to talk tome and what did you do? You chose Vince! I m sorry. Kane clutched his face. I m so sorry, I wish I could take it back.Syren s throat clogged and he lifted his gaze from Kane s mournful eyes. Youcan t.It s too late now anyway. No. Kane s nostrils flared. It s not too late.It s never too late if we love eachother.Syren laughed in his face. Love, huh? The love you turned your back on when thefirst signs of trouble hit? The love you dropkicked when you took that smug bastardVince to your bed? That shit hurt to think, to say.He couldn t hide the pain, his bodyshook with it. Please. Kane pressed their foreheads together. I didn t sleep with him.Let memake it up to you.I ll spend my life making it up to you. Yeah? Syren felt around in the pockets of his shorts, but came up dry, no fuckingcigarettes. That easy? I thought you loved old boy. Oh that s right, he d quit the damnthings.Shit.His palm itched. I didn t.I don t. Kane touched Syren s bottom lip. I ve loved you from themoment those men delivered Sunset to my house.I ve loved you even more when youtold me who you were and what you d been through. He kissed Syren softly thenspoke against his lips. I loved you then.I love you now.Syren moved away from him, from the pull of his warm body enticing him toremember how good they were. And Vince? Knowing Kane had turned to someoneelse, to Vince, was the hardest part.Imagining Kane touching someone, kissingsomeone, the same way he d done those things to Syren ate away at him day in and dayout. Vince was beside me when I fell apart, when I turned back to the booze andsleepless nights [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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.Syren didn tknow all the facts, but he knew Donovan worked his ass off to bring the Nietos down.And he knew the ex-agent had a personal agenda.He d recently found someone he dloved, someone he thought had died and Syren was about to reunite them.At least put them in the same vicinity.He reached down below the bench and picked up the folder he handed over toDonovan.They both ignored the man s trembling fingers when he snatched the file andopened it. Christ! Donovan sniffed.204A Sinner Born Are you sure you want to do this? he asked. It s been years.He might not be aswelcoming as you hope. Too fucking bad, Donovan ground out. He s still my husband. He got to hisfeet and gave Syren a nod. I ll keep in touch. Do that. Syren watched the man walk away and he really hoped Donovan gotwhat he wanted.He gathered his and Càtia s things and called her out of the water. Time to go.She pouted but didn t argue and after waving goodbye to her school friend and hermother, they walked the short distance home.He spotted the figure seating on the front steps and slowed up, pulling Càtiabehind him. What s wrong, Papa?What was with kids and their sixth sense? Nothing s wrong, baby. He held out ahand and she took it, wide eyes so trusting when she glanced up at him.Syren gave hera smile. See? Nothing s wrong.She smiled back, the dimples in her cheeks flashing. Okay. She nodded at himand they walked on.He d dropped his phone on his bed while getting dressed earlier and forgot aboutit.He kept no weapons, not around his daughter so right now, they were vulnerable.Only if he allowed them to be.He quickened his steps only to stop short a couple feet away.Kane was on hisdoorstep.Panic wasn t the word for the racing of his heart.His throat went dry and hislimbs refused to move.Kane stood and turned to face him.Syren remained rooted tothe spot. Papa? Papa, can I go inside? I m cold. Càtia moved forward and Kane s gazedropped to her. Papa? She squinted up at Syren. Shh.Hush, baby. Syren took her hand again. Come on. He closed theremaining space between him and Kane, keeping his gaze on his face.Kane looked lost,as if he suddenly didn t know where he was or why. Kane.His ex-lover stared at him, lips parted then glanced down at Càtia.Càtia jerked on Syren s hand, excitedly jumping up and down. Papa, it s him.It shim. She pointed at Kane. It s the man from the picture.The other half of your heart.Well crap.Shouldn t have shown her the picture of Kane on his phone.Syrenlooked down at his daughter. Càtia, please introduce yourself to our visitor.Her bright eyes dulled and she tugged on her bottom lip with her teeth. Yes,Papa. She stepped out from beside Syren and held out a hand. Hi.I m Càtia MariaRua.She got it just right and in English too.Syren couldn t be prouder.Càtia brushed her bangs from her eyes then asked Kane, What s your name?205Avril AshtonKane dropped to one knee and took her hand. I m Kane Ashby. He kissed herfingers. It s my pleasure to meet you.She nodded at him, speculation in her eyes. Will you leave enough room for me inPapa s heart? Turning to Syren she said, I don t think he can fit, Papa, he s too big. I can fit, Kane spoke up. We both can fit.She squealed and clapped her hands. Can we, Papa? Can we?Jesus.Syren really wanted to cry. Nina! He called for Càtia s aunt and when sheappeared he asked, Nina, can you get Càtia out of the wet clothes and give her somecookies and milk? She s been asking for that. No problem. Nina nodded at his request, but kept her gaze on Kane. Come on,querida. Can I wear the dress Aunty Isa bought for me, Papa? The red one with thebutterflies on it?Syren sighed. Nina will dress you, baby.She decides what you wear, not you.Understand? Yes, Papa. She pouted all the way into the house. You have a daughter. Kane spoke into the silence.Syren nodded. Yes. How old is she? Seven in a couple months. Syren turned away with his arms folded. Why areyou here? Why didn t you tell me about her? Kane fired back.They fell into a tense quiet where the only sounds were the ones that drifted up tothem from the people on the beach below.Kane deserved an answer so Syren provided one. I didn t know if you were thekid type.I wanted to make sure we d built something permanent before I introducedyou two. You re a selfish son of a bitch, you now that?Syren jerked his gaze to Kane s, but the other man stared off into the distance, hisface hard and blank. I know that. I sent you a text about a week ago and I ve been waiting for your response.Syren could ask what text, but he knew the one. What should my response be,Kane? We broke up! Kane swung to face him, anguish in his eyes. Don t you care? Should I? That has nothing to do with me. He turned and Kane grabbed hisshoulder.206A Sinner Born It has everything to do with you. He pressed Syren into the side of the house. Why did you let me think you cheated on me when Thiago raped you? Pain filled hiseyes as he rasped, Why didn t you tell me? Why didn t I A dry chuckle rose in Syren s throat. I tried to tell you, only youwere too busy believing every bad thing about me.I tried for weeks to get you to talk tome and what did you do? You chose Vince! I m sorry. Kane clutched his face. I m so sorry, I wish I could take it back.Syren s throat clogged and he lifted his gaze from Kane s mournful eyes. Youcan t.It s too late now anyway. No. Kane s nostrils flared. It s not too late.It s never too late if we love eachother.Syren laughed in his face. Love, huh? The love you turned your back on when thefirst signs of trouble hit? The love you dropkicked when you took that smug bastardVince to your bed? That shit hurt to think, to say.He couldn t hide the pain, his bodyshook with it. Please. Kane pressed their foreheads together. I didn t sleep with him.Let memake it up to you.I ll spend my life making it up to you. Yeah? Syren felt around in the pockets of his shorts, but came up dry, no fuckingcigarettes. That easy? I thought you loved old boy. Oh that s right, he d quit the damnthings.Shit.His palm itched. I didn t.I don t. Kane touched Syren s bottom lip. I ve loved you from themoment those men delivered Sunset to my house.I ve loved you even more when youtold me who you were and what you d been through. He kissed Syren softly thenspoke against his lips. I loved you then.I love you now.Syren moved away from him, from the pull of his warm body enticing him toremember how good they were. And Vince? Knowing Kane had turned to someoneelse, to Vince, was the hardest part.Imagining Kane touching someone, kissingsomeone, the same way he d done those things to Syren ate away at him day in and dayout. Vince was beside me when I fell apart, when I turned back to the booze andsleepless nights [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]