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.Then more policearrived by the carsful.Then a firetruck.Men leaped from the cars and were assimilated by the mass.A fire hose was quickly unraveled andconnected; a loudspeaker screeched and told the men to breakitup.FUCKYOU FLATFOOT GO AND FUCKYA-SELFYASONOFABITCH IF YOU MEN DONT BREAKITUP WE/LL RUN YOU ALL IN NOW GET BACK FROM THAT RUNWAYYEAH, SURE, AFTA WE BREAK THOSE FUCKINSCABSHEADS DERE TAKIN THE BREAD FROM OUR MOUTHS IMTELLING YOU FOR THE LAST TIME, BREAKITUP OR I/LL TURN THE HOSE ON YOU WHO PAID YAOFFYASONOFABITCH The line of police had been extended and was pushing as hard as it could against the mob, but the men became moreincensed as more cops fought them and the voice threatened them and they felt the power of their numbers and the frustration and lost hopeof fruitless months on the picket and food lines finally found the release it had been looking for.Now there was something tangible to strikeat [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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