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.11.They live a nice flat on the second floor.2.Our main office is Oxford Street.3.I'm afraid Tom is not in at the moment.He will be holidays for a fortnight.4.Christmas Eve we all joined to have dinner together.5.I worked in a bank three years.6 Someone phoned us twice the night.7.The president lives 10, Downing Street.8.The weather was so hot that we spent our holidays sunbathing the beach.9.Our house is a small street, just off the main road.10.No, we don't have a house; we live a block of flats1.- He was accused murdering his wife but he denied it.2.- Thank you letting me use your flat for my birthday party.3.- The bad weather prevented us going sailing.4.- He spends all his money whisky and gambling.5.- The locals warned us the dangers of sailing with that weather.6.- She still hasn't forgiven me going out with her ex-boyfriend.7.- I prefer living in a small town living in a big polluted city.8.- The smell of food reminds me when I was a child.9.- They insisted us going to their place to see their wonderful shell collection.10.-Whether we buy a new computer or keep the old one depends how much money we manage to save [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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